View Full Version : Springfield 67 disassembly

03-26-2010, 04:56 PM
My brother has one of these in 410 that is locked up for some reason and I was thinking about taking it apart just to see why. It seems like I have read before on here that it was rather difficult to get reassembled correctly. Care to relate any experiences?

03-27-2010, 12:16 PM
I just finished taking a M67 apart due to someone having left it in a crawl space and it rusted with the slide in the open position. There was some surface rust and some inside but it looks like the owner will be able to use it (it aint never gonna be pretty). Anyway, here is what I was able to cobble together.

The Model 67 Savage/Springfield 12 gauge shotgun disassembly is similar enough to that of the Model 30 Savage so that the step by step instructions can be used to get it apart at least. Other name brand shotguns patterned after (by) the Model 67 from which parts can be cannibalized are:

Cotter & Co---167
Gamble Skogkno 521
J C Penny----6670
J C Higgins---6670H and the Stevens Model 67 series B
72---Springfield 67 Series B
Western Auto-------300

The Model 67 has a fixed barrel.

To get forearm off, you need to remove the buttstock, remove the trigger group, remove the bolt, then remove the magazine tube plug, shimmy the tube down to get follower and plug off, and then slide forearm off forward.

The slide bar locks into the bolt, needing the bolt to be removed. You will have to push sideways on the action bar to get the bolt free from Receiver.

I found assembly/disassembly step by step instructions for the Model 30 Savage in "Gun Digest Book of Firearms Assembly/Disassembly" Part "V": Shotguns. Since you are dealing with a locked-up firearm it may be that you will not have to get into taking the more complicated assembly units with all the little bits apart (Hopefully). Hope this helps, have a great day.

03-27-2010, 01:38 PM
Black thorn, that is precisely the kind of info was hoping to receive. Thanks muchly