View Full Version : Parafin wax

02-28-2010, 10:49 PM
Is this the right stuff for adding to a pan lube recipe? I found it at Target.
See the ad > http://www.target.com/s/190-3855217-2854238?_encoding=UTF8&search-alias=tgt-index&keywords=parafin%20wax&searchSize=30&ref=sr_bx%5F1%5F1&searchView=grid5&searchNodeID=1038576&searchPage=1&searchRank=target104545

02-28-2010, 11:09 PM
The wax is the one that is use to make jelly and candels . You can get it where ever you get canning suppies or candel maken surplies

02-28-2010, 11:12 PM
The wax is the one that is use to make jelly and candels . You can get it where ever you get canning suppies or candel maken surplies

Thanks, I thought it might be different. I'm going to try pan lubing for my Old Army, and don't want to start swapping lube in and out of my Lyman 4500.

03-02-2010, 11:02 PM
Look in the baking isle at wally world thats where I get mine its called Gulf Wax and runs around $2.50 for a pound of it.:razz:

03-02-2010, 11:49 PM
Do not use that wax! Not in the Old Army. No, no, no.
Use Beeswax and Olive oil. Crisco to stiffen it. No parafin waxes.
The lube is easy to make, makes good leather treatment, smells miserable, makes a good firearm lube for storage also.
I make my lube and it works great.
Get a 5lb block of Beeswax. It lasts a long time.

03-03-2010, 12:00 AM
Use paraffin as a stiffener with a beeswax base and some grease or oil (whatever recipe you use.) Don't use it as a base wax.

03-03-2010, 12:54 AM
+1 on the last 2 posts...................Lee

Green Frog
03-03-2010, 08:12 AM
+1 to Docone... stay away from paraffin altogether when making black powder lubes. :bootgive:

If you want a good place to start, try 50% beeswax, 40% or so crisco (plain, unsalted and unflavored) and 10% or a little less anhydrous lanolin. This last will be the hardest to find, but it can sometimes be found through a good local drug store or ordered online. This is one of the current iterations of Emmert's Lube and a great all around lube for most BP applications as well as moderate to low velocity smokeless rifle loads. If it needs to be "stiffer," simply increase %-age of beeswax. :coffee:

I add a very small dash of carnauba to my own mix to give a little more stiffness and so it will help condition the bore... I don't have any empirical evidence it helps, but it makes me feel good! :wink:


Lead Fred
03-03-2010, 09:43 AM
I posted about a week ago, I had a connection for 1lb blocks for $2 of the good stuff.
