View Full Version : The sun is out and it's warm.

03-17-2010, 02:13 PM
Spring has finally come and I'm looking forward to the first day of shooting outside tomorrow.

I have a new to me 375JDJ encore barrel with a new vortex scope to try, a new to me 223 encore barrel with a center point barrel to try. New scope on my rem 700 22-250 to try out, 500 SW loads to try at 50 yards. 30/30 loads to try at 100 yards.

It was finally warm enough to cast a bit last night even!

03-17-2010, 07:44 PM
We went from warm and sunny to cloudy and a cool North wind, to sunny and warmer today. Supposed to be nice tomorrow, then back to winter for a few days.

03-17-2010, 08:22 PM
Dale, I think you've had almost as much winter as we've had this year. As Doc said, spring has arrived, today about 60 degrees and sunny and tomorrow is supposed to be just as nice. We got soaked over the weekend though...Ray

03-18-2010, 07:31 AM
Must be close to spring, anyhow. The temperature hit 63 yesterday and saw 2 real signs of spring: the local drive-in opened and I saw buzzards (turkey vultures actually) circling (not the drive-in). It's still supposed to snow Sunday and Monday, just rain Saturday. Another weekend down the tubes....

03-18-2010, 08:10 AM
Please help me........ What's wrong with shooting/going out during the winter? It's my favorite time actually; better than summer's heat! Norwegian thinking I guess.


03-18-2010, 08:44 AM
Most of the places where I can shoot are snow bound in the winter. The indoor range and handguns are my winter fix.

But the real problem is, It's dark when I leave for work and when I get home all winter. Weekends are pretty much nonexistant with a 18 month old boy who can climb walls, and a 3 year old girl who has the energy level of a lightning strike. Daylight savings was last weekend, so I get a little bit of light this afternoon.

03-18-2010, 10:42 AM
AH warm weather. We have had 2 really nice days ( mid 50's to low 60's. We expect one more today. Then 4 to 8 inches of snow and maybe single digit temps for a couple of days. Sometimes I like winter a lot more than spring, at least you know to expect cold a blustery conditions.

Doc Highwall
03-18-2010, 11:08 AM
I just cast up some bullets with my new NOE 22-055 and 311299 moulds and getting the itch to go start sizing them. The 22-055 is for my Browning 1885 Low Wall in 223 Remington and the 311299 is for my brother in-laws 1917 Enfield.

03-18-2010, 11:41 AM
Yesterday was the first time in 11 days that we had sen the sun, it's 50 degrees and sunny today, but they are talking up snow for Saturday...grrrr.

03-18-2010, 05:13 PM
Please help me........ What's wrong with shooting/going out during the winter? It's my favorite time actually; better than summer's heat! Norwegian thinking I guess.


Still 3 feet of snow in the garden, but the gun range has been plowed during the winter. Not long before I go on a bullet hunting trip to the range, as the berm is soon starting to show.

But the trips to the range in 0F is tending to be rather short.

Tomorrow, the forecast is 40ish F and I'm working half day and have 200 Lee .356-120-TC loaded up. Time to check them in the SVI for leading.

Greetings from Norway

03-18-2010, 05:28 PM
Ah! Spring time in the Rockies. Like the gent in WY, we've had 2 nice, warm days without much wind. In between snow storms. One earlier in the week and expecting more tomorrow.

Got out shooting rifle yesterday, and 22 pistol today. Helped satisfy the craving a little.

03-18-2010, 09:30 PM
Pretty nice again today, but I spent the morning in court serving on Grand Jury. Happily we were done by 12:15. The State will pay me $14 for the effort. That will buy my gas to town and back. We have a Saint Patrick's Day parade scheduled for Saturday and I'm campaigning for county commissioner so plan to be in the parade. Snow is forecast. Fun!

03-18-2010, 10:31 PM
Went from 80's to 60's to freezing back to 70's and now back to freezing on Sunday. Thats just this week. At least I,m not up there with Dale, where the wind never stops. (just yankin your chain)

03-18-2010, 11:23 PM
I hate to be the wet blanket on your "spring fever" Here in Colorado were about 2 hours before a new snowstorm and single digit Temps. Guess what direction it's headed!:bigsmyl2:

Sorry about that!

03-19-2010, 01:17 AM
Well, we're supposed to have low 70's right thru to Sunday, so I'm going to the club to burn up some 45ACP that's been staring at me for a while now. Think I just need to get out and feel some recoil!!! enjoy Mike

Ed Barrett
03-19-2010, 03:46 AM
Got to the range today and forgot my chrony, but had a nice day shooting the .40 and 22's. Supposed to turn back cold and rainy Sat. and stay that way for a while, but the jonquils are up and they must know something.

03-19-2010, 04:09 AM
Doc ,I understand ,just started working up loads for my 375 jdj barrel when winter hit , I can still get to the shooting area if I take the snowmobile, but it's just not he same. New loads for the 460 and for the 35 rem, and haven't even started on the new loads for the 310 gr mold for the 44. WE hit 40 this week during the day but were back in the single digits at night. Its 29 tonight but i supposed to be blowing 50 mph and snowing by tomorrow. Hang in there spring is on the way.

03-19-2010, 04:11 AM
Dam, dam dam.....that means its going to start getting cold down here!!
I have two business colleagues visiting for the week from Louisville Kentucy. They are arriving tomorrow, Saturday via Sydney so will take them Handgun Silhouette shooting in the afternoon (to return a favour as they take me to the Bluegrass Indoor range every year I visit their factory), then Sunday weather permitting we are going snapper and kingfish (tuna) fishing.
Summer is good for fishing and casting, but I tend to do more range shooting in the winter.

03-19-2010, 08:38 AM
Well it was warm atleast last night. 20mph swirling winds with gusts. And by the time I was done shooting I could see my breath and it was cold. Snow/nasty is in the forecast as wistlepig1 said. I hope it stops in Massachusetts and dumps it all on them!

aaalaska, if that's the lee 310 for the 44, H110 is my favorite, shoots well in every gun I've tried.

Sighted 3 scopes in and found out just how much harumpf the 375jdj has, all in all a good day. Now let's hope it's not 3 weeks before I get another.

03-19-2010, 12:33 PM
woke up to roughly 5 inshces of snow, slick roads and winter once again. Atleast it was still in the 20's. Supposed to be much colder tonight. Interstate 80 is closed in southern Wyoming. Yep spring is here.

03-19-2010, 12:49 PM
The only good thing about snow this time of year is that it doesn't stick around long. Mother nature put it there, mother nature can take it away...Ray

03-19-2010, 12:59 PM
I cut the grass yesterday! 1st time this year. Yup, winter is over.

03-19-2010, 01:38 PM
Our ranchers were happy to see some warmer weather, the grazing wheat is growing and the winter rescue grass in the pastures is doing well with all the moisture. Really helps with hay and supplements. It looked for a while that the wheat had suffered winter kill, but most of it looks good. Good for deer and turkey, too. Two weeks till gobbler season and the supply of gobblers looks good.

Southern Son
03-20-2010, 07:43 AM
We are having wonderful weather hear at the moment, except for Cyclone Ului, that is, giving a little bit of horizontal stringing. And the target blew away.

03-20-2010, 10:14 AM
Awakened to snow and wind this morning, plus a tremendous earache. No parade for me today!