View Full Version : So I got this 240F strip of wire. Make a Lube Heater?

03-05-2010, 09:35 AM
This wire is from a old Crock Pot. It reads @ 215-240F using a metal probe type Tire Pyrometer. It has hot and cool spots so not all of it is that hot but it does get pretty hot. I was thinking of mounting this between two aluminum plates, spaced apart using washers (Lube Sizer would mount to bench between these washers as well. Coil the 24" of wire under where the Lubsizer sits, using some rivets as spacers to keep the thing in a nice coil shape. Then use a variable light switch to control/reduce the temperature. Probably wouldn’t even close in the sides of the plates so that a little heat could escape like that. Any thoughts?

03-05-2010, 08:50 PM
If I understand correctly, that is gona throw a lot more heat than you need. Even the hardest lube I have used was rated at 140 degrees for use. Lots of time a light bulb focused on the sizer is all you need. Some folks have used a aluminum plate with an old iron setting on it. Guess your idea would work with the variable light switch to cut down the juice. What kinda lube you plan on using ?

I'm sure others will chime it....

03-06-2010, 01:01 AM
If it's a bare wire heating element it's electrically LIVE. If it touched the aluminium plate, it would conduct electricity, as would the metal of the lube sizer. Electric shock hazzard.

Like sticking your finger in a light socket....no thanks.

03-06-2010, 09:59 AM
Try it and report back. I use currently use a halogen shop lamp to heat mine.
Going to go with the aluminum plate and thrift store iron route.


03-06-2010, 01:04 PM
I have a Star coming with 2 sticks of their lube.

It's not a bare wire. It's wrapped and is only at 240F when you hit the thing with a tire probe (Metal Needle type sensor). It is way too much heat. Maybe I will just buy a variable switch and see how it responds to that. I have several scrap pieces of 1/2 boiler plate I can see hot that works with it. I won't be able to use it as it's too small for this use but it would give me a idea at least of it responds to some pretty thick heat sinks.

03-06-2010, 06:12 PM
I have a wire heater that came on an old Herter's lube sizer. Can't find it in the Herter's catalog so...who made it? Probably 40 years old or older.
It is a loop so you coil it around the barrel and plug it in. I have not tried it but I suppose it works. I would post a picture but don't have one and I am not home.