View Full Version : Dpms m-4

03-06-2010, 03:00 PM
I am about to honcho a group buy from DPMS for my unit. DPMS is offering a great deal on their bare bones M-4 style rifle. They will engrave it with the unit crest and motto for us. they are also including shipping in the deal. It looks like a great gun, and the price is definately hard to beat.

My question is, does anybody here own one of these? If so, whats the deal? They good shooters? Or are they another garbage knock off. The few people I have talked to say they are good rifles. But thats just a few people. Any info would be great.

It's pretty cool of them as a company to offer such a great deal to us. I would really like to pull the trigger on this buy. Thanks in advance

bruce drake
03-06-2010, 08:27 PM
DPMS rifles are good rifles that a bunch of us use in Highpower Rifle Matches. THey are also good rifles in the 3-gun matches as well. If you've got enough guys with the disposable income I'd say "pull" on that Trigger. Sure as heck beats a deployment book.


03-06-2010, 08:38 PM
I've got 3 AR's, a Colt 24" heavy target with whistle and bells, great off the bench but just too much to tote. Then got a Bushmaster 20" heavy barrel flat top and a Colt HBar A2 20" carry handle upper to go with it. And then got a little DPMS M4 style that I put together from parts. 16" light weight A1 uppel and 6 *** stock. Just for fun I always grab the DPMS, easy to carry fast to point. Not a target rifle with the 16" barrel but will do as well I can do off hand and tons of fun.

03-06-2010, 09:41 PM
If it's less than 600 bucks each, go for it. Otherwise, buy CMMG Bargain Bin rifles.

03-06-2010, 09:45 PM
Only DPMS M-4 I own is an airsoft gun that was marketed under their trademark, I used it as a prop in a very low budget science fiction movie where I played a keeper of alien clones in a domed Lunar colony. Unfortunately the clones turned carnivous and swarmed the facilty and ate me in the end. I went down shooting of course, but they screwed up the CGI monsters so that scene was cut.

Anyway I believe the DPMS M4 clone is widely used by local LEO, haven't heard of any problems with it so far and they've been using them for maybe 10 years.