View Full Version : Mexican Mauser Project

06-18-2006, 11:28 PM
OK, all you Mauser experts out there, I need some information and advice. I picked up this action at a gun show a couple years ago. I thought it was a pretty good deal at the time (I still think so), and recently got a barrel from Numrich that should fit it OK, so I dug the action out of the drawer and on closer inspection I find that all is not well.

Turns out, I have a very nice Mexican small ring M98 with no rust, no pits and about 95% original finish, but with a Swedish bolt and bottom metal. On close inspection, it appears that the bolt is about .030" too long for the action.

My first question is, where might I find a correct bolt? I did a search on the Numrich website and didn't turn up anything, I suppose I could call them and ask, but I'd be surprised if they can help. Where else would I look?

Here's a pic, if that will help: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v321/KYCaster/000_0315_00.jpg

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


06-18-2006, 11:45 PM
KYCaster, I just did a Google search for "Mauser parts" and a number of hits were listed. You might try calling some of the more promising candidates...Ray

bruce drake
06-18-2006, 11:49 PM

According to his website, he has a complete Mexican Mauser Bolt in VG condition for $80.

I haven't purchased from them since I moved out of state but they have always stood by their gear.


06-19-2006, 02:25 AM
Jerry, I've seen any number of fine rifles in various magazines that had been made up on the mexican mauser action. Some of them were really nice. By the way that was a very good year for the mexican mauser. I was born in 1946. All kidding aside, if it was me i'd get the proper bolt and never think twice. You have the makings of a fine rifle. i have a VZ24 action made in 1938 am giving very serious thought at getting one of Coles distributing K98 bbls in 7.62nato. Scrounge up a VZ24 stock and I'll have the makins of a good truck gun. Frank

06-19-2006, 09:57 AM
I have a fine little 7x57 built on a 1936 Mexican Mauser action like yours by Will's Gunsmithing in El Paso. It is a very fine action, one of the nicest small rings made and will make a really nice rifle. Unfortunately parts for them are hard to come by. Just try and find a firing pin. If you can get the proper bolt for only $80 in good shape get it.

Jerry Liles

06-19-2006, 05:06 PM
They are nice, aren't they? I'm in the process myself right now. Have a 1910 in very nice shape. Now the parts..... Yes grab the complete bolt if you can. They are solid gold. Bolt parts are very hard to find. You have option(s) though. The 1903 Turk bolt will work but your shank on the barrel will have to be shortened a bit because the Turk bolt is a wee bit longer from the lugs forward. This is what I'm doing now. I have a Mexican bolt stripped but believe me, its easier to find the Turk. If you have the Swede bottom metal and bolt stop, you are in business. They can be made to work. Haven't matched them up yet, but read somewhere that a Swede stock can be made to work. Mine will be made into Grandson's first deer rifle. I can take my time, he is 3.:wink:

07-04-2006, 09:05 AM
Did you ever find a bolt?

My father has a couple of these actions he needs a bolt for too. They were imported years ago without bolts for some reason. They were cheap too (ie, no bolts).

Oddly, a Yugo M24/47 bolt goes in (from a gun I used to have), but I can't remember if it headspaced right. There are square and round bottom bolts (not really, but somehas more metal below that prevents it from turning), and it seems the Mexican needs a certain one.

This is a fine rifle to make a superlight sporter out of (as far as Mausers go, these new fangled titanium things probably weigh less).


07-06-2006, 05:21 PM
No, JW, I haven't found one yet, and after an internet search and several calls, it kinda looks like I won't. Several people have told me the Yugo bolt will work, so that's probably what I'll use.
If you know where I could find one, I'd sure be interested.


07-07-2006, 06:25 AM
KYCaster, try milsurp-parts.com as a starting point. He might be able to get you somewhere.

07-07-2006, 05:42 PM
I'm not 100% Sure the Yugo bolt will work, it would do in or almost all the way. Bad news is I sold the 24/47 a while back and can't try it again in my father's rifle.

I think someone was selling bent bolts for Yugo's for about $70.

The Mexicans make such sweet lightweight 98's it's probably worth it if you can find a bolt that will headspace, lock in, and fit properly and the trigger work too.


07-07-2006, 05:48 PM
Found one:

http://cgi.ebay.com/Mauser-98-Yugo-48-24-47-Intermediate-Forged-bolt_W0QQitemZ330002404594QQihZ014QQcategoryZ383QQ ssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

Ebay, unfortunately, stripped bolt body too, sometimes firing pins, etc can be hard to find for the odd lengths.

Just FYI, no experience with the seller


07-07-2006, 05:49 PM
This link shows a whole bolt fitting a Mexican 24

http://cgi.ebay.com/Mauser-98-Complete-yugo-48-Intermediate-Forged-bolt_W0QQitemZ330002403332QQihZ014QQcategoryZ383QQ ssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem


07-08-2006, 06:09 PM
Well, the more I learn, the less I know. Since the bottom metal has the Swedeish crown on it, I ASSUMED that all the parts were Swedeish. BUT, after LOOKING and THINKING, I see that the bolt has a third lug, so is a '98 and not a '96. Other than the SN, the only mark I can find is this:

It looks like a crown sitting on top of a T. Can anybody ID this for me?

Jason: Thanks for the links. I called the guy and probably will get a Yugo bolt from him. I'm still kinda leary about the fit, though. I'm afraid I'll end up with the same thing I have, which is about .030 too long from the lugs to the bolt face. Threett1 suggested shortening the barrell shank to make up for the excess length of the bolt, but it seems to me that the barrel wouldn't contact the secondary shoulder and just torque against the reciever face like a '96, essentially losing one of the features of the '98 action.

After THINKING a little more, I wonder if the barrel shank could be recessed to accept the longer bolt and still touque against both shoulders as designed. The more I THINK about it, the more QUESTIONS I have.:confused:

Frank46: That's one of the things I like about this action, I was borne in '46 also. Toward the end of November lots of folks sit down to a turkey dinner to honor my birthday.:mrgreen: :drinks:

Thanks to all who have responded. Maybe this will come together someday.


07-08-2006, 08:33 PM
Mexican Mauser bolts,are unique only to themselves.The length is 6.080".No other Mauser uses this length bolt.Thats why they are so hard to find.I've done exactly what you are thinking.You cut a recess at the end of the barrel the diameter of the bolt so the barrel shoulder will seat all the way.You then cut your chamber as normal.After setting your headspace,you will have to cut an extracter slot because the extracter will now hit the end of the barrel before the bolt closes..I hope this makes sense.

07-10-2006, 10:19 AM
Thanks, Ray. That makes peferct sense.


08-08-2006, 06:13 PM
If you get that far I have a Swede stock for that Mexican Mauser project. I haven't looked at it in a while but I think that it is in pretty good shape.
