View Full Version : Larry Blackmon Die question

03-20-2010, 03:20 PM
I was hoping someone here could clear something up for me. I have seen in some places mentioned that Blackmon's dies and Corbin M dies are interchangable except for maybe the point forming dies ejection punch. Can any one tell me if they are interchangable? Maybe someone with a Blackmon die set could post a picture for me with some of the dimensions and thread size?

I have a Corbin S Press and was looking at getting some of Blackmon's dies, but wanted to be absolutly sure before getting it that it will work.


03-20-2010, 10:46 PM
the threads on the dies are 5/8-24 if the other punches will work so will the point form punch !! they are all made the same on the end thats in the ram itself... i only have a bssp so i cant tell u about the corbin stuff !!

03-21-2010, 05:30 PM
jixxerbill, thanks. One question. Is the ram relieved some where the die threads into it? The Corbin press is a one inch ram with a hole threaded 5/8-24 with no relieved area.

06-19-2011, 09:08 PM
MIBULLETS; he makes all dies to fit Corbin presses.

06-19-2011, 09:20 PM
I just ordered a set to fit the Rockchucker press, the dies will be 7/8'-14 and the punch will fit a ram he is supplying, but I can't remember the thread size.

06-19-2011, 09:27 PM
5/8-24 if im not mistaken...bill

06-19-2011, 09:40 PM
Yes, I have talked to Larry since this post. His dies are threaded the same but there is a difference and they will not fit the corbin 5/8-24 ram without modification to the ram or die.

07-05-2011, 10:07 AM
Back in the 90's he (Bullet Swaging Supply) made a 6 cal ojive point forming die to fit my Corbin Mity Mite.

07-05-2011, 06:41 PM
Ok, thanks. Maybe he doesn't want to make them to fit the Corbin press now. I talked to him last fall about a boattail die for my CSP-1 and he said he didn't want to modify the die but he would modify my ram if I wanted him to. So far I haven't sent him my ram.