View Full Version : Can I swag.

03-16-2010, 08:31 AM
Been reading this forum and decided i would like to start and am looking for an introductory way to do it. i will be swaging 44mag

03-16-2010, 10:29 AM
I am new to swaging , BT sniper makes a one die set up for the .44 . It uses fired .40 S&W brass cases re formed in to 44 bullets.The worst part about swaging is the cost of jackets.These are a lot cheeper. Also C&H4d makes a set of dies. You will need a strong press. The LEE cast iron classic would be the minimum with RCBS RC being better. Then you will need lead cores you can use the lee .40 175 gr tl bullet as a core mold.
Read the long thread on one step die for .40 and .44 below a line or two.

03-16-2010, 10:46 AM
About swaging,
A lot of folks have done a great job making swageing tools. Their finished product is great.
Now, what can we do about jackets?
Is there a way to form jackets from copper tubing? Or, perhaps draw jackets?
I have seen old dies that did it, but I cannot remember how they worked.

03-16-2010, 10:46 AM
BT is using ch dies with custom internals. You should be able to do it if you follow the general rules laid out by experiences of those before you. Then you can deviate and make your own general rules.

Or you can buy dedicated swaging equipment. You choice to get started.

Also a little etymology

Main Entry: swage
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): swaged; swag·ing
Date: 1831
: to shape by or as if by means of a swage

Main Entry: swage
Pronunciation: \ˈswāj, ˈswej\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, ornamental border, from Middle French souage
Date: circa 1812
: a tool used by metalworkers for shaping their work by holding it on the work or the work on it and striking with a hammer or sledge

Swag is much different, but you can do that also, it may be a whole heap cheaper too.

Main Entry: swag
Pronunciation: \ˈswag\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): swagged; swag·ging
Etymology: perhaps of Scandinavian origin; akin to Norwegian svagga to sway, rock; akin to Middle Low German swacken to rock
Date: 1530
intransitive verb
1 : sway, lurch
2 : sag, droop
transitive verb
1 : to adorn with swags
2 : to arrange (as drapery) in swags

03-16-2010, 01:02 PM
here are a few common sense generalities:
1. Read read read !!! then read some more.
(google search "Swaged bullets", lots more info out there besides what is here on castboolits)

2. Then I'd suggest trading stuff for some of these swaged Brass jacketed bullets.
I can help you out with that if you have some soft "pure" Lead to trade...not WW lead.
see if you like them and if your Gun likes them ?
that is how I got into swaging.

3. You should be fairly mechanically minded. do you have a good Caliper ?
you will need one and know how to use it and how to calibrate it after you drop it :(

4. If you go into this buying actual Swaging equipment be ready to spend over $1000.
Press $300 to $800
Dies $100 or more per set
core casting equipment $200
Annealing equipment $50 to $100
you may have some of this already ???
then you need Lead and a source of Brass cases
a good electronic scale to sort cases and cores, if you want consistant weight bullets.

Now you can go cheap, using equipment that is meant for reloading that
seems heavy duty enough...but there is always a weak link.
You better be ready to fix broken equipment,
or if your lucky enough to fix it before it's broken.
and maybe re-engineer the equipment while fixing it.
For me, this was a fun challenge...is still a challenge, I'm not done yet :)