View Full Version : replacement Front sight for my BFR

03-30-2010, 01:06 AM
Anyone got any links to an outfit where I can get a different front sight for my BFR? The hideous BLAZE ORANGE insert REALLY sucks, and the front sight seems about 2 foot wide when you line it up in the miniscule rear sight notch. I'd like a front sight that's narrower and doesn't require me to wear sunglasses to cut the glare from it.

p.s. is this something I can change by myself, or does it need to go to a gunsmith?

03-30-2010, 08:26 AM
If it a pinned in front sight blade, you can drift out the pin and replace it with another blade. A new blade can be made from flat stock from the local hardware or ordered from somebody like Bowen(maybe).

04-03-2010, 01:37 AM
I put a ruger mk II (22lr pistol) sight on mine . It fit well and was held on with a single screw.