View Full Version : Winchester m55 30wcf

Dave C.
03-16-2010, 05:27 PM
I own a Winchester model 55 3 digit serial # chambered in 30 WCF and marked Nickel Steel. It has a 24" barrel and is a take down model. If it has value as a collecter should I shoot cast out of it? I don't know how old it is but it was my grand fathers and I'm only a few years from retirement myself. When I still hunted it filled the freezer many times. So any one know if I have a shooter or a collector?

Dave C.

square butte
03-16-2010, 05:52 PM
Both! Just my opinion. Look at the model 55 on gunbroker and you will get an idea what they are going for. Decide whether or not it is worth it to you personally to put it away as a collectors piece - or due to it's signifigance to you and family, you just might want to continue adding memories to it's personal value. A very personal decision.

Uncle R.
03-16-2010, 06:32 PM
Good answer square butte! A lot of wisdom there.
Dave C - ask yourself "What would grandpa want me to do with it?" I think you'll decide he'd want you to use it - at least now and then. Maybe to take some venison - maybe to train a youngster - maybe just to shoot a little and honor his memory.
I have a few of my father's guns. He died too soon - it's a sadness to me that my boys never met their grandpa and dad never got to see my boys. But - my oldest son got his first pheasant over a pup that we trained together - using his grandpa's shotgun. My boys all learned to shoot with their grandpa's rifle. It doesn't get much better than that.
Uncle R.

03-16-2010, 06:34 PM
In my humble opinion, they were meant to be shot and taken care of. If it were mine it would be a user. It sounds like it is one that you liked to use, so continue as you were. Unless you think it will fund your retirement then you might aswell pass it along now.

but all of that comes from the fact that if it were at my house it would be shot. I have a commerative colt walker that is a gold plated museum piece ( I won it, I did not buy it) and it kills me to have a finely crafted arm that cannot be used for the intended purpose. I am currently looking for a new home for it.

03-16-2010, 06:57 PM
With a 3 digit serial your M55 was made in either 1924 or 1925.
Shooting it will be a personal decision. Clean it inside and out, oil the parts, clean the bore well, clean and oil the bore after shooting and it should do very well with mild cast loads. It would be hard to wear one out by shooting mild cast loads, treating it with respect and using good maintenance habits. Fanning the lever ala "The Rifleman" wouldn't be my first choice tho :)