View Full Version : FA model 97 grip questions.

02-13-2010, 09:21 AM
I have never handled one of these and have been tossing around buying one. My question is about the grip frame. How does it feel, and what can you compare it to? I have some FA 83's and some rugers with a bisley grip, SBH grip, the original XR-3 frame and the newer XR-3N. How would this grip feel compared to these? Thanks.


Bass Ackward
02-13-2010, 11:34 AM
I have never handled one of these and have been tossing around buying one. My question is about the grip frame. How does it feel, and what can you compare it to? I have some FA 83's and some rugers with a bisley grip, SBH grip, the original XR-3 frame and the newer XR-3N. How would this grip feel compared to these? Thanks.


Boy, is this tough. I would say that you need to handle one for yourself. The closest thing I would say is a SA Army 357 I had once. But that is not only grip, but weight and balance. I would think that caliber and barrel length would have a great deal to add to perception too.

All that adds up to personal taste.

ole 5 hole group
02-13-2010, 11:37 AM
The grip is a little on the small side for a large paw. The picture is a 97 (factory grip) and a NM Blackhawk (bisley kit) with Micarta grips.

02-13-2010, 11:41 AM
Do all three lower fingers fit on the grip? I am wondering more on the length than anything I quess.


Ed K
02-13-2010, 01:26 PM
I have a good size mitt. For me the mod83 grip frame is the best - better then Ruger Bisley, Super Blackhawk and anything else I've ever tried. I say this not to sell the mod 83 but let you know where I'm coming from.

That said with a mod 97 in my hand I feel "cramped". Not so much due to length but the tight radius of the curve and the overall diameter combine to give me this effect. Now I do not experience this effect with a Colt SAA grip frame but acknowledge they are short with a chunk of my palm and pinky hanging off the bottom.

So looking at these two guns solely from the perspective of grip frame I have a USFA which suits me for 45 Colt cowboy loads (or a little warmer - no more) and wonder what I'd do with a mod97 that is supposed to handle Ruger-only loads (or more!) when I have a mod83 for that.

Now we are all different: I wear size 12 shoes and if we shot with our feet why would I buy a size 9 gun? I have to believe the mod97 is perfect for somebody - maybe you're the guy in need of the size 9 grip frame. Just don't buy one without putting it into your hand first that's all. I've no doubt the gun itself is fantastic.

Edit: maybe someone should go into the business of making and stocking about a half dozen or so grip frames that provide a decent ergonomic compromise over a range of common hand sizes. Apparently someone did it with shoes and gloves many years ago and the idea worked!

02-13-2010, 01:52 PM
The 83 grip frame fits me better than most all Rugers. The only Ruger frame that I really like is the original XR3 that is on the original flattop 357's. That being said the 83 grip feels just slightly big for me. I was wondering of the 97 would be a happy medium? What size glove do you wear ED? Thanks.


02-13-2010, 02:55 PM
The grip is a little on the small side for a large paw. The picture is a 97 (factory grip) and a NM Blackhawk (bisley kit) with Micarta grips. I have a very small hand. I have no trouble with 83 or 97. Having written that, I strongly prefer the 97 as an overall package - for me. Grip, compared with SAA is more upright and longer, to allow me to achieve a firm grip with my entire hand. Ruger's Blackhawk grip frame, for me, is a tool of the devil - short, angled so the revolver does not point intuitively, and grip too far from trigger.

For me, the 83's grip, longer than the 97's, is just more of a good thing. My difficulty is that 83s are significantly larger, clumsier than my 45 Colt 97s. The difference in feel, I think, pertains to balance and bulk rather than substantial difference in grip configuration. Were my hand larger, grip length difference might be a problem.

Hope this helps.

ole 5 hole group
02-13-2010, 03:58 PM
I too like the feel of the 97 - kinda dainty like. Here’s what it looks like in a fairly big mitt riding the grip fairly high, not what you want to do with full house loads.

02-13-2010, 11:39 PM
I've never shot a Ruger with the Bisley grip. The Freedom Arms grip frames work great for me with the FA97 being my favorite. I also like the XR-3. The SBH and XR-3 Red grip fames have a tendency to hammer my middle knuckle. Here are some pics comparing the FA97, FA83, and and XR-3 (50th Anniv Flattop .44 Mag). In order to photgraph these, I held them in my left hand (I'm right handed) with the hammer cocked and tried to maintain the same grip on each gun. Hope this helps.

FA97 w/winewood grips:


FA83 w/winewood grips:


Ruger 50th Anniv Flattop .44 Mag:



Lloyd Smale
02-14-2010, 08:20 AM
Like was said youll have to handle one. Heres my take on it. Personaly i think the FA grip frame is even a tad better at handling big recoil then the bisley is but i think the bisley is more confortable. the way the front of the grip frame hooks out bothers me. If that was straightened out it would probably be the best grip frame going. either one is a vast improvement over a conventional blackhawk or colt gripframe. Especially when recoil get over the level of a 44 mag.

Ed K
02-14-2010, 11:54 AM
Toby, I wear either an XL or 2XL glove depending on the maker. My palm measures exactly 4" across and my hand from wrist to base of middle finger is 4.5"

Lloyd, since we're really talking about the model 97 here is that what you refer to as your all time favorite? I wouldn't think so it's probably just the way you wrote your reply. Maybe you could clarify.

02-14-2010, 01:07 PM
Thanks for all the help guys. I think I'm interested enough to try and find one locally to try out. I've been thinking about a small frame 45 for awhile and this might just be the ticket. I really like my FA 83's(4 right now) so this might just be what I'm looking for. Thanks again.
