View Full Version : Got Lucky Today

07-07-2006, 03:23 AM
Well after hearing about the trials and tribulations of some folks here in getting some wheel weights I decided to try my luck. After my semi annual hair cut I took a ride to where I usually get them. Scored an almost full 5 gallon bucket for $10 bucks. Since this place does truck tires is has a bunch of big wheel weights. Can almost smell the burnt rubber now. Frank

07-07-2006, 09:13 AM
I must be REALLY lucky. One local tire shop has my name and number and when the bucket gets almost full, the call me to haul it away. This happens about once every 2 weeks. Another tire shop gives me all they have for a box of fresh bakery donuts every time I stop in, which is about every month or two.

I currently have about 800 pounds of wheelweights and well over 3 tons maybe 4 of wheelweight lead in ingot form

07-08-2006, 02:59 AM
Rottweiler, you lucky dog you!!!!!!!!!!. I tried sears once but they have to recycle them. This place I go to you have to compete with the scuba divers (don't know how they see anything here in loosiana, the water is brown) and the fishing guys.
He asked me what I planned on doing with them and I said make bullets. Never batted an eye. Frank