View Full Version : New SmartReloader brand presses?

02-16-2010, 03:57 PM
Any experiences?




The flyer advertises a "steel" press (what part is steel, the frame, the handle or the pin?) for $30. I got a flyer from MidSouth with an order today, it says Swiss Engineered, Italian Designed. My head says "Chinese produced" but I no evidence for that, other than the low-ball pricing.

A steel O-framed press (if it is indeed the frame that is steel) for 30 bucks, very tempting indeed. If the ram actually aligns with the die, and the handle doesn't fall down under its own weight, it could be a really good deal.

Anybody got one? Cheap Chinese junk or Good Stuff(tm)?


02-16-2010, 04:09 PM
I'm very interested too....

mike in co
02-16-2010, 04:21 PM
sorta looks like a lee alloy done in steel( the ad does say steel frame and link)

not a bad price....but what do use a single stage press for..a boat anchor ???

( yes i actually own ONE)

mike in co

02-16-2010, 04:26 PM
not a bad price....but what do use a single stage press for..a boat anchor ???

( yes i actually own ONE)


One for seating boolits, and one with a collet puller for unseating bullets! Of course...


l h jenkins
02-16-2010, 05:25 PM
it will be made in china,same as their powder dispenser.

02-16-2010, 05:46 PM
RCBS imports their press frame castings from China and only does the finish machining here.

02-16-2010, 07:42 PM
I see their next level press uses bushings like Lee's Breechlock Challenger. China knockoff ?
For 30 bucks you can get one to for that neighbor you've been reloading for ....

02-16-2010, 07:47 PM
It's a slightly modified cross between Lee Classic Cast press and their Challenger press. Redesigned to get around any Lee patents. Made in China. If you're okay with buying everything you get manufactured in China, should be an "okay" press. For my money, I'd rather buy the Lee.

Just my .02,


02-16-2010, 07:53 PM
RCBS imports their press frame castings from China and only does the finish machining here.

Do you have proff of that?

02-16-2010, 08:19 PM
I handled this press at a gun show. Didn't look too bad and thought about buying one just to see how well it worked. Still might do so later.

However, I have 3 single stage presses right now and really do not need another one. Two Challenger presses and and old Herter press. Bought the second Challenger press new for $18 and only opened the box to see if it was damaged in shipping. Bought the Herter press just because. My first Lee Challenger Press is going strong after 5 years.

However, I still might get one of the Smart Reloader Presses.

02-16-2010, 08:49 PM
For me and mine we will spend our money on Lee Classic Cast presses and use the Hornady Loc n Load bushings in the single stage. Those are all American made and service is done by companies I can communicate with. Just my dos centavos. That is a very attractive price on the smaller one. The large dia. ram and the primer catcher on the Lee is a big plus.

02-16-2010, 10:39 PM
RCBS imports their press frame castings from China and only does the finish machining here.


Please note this thread was not about RCBS.


02-16-2010, 10:49 PM
I ordered that press a few days ago. I was going to buy the little lee but this was steel. If lee made a steel press for $30 I would have got it. When i get it I will post about it here....Buck

02-17-2010, 12:07 AM
Do you have proff of that?

Sure, but I'd have to find the article where the RCBS rep said it(which could take a long time). Also included in that article was that they now make all their dies on CNC lathes rather than on drill presses.

02-17-2010, 09:53 AM
It was listed in an article in Rifle or Handloader mag a couple of years ago that RCBS press frames were being outsourced.

I went to the Smartpress site and english is not their first language. This entire thing is made overseas somewhere. That i find interesting as we are the last bastion of reloading and shooting in the world. While a few other countires have some limited market for relaoding tools it is here, in the land of the free and home of the brave, that relaoding is common and basicly unregulated.

02-17-2010, 10:24 AM
I went to the Smartpress site and english is not their first language. This entire thing is made overseas somewhere. That i find interesting as we are the last bastion of reloading and shooting in the world. While a few other countires have some limited market for relaoding tools it is here, in the land of the free and home of the brave, that relaoding is common and basicly unregulated.

That's what I find so interesting about this tool lineup. It appears to have originated for the purpose of selling to the non-US International market and then found its way here. This is exactly opposite of the usual way, as you said, most reloading tools are made here in the US, or (at least) made for US companies for US consumption.

I know from correspondence with Brit and Euro handloaders, the prices in Euros for SmartReloader tools, while high compared to USD at Grafs or MidSouth, are screaming bargains over there.


02-17-2010, 11:31 AM
Buck 1 make sure to post reviews of your press when you get it i know several people that are eyeballing it.

02-17-2010, 01:04 PM
For my money, I'd rather buy the Lee.

Ditto for me!

02-17-2010, 01:13 PM
They are in Italy. Possible import issues??

02-17-2010, 02:39 PM
I really don't have a dog in this fight because I'm not in the market for another press, but if I was, I'd buy Lee or RCBS. Their support is very good and the jobs that produce them are here in the USA......... we need every job we can get right here and we dang sure don't need to support the Chinese, they already own too much of us.

02-17-2010, 04:11 PM
If I ever become president I'm going to push for laws to make companies make here, buy here, and sell here...

But since that time is a long time away, I just will do like I otherwise would. Just buy from the good ole US of A

02-17-2010, 04:25 PM
If I ever become president I'm going to push for laws to make companies make here, buy here, and sell here...

But since that time is a long time away, I just will do like I otherwise would. Just buy from the good ole US of A



02-17-2010, 04:35 PM
Sure, but I'd have to find the article where the RCBS rep said it(which could take a long time). Also included in that article was that they now make all their dies on CNC lathes rather than on drill presses.

The reason I ask for something current on this issue is that I know RCBS DID import casting from China a couple years ago in an attempt to keep the prices of their presses down. I also know they had HUGE quality issues with said imports and at least for a while quit importing the casting from China.

Yesterday I emailed RCBS Customer service and asked point blank whether their press castings came from overseas. We'll see what they say and I'll post the response here. I personally make a big effort to buy as much as I can that is made in the US. Generally the quality is better and it supports our manufacturing segment, which desperately needs our support if they produce good quality items. If only our corporate CEOs were smart enough to realize the error of importing every danged thing they are able to without really checking out the real cost to our economy and their products.


02-17-2010, 05:21 PM
I really don't have a dog in this fight because I'm not in the market for another press, but if I was, I'd buy Lee or RCBS. Their support is very good and the jobs that produce them are here in the USA......... we need every job we can get right here and we dang sure don't need to support the Chinese, they already own too much of us.

Pretty much sums up my feelings. :castmine::drinks:

mike in co
02-17-2010, 06:07 PM
If I ever become president I'm going to push for laws to make companies make here, buy here, and sell here...

But since that time is a long time away, I just will do like I otherwise would. Just buy from the good ole US of A

isolation'ism does not work........

dream what you will, wish what you will...it does not and has not worked.

mike in co

Lloyd Smale
02-18-2010, 08:40 AM
i wouldnt expect much for 30 bucks

02-18-2010, 09:34 AM
If I ever become president I'm going to push for laws to make companies make here, buy here, and sell here...

But since that time is a long time away, I just will do like I otherwise would. Just buy from the good ole US of A

you got my vote

02-18-2010, 02:56 PM
If I ever become president I'm going to push for laws to make companies make here, buy here, and sell here...

But since that time is a long time away, I just will do like I otherwise would. Just buy from the good ole US of A

Could we have the no-thinking-involved-to-manufacture-Walmart stuff made in Guatemala instead. That way they would need a fence. We could keep the products that require skilled labor here. I'm not an isolationist, I just don't like supporting or BORROWING from people that want to cut my throat.

02-18-2010, 04:09 PM
sorta looks like a lee alloy done in steel( the ad does say steel frame and link)

not a bad price....but what do use a single stage press for..a boat anchor ???

( yes i actually own ONE)

mike in co
I enlarged the pic, it is indeed lee design parts. I smell lawsuit ahead.

02-18-2010, 04:18 PM
I'm not an isolationist, I just don't like supporting or BORROWING from people that want to cut my throat.

That could rule out many parts of this country as well:smile:

02-19-2010, 12:23 AM
Any experiences?




The flyer advertises a "steel" press (what part is steel, the frame, the handle or the pin?) for $30. I got a flyer from MidSouth with an order today, it says Swiss Engineered, Italian Designed. My head says "Chinese produced" but I no evidence for that, other than the low-ball pricing.

A steel O-framed press (if it is indeed the frame that is steel) for 30 bucks, very tempting indeed. If the ram actually aligns with the die, and the handle doesn't fall down under its own weight, it could be a really good deal.

Anybody got one? Cheap Chinese junk or Good Stuff(tm)?


I found their automatic powder dispensor interesting. The first model of this style was offered by RCBS several years ago. Hornady just brought out a variation of that. Now these people have a third variation.

I know that neither RCBS nor Hornady is making the units that they are selling. I wonder who is making them?

02-19-2010, 10:12 AM
I have an interest in the auto scale powder measure from these guys as well, wonder how good it works?

"I know that neither RCBS nor Hornady is making the units that they are selling. I wonder who is making them?"

Yep, some of there stuff is identical or pretty darn similar...

Look at the RCBS Ammomaster single stage compared to the Hornady model for 50 BMG...and the powder auto drops for the progressives.

02-19-2010, 11:02 AM
i wouldnt expect much for 30 bucks

I agree with that!! One gets what one pays for.


02-19-2010, 11:19 AM
I realize this thread is not about RCBS, but I did read an article in Handloader a few years ago reporting that RCBS is made in China. I cannot complain, I drive a Honda and shoot a Glock every once in a while, but I hate to buy stuff made by communist slave labor if I can help it. Yes, I know everything from Walmart is from China but I still hate it.

It is a shame that Nixon opened diplomatic relations with China and that Wamart (a company started by Christians) is bringing down the U.S. economy. 450 Christians are executed every day in China, I figure I am probably next.

I will stick with my Lee Reloading products, although if I buy a 6.5 rifle, I might try a Redding die set.

I know, move to the political rant section, sorry! :hijack:


02-19-2010, 12:00 PM
I have an interest in the auto scale powder measure from these guys as well, wonder how good it works?

"I know that neither RCBS nor Hornady is making the units that they are selling. I wonder who is making them?"

Yep, some of there stuff is identical or pretty darn similar...

Look at the RCBS Ammomaster single stage compared to the Hornady model for 50 BMG...and the powder auto drops for the progressives.

RCBS makes the Hornady unit.

02-19-2010, 02:21 PM
I got one of their little electronic scales for weighing boolits and it works well. I had one that wouldn't hold zero and they replaced it no questions asked, no bill for shipping, and no return of the malfunctioning unit required. When I asked what to do with the old one, the gentleman said, dispose of it as you see fit, if it doesnt work, it only wastes your money and our time as we dont fix them.