View Full Version : lost my casting buddy today...

06-16-2006, 08:31 PM
My co-caster, shooting buddy, and one of my best friends died today.....he was 54 or 55....His house burnt at night & he was horribly burned but still lived 12 hours. He was the finest shot I've ever known with rifle, pistol ,or shotgun. We had casted bullets for over 20 years.....Wonderful sense of humor and always did the right thing regardless of the loss to him....

The world is a sadder and lesser place tonight......

06-16-2006, 08:56 PM
Oh man, sorry about your loss. :(

06-16-2006, 09:20 PM
That is dreadful news.

Nobody has promised any of us a tomorrow, so this is another sad reminder to cherish and appreciate the people and things we enjoy....TODAY.

I'm very sorry for your loss.


06-16-2006, 09:38 PM
Not an easy thing to deal with even at the best of times. Remember what you learned from him and pass it on. I know it's not much when you want to DO something, but it's something you CAN do. There are too few of us now as it is, so keep the memories and the knowledge alive. I often feel that there are more than a few looking over my shoulder, but when I look around.... Hang in there.

06-16-2006, 10:02 PM

Truly sorry to hear of your loss. The bond between your closest shooting/casting buddy...is always a treasured one. Same goes for your hunting partner as well.

My most sincere condolences to you and his family.


06-16-2006, 11:11 PM
Castalot, My sympathies. This past weekend, I attended a fundraiser for a lady friend, who's house burnt last Thanksgiving, and burned her horribly. Live or die, those remaining, or those gone, it is a tough thing to face head on.

06-16-2006, 11:28 PM
castalot, I lost my casting buddy, who taught me the basics, about 25 years ago. I treasure the memories of good times spent at the range, and in dingy home workshops. I am blessed to still be using some of his moulds and tools, which are constant reminders of when he used to look over my shoulder. You never really get over such a loss, but in time you will be able to remember the good times and not dwell on the loss.

06-16-2006, 11:41 PM
Another angle for this situation, and for like circumstances, should be considered. The Boss knows full well who will be affected the most by the death of a loved/dear one, and, of course, the least. So, consider that He loves you and desires your undivided attention. I lost two sons, both before they were three years old. Talk about a wake-up call for my entire greater family. ... felix

06-17-2006, 12:22 AM

Trust in him and in his wisdom, He who knows all. He will not give you a greater cross than you can bear. Above all ask his help.

Weak words, but the best I have to give in this, your time of anguish. GOD bless you and his family. Yall will be in my prayers.


06-17-2006, 12:42 AM
I know that loss, and my heart goes out to you. Mine's been gone about 3 yrs. now, and I still come home, and want to give him a ring... We'll keep you in prayer.

06-17-2006, 02:24 AM
You are in my prayers. Please accept my condolences.


06-17-2006, 03:52 AM

I am sorry to hear of your lost. My condolences to you and his family. Put your trust in Him.


Four Fingers of Death
06-17-2006, 07:37 AM
A loss of a friend is a real blow. He would want you to kick on as us Aussies say. Hang in there castalot. You have friends here, don't wander too far from the fire. Mick.

06-17-2006, 09:45 AM
Sorry for your loss.

06-17-2006, 07:51 PM
Not much more I can say than I'm sorry for your loss. These things are always terribly tough. Hang on to the good memories and honor him when you can.

06-18-2006, 02:31 PM
I am sorry to hear of your los, my condolences to you and his family.
This is a reminder to all of us: Cast your bullets today, you never now what tomorow brings! Old time friend you said, ilbet you have lots of nice memories, that can never been taken awy!

06-18-2006, 03:03 PM
Castalott my condolences to you and his faimaly I know how you feel I lost my huntting,fishing,shooting friend 2 years ago I still think of all the good times we had and think of him as out cutting a trail for me to follow one day he will come to me and leed the way I know words are not of much help right now so just think of the good times you had while you were here togather 44woody

06-19-2006, 12:48 AM
Castalott, please accept my condolences for your loss.

Everything your friend is and was will remain with you always. Keep those memories safe.

My father passed on in 1994 and to this day I still carry some pleasant memories of our times together. He served in WW2 and had a hard time when he came home but sitting on the ground leaning against a log sharing smoko together is one of those memories. Always treasured.


06-20-2006, 08:38 PM
I thank you all for the kind words and prayers! I needed them!!

The funeral was today and many people had tears in thier eyes... '

Life will 'kick on' as my Aussie friend said..... but it will never be the same...

Thank You All Again....


06-21-2006, 06:55 PM
Hi, Castalot,

It speaks highly of your buddy that you feel this way about him.

One of the reasons why God made things so that we feel the way we do at the passing of good people is so that we will not forget who they were. The Creator wanted to be very sure that the things good people discovered, what they did, and what they stood for will not be forgotten by others. This is so that the goodness that they were will continue being used by us to make things even better even though they are now gone.

I have no doubt that through you, the good things that your buddy stood for and accomplished will continue to benefit others. I am saddened by your loss and you have my deepest sympathy.
Requiescat in pace.

06-21-2006, 07:23 PM
sorry for your loss

but remember this you will see him Again someday