View Full Version : Lee 4-20 Melting Pot - initial prep ?

07-03-2006, 05:00 PM
I recently picked up a Lee 4-20 melting pot.

Any suggestions for prep before using it for the first time ?

Suggestions for using it ?

The (limited) instructions suggest starting cold ingots with the pot set on it's highest setting, then back off on the heat while casting.

How far to back off while casting ?

I've read many folks find their pots cast best at the 6-7 range, increasing the heat setting when adding another ingot.

What setting do you use when casting to keep the temp in the ideal range for turning out good bullets ?

This thing isn't constructed nearly as nicely as the RCBS Pro Melt, but for the bucks I'm hoping it will work well - at least for the short term.

What if anything should I watch out for when using this pot ?

Problems with avandia (http://www.classactionsettlements.org/lawsuit/avandia/)

07-03-2006, 05:25 PM
I just melted lead in my new Pro 4-20 for the first time last weekend. In mine:

6= 730°
7= 815°
8= 870°

I don't have the experience with this unit to answer the rest of your questions.

grumpy one
07-03-2006, 07:16 PM
If the 20 pound is the same as my old 10 pound, the temperature control is mainly a simmerstat rather than a thermostat, though it is influenced by pot temperature because the control is fairly close to the pot. Hence fully clockwise means 100% duty cycle, and the lower readings are probably something like percentage duty cycle also.

What this means is the temperature you get depends on what - if anything - you are doing to insulate the pot. I've found if I leave the top open, a setting of about 7 is somewhere vaguely near 700 degrees F. However if I put an aluminium cover on top, this drops to a bit less than 6 for the same temperature, and if I put some sawdust on top of the melt as well as the aluminium cover, a setting of 4 gives the 700 degree F temperature.
