View Full Version : Calif. 'approved handguns' list

04-01-2010, 01:40 AM
I bought a Ruger Mark I from an out of state seller. I didn't confirm that it was 'approved' good enough. There's details, but the bottom line is it's stamped "Mark I" on the gun, my FFL that received it for me won't be able to let me pick it up FOR A YEAR! After that it's exempt since it's been in Cal. a year. Can you believe this $#@*? I know it's my fault. I thought the model was also called a Mark 512, which is what it says on the box, but it's what's stamped on the gun that matters. The Mark 512 is on the approved list, but no Mark I. Lots of IIs and IIIs. I'm looking for ways around this, may get my 01FFL, then I can receive it. I have a C&R now, but that doesn't do any good. I should have looked for a more helpful FFL to receive it. The thing that gets me is it came in the original box with the serial number on it, and the box calls it a 512. I guess in the worst case it'll give me something to look forward to for the next year.

04-01-2010, 02:32 AM
Ya..sure, the citizens of Cal will sleep better knowing yet another deadly Mark 1 ( the #1 choice of evil do'ers) is not in circulation!

04-01-2010, 03:29 AM
Sorry buddy, I know what a PITA it is when they make you jump through hoops.

04-01-2010, 03:51 AM
Just another reason I'm happy I don't live in a communist state... Oh wait, bambam got elected, doh!

04-01-2010, 09:03 AM
1. Call the DOJ. They may be able to clear up the confusion and allow you to take possession.

2. Perhaps another dealer will be more willing to help. If so, pay the present one his usual transfer fee and buy the gun through the new dealer.

3. Not 100% sure, but I think a requirement of a 01 license is that the "dealer" have a storefront with posted hours of operation. (May be a California requirement, not a federal.) The gun isn't 50-years-old, so you can use your 03 C&R?

Good luck.

(The California bashers will love this thread)

04-01-2010, 10:01 AM
With wanna be ex govoner "Moonbeam" running the AG's office I can see you might be waiting that year for the gun!

Curious as to how the call to the DOJ goes.

04-01-2010, 10:39 AM
Sorry to hear this, Dualsport. What a PITA. That "CA Compliant" list is the first thing I confirm before proceeding on a sale. Nicely enough, some makers list this info on their websites. SIG-Sauer comes to mind in this context. One of the local shops down south (Turner's Outdoorsman) has a link to the CA List as well.

Still a monumental speedbump on the autobahn.

04-01-2010, 11:04 AM
Suprised to hear you can get it with a 1 year wait.

Four Fingers of Death
04-01-2010, 05:38 PM
Even we don't have that sort of silly law in Australia.

We do have one law that probably sounds ok when you say it fast, but is weird in application. A licensed pistol dealer can only have a maximum of 10 new guns in his possession at any one time. They apply this accross all dealers, whether a club armourer dealing from home or a huge shop that sells 20-30 guns a day. Once a deposit has been taken the gun doesn't count and the dealer can top up the 10. The guns are held by the importer until shiped to the shop. A large gunshop I deal with are getting three to four deliveries a day on a good day.

My mate is a dealer who operates from home servicing a small clientele in two pistol clubs. He rang me up one day and said 'if anyone asks, you just put a $100 deposit on two new S&W 686s', he wanted to get a few pistols in on standby for a gun show and he had to cut his new pistol count down to eight so that he'd still be legal. He usually has two big safes full of second hand pistols he is in the process of trying to sell and another safe that he has guns that are being stored for people in. At one stage this law must have made sense to someone. It is pretty easily skirted around though.

04-01-2010, 05:49 PM

Please explain the "ONE YEAR" in the state exemption !

I thought I understood the regulations but have never heard of that one. Since the gun is not registered here with DOJ is it really "in the state" so to speak? What does your FFL dealer say?


04-01-2010, 09:11 PM
I thought any handgun where the bullet could exit the barrel was considered unsafe in
California. . . . . . . . . .

Lead Fred
04-01-2010, 10:03 PM
I missed the memo where it said:

SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED (except CA) Which wasnt even CA in 1778

04-01-2010, 10:16 PM
I am so privileged to have only lived in states with free citizens.

I truly feel sorry for those of you living in "NannyStates".

04-02-2010, 12:01 AM
Actually, (and this is unrelated to the Mark I), Ex Gov "Moonbeam (Of which he got the title for suggesting that we use satellites for communication back in the 70's, and now it is reality) has actually stepped up and tweaked the anti's in this state by filing FOR the 2nd amendment to SCOTUS in favor of incorporation.. it was a MUCH worse experience with the former AG we had before Mr Brown.

One way to do so legally is to have it sent to family out of state (transferred ffl to ffl), and then have them do an interfamilial transfer to you.. or if you know someone that is going to move here, have the gun transferred to their ffl, and when they move in, you can PPT it. Those are the best ways to get them into the state by legal means.

04-02-2010, 02:37 AM
Thanks for all the helpful advice. Some of these options are doable and some good ideas pm'd too. I appreciate the support. Since I went public I'll post when I find a solution. As of now it's logged in and is in California, my FFL was the one who said after a year he can release it to me. My position is what it was when I bought it in the first place, that it's a MK 512, which it clearly is. Just gotta make him see that, or transfer it to a dealer who does. It's a small detail regarding Ruger's stanping practices. They never stamped a gun Mark I T-512 or Mark I 678, just Mark I. If anybody knows a FFL within 200 mi. of Sacto. that can understand this kindly pm me his number. Meantime I will try to make my FFL get it. If all else fails and Ruger can't help, I will contact DOJ face to face. I have actually found them to be very helpful and professional in the past. As far as all the political chest pounding part, I think there's a change in the wind coming. Us Cal. gunowners are as committed to our rights as anywhere else.

Thin Man
04-02-2010, 07:12 PM
A pawnbroker in my town moved here from California several years ago to get away from all of their regulations, including their "DOJ Approved List." Now he makes that list work for him. He travels to Cal. at least once a year where he buys all of the "not on the list" firearms he can load into a large SUV, then rents an enclosed trailer if needed for the volume. It is like Christmas when he gets back our way, and does he ever find some really neat materials! All this makes it rough on the mad money, there never is enough....

Four Fingers of Death
04-03-2010, 03:19 AM
I'd like to be hanging around with some lazy money when he gets home. I'd put the kettle on for him while he dusts himself off! :D

Highland Drifter
04-10-2010, 12:53 PM
I just don't understand Kalifornia. Even when you elect a Republican politician you elect an anti-constitution leftist. George Deukmejian signing Roberti-Roos into law was a real kick in the nuts. Old George was elected over L.A. mayor Tom Bradly and was suppose to be the gun owners Masih. Things got real tough when you (Kalifornians) voted in Grey Davis. Then comes the TERMINATOR. That goofball signed about every anti-gun bill that came accross his desk. Then to do the rest of the country a big favor you elect people like Nancy Pelosi and Henry Waxman to the U.S. Congress. :veryconfu

You Kalifornians need to get some grass roots movement going to take back your state and help the rest of us take back our country.


04-10-2010, 10:54 PM
Well I was warned. The first thing that comes to mind is maybe some of you pro second amendment guys move to California and help us out? You and your vote will be most welcome here. Anyway, thanks for the advice, should have thought of that myself. Once we get the grass roots thing organized maybe we can get poligamy legalised here too. I'm sure there's a lot of old guys here that would like to have some young wives too. You guys in Kutah got it going on, that's for sure. Thanks again for the help figuring out how to solve my Ruger .22 problem.

04-10-2010, 11:55 PM
You can search for dealers on Gunbroker.com.

Congratulations on your last post. Californian bashers don't understand that the state is a liberal Nirvana, populated mostly by liberals who were born in the basher's state. Maybe California should build a fence along its northern and eastern borders, rather than the southern.

04-11-2010, 02:40 AM
Thanks 462, I'm afraid I just lost some friends, but I do not understand bashing California gun owners, we are all on the same team, I thought. A little sideways here, but do you happen to do any pig hunting over there? I've heard there's some true Russian boars over on the Central Coast.

Highland Drifter
04-11-2010, 04:34 AM
Dualsport and 462,

I didn't intend to offend anyone. I feel your pain. 462, you are right. Post WWII a large population of Eastern liberals moved to California. Now the current trend of California liberals is not to keep up, but to surpass the east as far as passing restrictive laws. California like most other states still has low voter turn out during elections. It would be good to get the non-voting middle right populace out to vote. If there isn't a good candidate running, at least vote out the incumbent. There use to be a pro-gun majority. Remember prop 15? It lost by a wide margin.

Dualsport, polygamy is not legal here, but the law does not do anything about it. The only time the law steps in is when there is abuse that is made public enough to get the attention of the attorney general. Most polygamist live in closed societies run by their church, and not in the larger cities and towns.

Four Fingers of Death
04-11-2010, 05:01 AM
You can search for dealers on Gunbroker.com.

Congratulations on your last post. Californian bashers don't understand that the state is a liberal Nirvana, populated mostly by liberals who were born in the basher's state. Maybe California should build a fence along its northern and eastern borders, rather than the southern.

Maybe give it back to the Mexicans.

04-11-2010, 11:37 AM
dual sport,
No, I don't hunt. The boars were originally brought over from Russia, by William Randolph Hearst?, and now run amok. Because of their destructiveness and huge population, there is a year-round hunting season on them. I don't think that ranchers need a predition (sp) license, either.

04-11-2010, 11:52 AM
Four Fingers of Death,
I don't mean to sound argumentative, but are you willing to cede Australia back to the Aboriginies?

If my American history memory is still functional, there was a treaty and monetary compensation involved with our acquisition of the land. I don't know if that was your case.

As a side note: The roughly 3-million illegal immigrants from Mexico (and Central America) are turning California into the same kind of Third World country from which they came. So, in a sense, we have given it back to Mexico.

Four Fingers of Death
04-12-2010, 08:58 AM
Four Fingers of Death,
I don't mean to sound argumentative, but are you willing to cede Australia back to the Aboriginies?

If my American history memory is still functional, there was a treaty and monetary compensation involved with our acquisition of the land. I don't know if that was your case.

As a side note: The roughly 3-million illegal immigrants from Mexico (and Central America) are turning California into the same kind of Third World country from which they came. So, in a sense, we have given it back to Mexico.

Thats what I sorta meant, I haven't been there, but it looks to me that it is gradually being re-claimed by the continual wave coming across the border. It must be a real challenge to police it because people live close to it. We have our knickers in a knot trying to police our borders, which are vast, but are bound by the sea and are now easier to patrol, given the fancy satelite monitoring, etc.

04-12-2010, 10:33 AM
You can search for dealers on Gunbroker.com.

Congratulations on your last post. Californian bashers don't understand that the state is a liberal Nirvana, populated mostly by liberals who were born in the basher's state. Maybe California should build a fence along its northern and eastern borders, rather than the southern.

Yep. Unfortunately, CA is run by the Big Three; Los Angeles, Sacramento, and San Francisco (Bay area). The massive liberal population in these areas out vote all the rural, "real" people in CA. An awful lot of these folks aren't familiar with hunting, guns, or wildlife, and have no idea what's happening. To them a handgun is to be feared (something a Crip holds at arm's length, sideways, and shoots at Bloods with and hits little kids standing by) and only exposure to them is from TV. The only "wild" animals they see are at the zoo. Any grass larger than an acre is "wilderness" to them. And I'm not bashing; I lived there for 60 years and am speaking from experience. I had a really good job so I stayed for the last 25 years befor escaping...

FWIT, it's really easy to sit back and bash CA's sick gun laws, but just wait, what happens in CA will soon happen in your home too (look at lead bans...).

04-12-2010, 10:37 AM
Sorry to hear about your problem.

04-12-2010, 11:20 AM
You know if the big one hits and the coast drops inot the ocean you might have a chance aganst the yuppie scum. This is exactly why i don't deal with CA.

04-12-2010, 11:25 AM
You Kalifornians need to get some grass roots movement going to take back your state and help the rest of us take back our country.

Enter the Calguns foundation.. there is much positive change being fostered by them.. and I didn't vote for any of those anti's.. including the governator.. I voted for the least likely candidate to win, a conservative pro-gun Repub. Ahnold is nothing more than a RINO anyway.

Oddly enough, the only person in the gov's race that is anywhere near pro-gun is you guessed, it, Jerry Brown.. Both repub contenders are anti and the former CEO of evilbay is basically trying to buy the election.. I apologize to the OP about the thread drift.. I just get tired every time someone from another state tells me how bad it is here.. preaching to the choir you are.. We've managed to skirt several of the current laws on the books.. like the whole thing about off list lowers that are SB23 compliant.. AR's can again be bought, built, and sold due to assembling them to the "letter of the law".

This is exactly why i don't deal with CA.

And with that, that is exactly what the state politicians want, thank you for playing to their wants and not supporting us in our fight.

04-12-2010, 12:34 PM
"And with that, that is exactly what the state politicians want, thank you for playing to their wants and not supporting us in our fight."

Thank you, sir, for posting that. KCSO and I had a short conversation about this, in another thread. By virtue of his not wanting to sell to us -- which is his right, as he so stated -- only adds to our problem. California bashers, who live on other states, are short-sighted by not realizing that all gun owners need to stick together. I don't bash Chicago because of its restrictive gun laws. It's as if the bashers take delight in the fact that the states in which they live have more liberal gun laws, than California. They enjoy poking their fingers in our eyes.

Twice, I didn't vote for Arnold, who goes to sleep every night with a Kennedy. My write-in vote was John Wayne.

Oh, well, if the out-of-state California bashers continue in their ways, my ignore list will only grow longer.

Mr Humble
04-12-2010, 12:58 PM
Time to quit [edit] and buy The Sovereign-Individual
so you can start planning for what is really going to happen when the nation states start collapsing (first will be Greece).
Kalifornia's gun laws will be the least of your problems............

04-14-2010, 02:43 PM
462, exactly right, Im not willing to throw you folks to the libs either, fight the good fight, some of us help as we can

04-14-2010, 10:29 PM
Not on topic, just a comment about California:

I think many of us that don't live there tend to bash the state as a whole because down deep we're just worried that the insanity will spread.

There are a lot of really good, decent people and incredibly beautiful places in California. I feel bad for those of you all who live daily under the oppression of the lunatics that run the state. It's easy to say "just move to a free state", but for a lot of folks it's not that easy. Though I think you are outnumbered and fighting an uphill battle, I'm not going to bash you for for it.

04-15-2010, 12:28 AM
Thank you, fatelk.