View Full Version : Making rubber grips less sticky

03-18-2010, 05:35 PM
Any tips or magic potions?

03-18-2010, 05:47 PM
if you're talking about the kind of sticky your car steering wheel gets, then a mild degreaser and a little scrubbing should get rid of it.

Dan Cash
03-18-2010, 05:53 PM
Wood, Stag or Ivory. Never feel sticky again.

03-18-2010, 05:57 PM
Wood, Stag or Ivory. Never feel sticky again.

I understand, but these are the SW factory Crimson Trace grips on a 642. They are rubber over mold.

Nobody makes wood laser grips.

03-18-2010, 08:01 PM
maybe an unscented talc. rub in in real well and give it a go. i've just taken a dremel tool to a pair of pachmayr gripper for a bfr to get the shape more friendly and that seems to have mitigated some of the 'stick' as well. maybe a light going over with a fine flap wheel might work, as well, without taking off too much material.