View Full Version : Turn on your Lee furnace and do something else?

02-15-2010, 04:40 AM
.............I've done that before and twice had fairly disasterous results :-) Basically the entire contents down the front of the cabinet and on the floor. This does linoleum no good a-tall! The other time it had leaked out about half (this time in the garage) but it was still a major PITA, and no time was saved as you may imagine. It appears the lead in the bottom of the pot melts first, and so the leak may begin.

The other day I wanted to start the furnace while I had some other things to do. Being twice treated as above I didn't want to chance it so I came up with this:


All it is is a piece of steel pallet straping. No need to bore you with construction details as what you see is what it is. I've used it several times to date and no tsunamies of molten lead all over. Simply stick it in the mould guide, and when you return (pliers or gloves recommended) you pull it out and you're ready to go.


02-15-2010, 06:56 AM
A simple and elegant solution.

The best answers always are. :grin:

02-15-2010, 06:57 AM
I just keep an watchful eye on mine. Give it a glimps ever 3-4 minutes or so. When I start to see the drip forming in the small stainless cup I have underneath then I know its time to start casting...

02-15-2010, 10:47 AM
I may turn it on and walk away. When I do, It is to do something casting related. I don't turn it on unless I am definitely going to be casting. My concern and it is genuine, is a garage fire from forgetting about it.


02-15-2010, 11:37 AM
One reason I don't use a bottom pour. I don't like using my top pour unattended either. I guess I am a little paranoid about it starting a fire or more so I know how forgetful a I am and how easy I get side tracked if I don't keep my mind in the game.

02-15-2010, 01:47 PM
My mother always told me "never leave an iron unattended". This goes quadruple for a lead pot. If you think a 10-20 lb LEE pot makes a mess, imagine a 40 lb Magma.