View Full Version : Ariska Type 38/ Type99

03-20-2010, 09:16 AM
Hello to everyone. This is my first post on the forum and I need some help identifying a rifle I found this week and may purchase. It is an Arisaka with the Mum intact. Symbols indicate it is from the Toyo Kogyo arsenal..the series markings indicate it is a #33. The serial # is a 5 digit..#59xxx. Appearance is good with some rust on the barrel and inside too.(no pitting that I can tell).Wood is in good shape with no cracks and only minor dings.The dust cover is present as is the cleaning rod,but there is no bayonet. Don't know if the numbers match. Price is $200. I thought it was a Type 38 but someone else told me it was a type 99. How can you tell for sure? Sorry,no pics. Deal/no deal?

Patrick L
03-20-2010, 09:20 AM
Unless I am mistaken, all Type 38s were 6.5 mm, and all Type 99s were 7.7mm. So if its about a .30 caliber, its a Type 99.

I'm no authority though, so please correct me if I'm wrong.

Patrick L
03-20-2010, 09:23 AM
Oops! Forgot my manners! Welcome to the Board.

03-20-2010, 10:53 AM
Welcome to board. On the front of the receiver under the Mum are some Japanese figures, they tell the type. They are read from the bottom up. The first figure is the word "type" then the other two are the number type. Go here and look at the first chart:


Another way to find the caliber is try to stick a number two lead pencil in the bore. If it goes in it's a 7.7 which makes it a Type 99.

bruce drake
03-20-2010, 07:59 PM
fast recognition

Type 38 two gas hole on front receiver ring
Type 99 one gas hole on front receiver ring


03-20-2010, 10:41 PM
Thanks for the quick I.D.......It's a Type 99. Now what about the asking price? $200 fair deal/no deal?

03-21-2010, 09:01 PM
If the mum is ground it's fair, if the mum is intact it's a steal!

03-21-2010, 11:21 PM
I got a type 99 a couple years ago with the mum for $100. It was a ditch rifle though. In good shape but very poorly put together. Even has solid sights. The only thing good about it was the mum. I haven't shot it yet but it should shoot ok because the barrel is in good shape.

03-22-2010, 12:59 PM
With the mum and dust cover intact, it would be a steal around here!

03-22-2010, 01:38 PM
If the rifle is in nice shape, especially having the mum and dust cover, it's a good buy today. Few years back I bought an all matching numbered Type 99, albeit no dustcover or mum, but in mint condition for under $200, but those days are gone in most part. Actually the barrel is near new. If you're wanting a Jap I'd get it for that price.