View Full Version : Ever have a miserable day?

02-16-2010, 10:51 PM
Took the wife to the range today. We had both been laid up with a type of bronchitis and could not go for two weeks at least. Never mind the shop pressures.
Well, the newest Global Warming was at the range. It was daggonned cold for us Warm Weather types. I hate to admit it, but it was uncomfortable. I hate the heat, but now in the 40s is miserable!
Well, my rifle fired well, my pistol fired well, her .54 was a cranky son of a gun!
I finally got it down to rust caked in the hammer!
I mean misfire! misfire! misfire! I finally got the loaded round down range by taking the nipple out and putting some fff in the hole.
Even my pistol primer tool wouldn't put the primers on the pistol nipples!
I was shivering. I felt like a woos.
I got the rifle home, got out my diamond burrs, and made the hammer indent shiney.
I suspect, it was marginal in the hot days we fired it at, but, in the cooler weather it affected it more than when it was hot. It had almost no primer fire, even when they hit.
Now, it makes a real primer hit. It must have been that way from day one. I still need to take it to the range, but it hits much better. The cap splits on the hit, rather than taking two hits to make it fire. The rust must have acted as a cushion.
I got the rifle used, and used muzzle loaders do have issues. It has taken me lots of rounds with lapping compound to get to the point where the patched ball goes down smoothly. It did have spots for sure.
My wife scared herself with her rifle. She double charged it last round. I gave her the measure, told her how to do it, showed her how to do it, she has done it before. She opened it up all the way, filled it with powder, loaded it, put in a R.E.A.L. and it went BOOM!
Today added to it.
Such is life.
We survived it.

02-17-2010, 01:13 AM
Some days you're better of just staying in bed....
BUT!!! You improvised, adapted, and overcame!
You got to work on your BP gun, fixed an old problem, and potentially made it even better than it's ever been! Plus;
1) you got to shoot.
2) 40 deg. beats the hell out of what we had here today! (Snow, icy footing and NASTY high winds)
3) You got to shoot BP
4) You got to play 'smitty on a BP gun
Wasn't such a bad day after all, now was it.....:drinks:

02-18-2010, 06:12 PM
Bad day shooting is mostly better than a good day at work.


02-19-2010, 08:21 AM
Don't sound toooooo bad . . . other than the cold . . . a double charge, well . . . that should warm up the barrel!:razz:

I'm glad you made home safe and sound.

02-19-2010, 10:42 AM
I have never had a bad day! Just some are better than others!!!

02-22-2010, 08:23 AM
Ever have a miserable day? Yup, had quite a few of them until I retired!!!!

02-22-2010, 09:43 PM
Yesterday on the tractor plowing out from the last foot of snow. Running out of places to put it. Today snowed again early. Then the wind at 50 mph high temp today 10 F. Total snow so far over 200 inches. Glass is half full tho, could be worse, I think the snow total just up the hill is something over 350 inches. Have at least 5 different guns with several loads each ready to go.........
.... I'm waiting.......... I'm waiting........ :veryconfu

Here's my scenic view out the window this evening

02-25-2010, 12:02 AM
Shoot the bottles. What are ya waiting for?