View Full Version : Boolit casters heaven

03-16-2010, 12:41 AM
Gloat coming, beware; I have been at this game a long time, have accumulated quite a collection of molds and material. Went on a binge last year, bought some nice customs, including one from NOE here on a group buy. I believe I've reached a point where if I retired completely tomorrow and just casted and shooted everyday I will have something to play with forever. The funny thing is I still look everyday at used molds for sale here and at GBs coming up. I know it's just a matter of time before I buy again, can't stop, even though I've hardly done justice to some of the molds I already have. I really can't bring myself to sell a mold either. Am I sick? I'd like to put them in a display case in the living room, but my wife won't go for it.

03-16-2010, 01:35 AM
Seems perfectly normal to me, I can't see what possible problem there could be. http://www.lasc.us/thumbsup.gif

Sell a mold? That would be akin to selling one of your children. http://www.lasc.us/smileycrying.gif


03-16-2010, 01:50 AM
You see a mold you like and you buy it. I don't see a problem here!

03-16-2010, 01:54 AM
Seems perfectly normal to me, I can't see what possible problem there could be. http://www.lasc.us/thumbsup.gif

Sell a mold? That would be akin to selling one of your children. http://www.lasc.us/smileycrying.gif


AMEN to that Brother!

Buying molds is my way of strengthening the economy!;)

lead Foot
03-16-2010, 04:14 AM
My mould's keep on having babys ~ there must be a ring leader in there somewhere :-P
Lead foot;

03-16-2010, 05:40 AM
Like I alway's say with today's ammo price's you can't afford not to buy every good mould you can find. LOL And with the mould maker's on site here you can get mould's that drop boolit's correct size. All joking aside this is a great time to be buying mould's. FB

Dollar Bill
03-16-2010, 08:10 AM
Am I sick?
I think not! As other have said, they are like our children. We want to care for them, cherish them and put them on display for others to admire and drool over. I just got an Ideal 311359 in the original box and thinking of buying a Ideal 42498 "near new in original box" just to have one. It should shoot in my 44 Special just fine.

gray wolf
03-16-2010, 07:50 PM
I thought the Kriptonite in the mold made it self destruct if you tried to sell it.
I would think hard about displaying the molds, there must be a way.
Build a nice shadow box with nice shelves--tell the wife it's for the Hummel colection.
If she says but we don't have any of those, slip right in with( but honey we can't let this nice display case go to waste---can we?
I must be tired tonight EH.

03-16-2010, 10:51 PM
You know you got it bad when you end up buying moulds you all ready have!

03-16-2010, 10:56 PM
As an old friend told me one time about single shot rifles...........Just remember to keep things in perspective, you can't own 'em all.

03-16-2010, 11:55 PM
I only have four molds, and am trying to stay away from the max vortex, but have already had thoughts of getting a mold for a gun that I don't own.

03-17-2010, 12:18 AM
Thanks for the support guys. Bill, I'm glad you got that 311359, I think you'll have fun with it. I've 'beagled' mine and got it up to .314, shoots ok in the MN 91/30 over Bullseye. You know, this is really an economical hobby when you think about it, sure cheaper than skiing. Once you have a few good molds you're good to go.

03-17-2010, 12:30 AM
Now I'm confused, just don't understand. :confused:

What does that mean? A few molds? That simply makes no sense, please explain.


03-17-2010, 12:56 AM
Last week the Little Woman says "Is that another mold, you're getting quite a few of those, aren't you?? I just grinned and said yeah, I guess....... Maybe one whole week will pass and a mold won't come in the door!! enjoy Mike

03-17-2010, 08:49 AM
I've got 2 lee six bangers. I need two more. and two more carbide die sets, and more powder, and more brass, and more, more, more.....

03-17-2010, 09:05 AM
The last few times I've had money to spare and went looking at supplies it's included a couple molds. Each time right after ordering it I said to myself "There, now I should have everything I need for a while". Moments later I can think of 2 more molds that would be handy to have.

It's not an addiction, it's a scientific study of possible solutions to endless questions.