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View Full Version : powder diferences

02-25-2010, 10:43 AM
OK I'm stuck,
I have about 16 lbs of IMR 4895 because I seem to have an ability to miss read what I put on the order form.What happens when you don't wear your reading glasses!!
Was trying to order H4895 instead and screwed the pooch.
I tried to contact Hodgdon and ask them for difference data but no answer after a month.
What is the diference?
Can IMR4895 be interchanged with H4895?
Smaller or larger load?
Would appreciate any and all info as I now have a lifetime supply of IMR 4895 and not much chance of getting any H4895 until next summer (next year)


02-25-2010, 11:20 AM
Assume the burn speed is the same for lead boolits. That will never be true because of lot differences anyway, no matter what the "brand" is. Plus and minus adjustments will be needed as usual to hone in the accuracy. The only time the powders will be the same would be having the exact lot number on the different jugs. That is why you have not gotten an answer back. They NEED your lot number to see when and where the powder was made and bottled. Doesn't make any difference anyway, so go have fun and forget about it. ... felix

Lead Fred
02-25-2010, 12:55 PM
They are two apart on the burn chart, H being a tad slower.

Ive experimented for two years with the two.

I do use a bit more H than IMR, 2-4 grs to get the same speed.

H gave me tighter groups (1/3 inch @ 200yards)
IMR gave me more speed (FPS)

02-25-2010, 01:20 PM
They are two apart on the burn chart, H being a tad slower.

Ive experimented for two years with the two.

I do use a bit more H than IMR, 2-4 grs to get the same speed.

That's interesting--most burn rate charts I've seen show H being just a bit faster. I just checked Hodgdon's and that's what it shows. Not sure if it makes any real difference though, since they're so close.

I think the reason Hodgdon didn't reply wasn't because he didn't include the lot number--I'm thinking it's because Hodgdon doesn't know what email is. I've never received any replies from them no matter how much detail I include. I'd just call them--they seem to be one of those companies that are happy to talk to you on the phone, but when it comes to email they're completely lost.


02-25-2010, 02:21 PM
They are close enough that if you started with true starting load data and work up, you should be fine. Its that starting from the middle of the range that will cause problems.

Lead Fred
02-25-2010, 02:50 PM
That's interesting--most burn rate charts I've seen show H being just a bit faster.

I just checked 5 charts and it was 3 one way and two the other.

Thats funny

Lloyd Smale
02-25-2010, 03:47 PM
like felix said there aint much differnce other then lot nos.

02-25-2010, 03:55 PM
The burn rate chart is not linear. Two different powders, right next to each other, could be very close if not identical to each other, or they could be quite far apart speed wise. As new powders are developed, they get squeezed in where they fit best. This sometimes moves a couple old favorites farther apart numerically. The 4895's are all but identical and only vary based on lot #, just as Felix described. Why they flip-flop around on various charts is likely because of just that. If Hodgdon/IMR sent identical lot #'s to all burn rate chart makers, you'd likely see them all the same.

02-25-2010, 09:44 PM
I have a lot of the IMR powder too. As far as I can tell from all the data I've looked at, you will be pretty safe using the H-4895 data, and I think that is why it is often the one listed in the various loading manuals.