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02-20-2010, 08:21 PM
my son said this was just not right :cbpour:

PS, this is in real time

02-20-2010, 08:27 PM
Interesting! Seems like it works for who ever is casting. Question him casting without
eye protection however.

02-20-2010, 09:31 PM
i see you liked my raised bench.
the 20 lber is pushed to the side now and i built a mount for my two spouted 40 lber.
is works so nice with the larger molds i think the 20 is gonna be used like yours for the singles only.

Wayne Smith
02-20-2010, 09:59 PM
Sure, I'd guess a .36 rb. Very little lead needed to fill the mold, cools quickly, glove is enough to dump the round ball into. Quite realistic. Since I ladle cast I'm not half as fast, but I can see this speed easily. If you count, he didn't do any where close to all of those in the time of the photos though.

02-20-2010, 10:13 PM
I notice no glove on the left hand. I don't wear one either, can't stand the heat. I like the high pot, mine is high also. Nice rate of speed. Plenty for the home caster. Good job...........Creeker

Dry Creek Bullet Works
Dry Creek Firewood

02-20-2010, 11:02 PM
What's wrong with that? Did someone take exception to the rifle in the background only being a BB gun? That's plenty fast for casting round balls. I can't load & shoot them that fast. Why would you need to cast them any faster?

02-20-2010, 11:20 PM
And he's either sitting down or uses a step stool to flux. I'm too nervous to cast sitting down, having had a few splashes before. I'd worry about burning big Bob and the twins.

02-21-2010, 04:11 AM
it seems to work for him. the only thing Id change is getting the ash tray and bev can away. the easyest way to poison your self is through your mouth. DR

02-21-2010, 06:29 AM
it seems to work for him. the only thing Id change is getting the ash tray and bev can away. the easyest way to poison your self is through your mouth. DR

I noticed that, and had the same opinion.

As for eye protection and the other hand gloved, I don't use it either. I'm not saying that I shouldn't, I'm just saying I don't.... Some of use are just set in our ways...

02-21-2010, 11:53 AM
It just seems like a good natural pace to me. Shows he's been casting a good long time to develop a fast easy looking pace. I don't sit down when I cast. I feel more comfortable standing because it's easier for me to reach things. I also have a drink when I cast if it is going to be a long cast session. I just make sure my hand doesn't get near where I touch my mouth. Good video for new casters.

Doc Highwall
02-21-2010, 12:17 PM
I wear thin leather gloves when I cast and I have to wear glasses all the time so I have that covered.

02-21-2010, 12:20 PM
No eye protection. Also, he must have a pretty strong thumb to be pushing that sprue plate aside like he is. I generally hit mine with a thick piece of wooden dowel. The first time some of his beer hits hot lead he'll wish he had one of those clear plastic face shields. Nice BB gun in the background. Wonder if he's casting for it.

02-21-2010, 01:08 PM
I haven't tried going that fast, but a single cav. mold at the right temp. for a simple boolit it's doable. I've used a gloved hand to cut sprues but with a two cav. .44 cal mold using WW+ lino, the sprues are a bit harder and more difficult to cut, so I just whack 'em. I too won't drink when I cast; Bud later when all lead has cooled...

02-21-2010, 01:20 PM
+1 for the Dr. And I built my workbench high enough so that I can sit on a stool and have the furnace about eye-level. I use a plastic mallet, and don't have any single-cavity molds - besides, I'm tender, and trying to man-handle the sprue plate might damage my tender hand. Right.

02-21-2010, 02:47 PM
No eye protection. Also, he must have a pretty strong thumb to be pushing that sprue plate aside like he is. I generally hit mine with a thick piece of wooden dowel. The first time some of his beer hits hot lead he'll wish he had one of those clear plastic face shields. Nice BB gun in the background. Wonder if he's casting for it.

A single cavity is allot easier to open and handle especially a small RB mould. The RB moulds are the easies to use with little to no hangup issues. I use thin leather gloves also like the military pilots use. Gives me protection but I still can move easily in them. I can't handle real hot things with them but small pieces of hot lead are no big deal. I used to not wear saftey glasses and still have to remember sometimes but don't see it as a big issue. I only drop small pieces of lead in the pot carefully so it doesn't splash.

02-21-2010, 02:59 PM
Note the beer and the ashtray. Drinking and smoking around lead is a great way to
get lead in your bloodstream and get seriously ill. That and the lack of eye protection
makes this a great example of what NOT to do as far as safety is concerned.


02-21-2010, 06:35 PM
Yes, I am sitting down, and it is a 32 cal rb single cav, but I use my thumb for 4 cav molds as well, and no, I did not vid the entire casting session, just aprox 3 min of a 2 hour casting , also I am careful with the beer and cigs when I cast , but here are some more pics of the work. :)
and yes that is a BB gun in the back ground :?

02-21-2010, 10:16 PM
Beautiful RB's.................Creeker

Dry Creek Bullet Works
Dry Creek Firewood

02-22-2010, 05:02 AM
I always wear safety glasses with casting and a leather apron from HarBor Freight. Cheap at less than $20 bucks and give me more protection from my tender areas. AS far as the ash tray and adult beverage.....why not....is it supposed to be fun. He has got a good rythem going there and it is getting the job done.

02-22-2010, 09:49 PM
my son said this was just not right :cbpour:

I would love to comment, but... Flash video locked up my Linux firefox. Twice.

I have to agree with Steve Jobs on this one, Flash is poorly coded and crashes a lot. I can watch YouTube all day, but random flash videos on the web have a very poor success percentage on Linux. Oh yeah, on Windows too (XP and 7). Yes, I run them all.

Google must be doing something right when processings videos to YouTube. I wish they would share their secret, or Adobe would just fix their code not to run away with 99% of a CPU.


Wayne Smith
02-22-2010, 10:45 PM
OK, Tex, I guessed a little big. I still like your style casting. I wear glasses all the time I'm awake which covers the eye protection bit. I tend to cast larger bits of lead that stay hot longer so I wear welding gloves. I also cradle the 2-cavity Lee molds in my palm when I close them. The heavier glove is a must.

I open sprue plates with my thumb or hand all the time. Four and six cavity I don't, but the rest I do. Never saw a reason not to since I can put my whole hand on the mold. I only use a stick when I have to knock the hinge pin.