View Full Version : Anyone have a horse pack saddle they want cloned? Free! : )

Just Duke
02-12-2010, 11:59 AM
I looking at making up a bunch for Buffalo Barbie and myself and would glad give one away if I could borrow theirs to duplicate in my shop.

02-12-2010, 02:52 PM

there is a book out on making a crossbuck (sawbuck) saddle. I don't remember the author you might do a search. Also make your self some good panier (boxes). If I find the book title and author before you do I will post.

You might want to look at the crossbuck (sawbuck to some) and the decker type saddles. here is a link to a maker that builds decker style saddles. also a short comparison of the two types.


Just Duke
02-14-2010, 02:01 AM
Thanks for the reply Manley.

Just Duke
02-14-2010, 12:42 PM
Hello Duke Nukem,
Here's one on feebay http://cgi.ebay.com/VINTAGE-PACK-SADDLE_W0QQitemZ320486872213QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_ DefaultDomain_0?hash=item4a9e819495
If they are going to be used the bars of the saddle are carved and contoured to fit a horse or mules back. Also the bars can be made to fit an individual horse's back.

Thanks Billl I saw that one on there but thanks for the link. Hate to pay that much for that saddle I would use as a template and then turn it into firewood.

02-14-2010, 04:02 PM
Duke, you could duplicate mine easy. I used to take a couple crappy old 70's backpackpacks and hang one on each side of a rotten old high back Mexican saddle, then tie a top pack on the seat. My poor horse, he was very forgiving of my ignorance back then, but once I walked him in to camp I had a saddle horse and saddle.

02-14-2010, 04:31 PM

any idea what type you want to build? I may be able to come up with a cross buck tree, an elderly aunt has been trying to give me one for years. You should try to find the book It might be by Ollie Hill. The book tells how to measure and fit the tree to the horse.

I will check tomorrow about the pack saddle tree.

Here is the link to Ollie Hill's books


Just Duke
02-19-2010, 06:22 AM

any idea what type you want to build? I may be able to come up with a cross buck tree, an elderly aunt has been trying to give me one for years. You should try to find the book It might be by Ollie Hill. The book tells how to measure and fit the tree to the horse.

I will check tomorrow about the pack saddle tree.

Here is the link to Ollie Hill's books


That would be great Manley. I talked to Ollie today and ordered one of his 4 books he wrote. Nice old guy too.

Just Duke
02-19-2010, 06:22 AM
Horses, Horses, Horses

02-19-2010, 11:48 AM

I will try to get over to check on the saddle tree this weekend. I got busy and did not get it done yet. Sorry.

Just Duke
02-24-2010, 08:21 AM
Well looks like I'm going to clone this vintage pack saddle we just picked up and make a whole bunch more.
Thank for all the input guys and you especially Manley. :bigsmyl2:





Just Duke
02-24-2010, 08:47 AM

any idea what type you want to build? I may be able to come up with a cross buck tree, an elderly aunt has been trying to give me one for years. You should try to find the book It might be by Ollie Hill. The book tells how to measure and fit the tree to the horse.

I will check tomorrow about the pack saddle tree.

Here is the link to Ollie Hill's books


The book arrived Manley. :D

02-24-2010, 11:43 AM

glad you gots something going. I was going to check this evening. No need to do that as you have the goods in hand.

Do you have any history on the one you have? From the color I would say it could be an ex Forest Service item.

Is there a crupper on the breechen? The crupper goes under the tail. How wide are the bars? You may need to modify the shape on the bars of the tree if this one is for a mule. Too me it looks like the bars are wide and flat on the fork (front). I think the book will help you decide how it was built.

If you have questions you have Ollie's contact info. I am sure he would be happy to help you out.

I will try to get you some dimensions and pictures of the hard side panniers, if you don't have the info already.


02-24-2010, 11:46 AM

What do you think of the book?

If you would, please detail you build as I would like to see it. I have not got to help build a pack saddle for horse/mule. Helped build a bunch for Llama and goats (like 200) but these are a whole nother beast altogether.

I was lucky to be working as a clerk in a video rental store and in the back and basement of building was a saddle school. I learned a lot when no one was interested in renting movies, and thank goodness for the little door chime letting me know someone came in.

Just Duke
02-25-2010, 08:50 AM

glad you gots something going. I was going to check this evening. No need to do that as you have the goods in hand.

Do you have any history on the one you have? From the color I would say it could be an ex Forest Service item.

Is there a crupper on the breechen? The crupper goes under the tail. How wide are the bars? You may need to modify the shape on the bars of the tree if this one is for a mule. Too me it looks like the bars are wide and flat on the fork (front). I think the book will help you decide how it was built.

If you have questions you have Ollie's contact info. I am sure he would be happy to help you out.

I will try to get you some dimensions and pictures of the hard side panniers, if you don't have the info already.


I just won it on auction. It should be here in a week Manley.

Just Duke
02-25-2010, 08:53 AM

What do you think of the book?

If you would, please detail you build as I would like to see it. I have not got to help build a pack saddle for horse/mule. Helped build a bunch for Llama and goats (like 200) but these are a whole nother beast altogether.

I was lucky to be working as a clerk in a video rental store and in the back and basement of building was a saddle school. I learned a lot when no one was interested in renting movies, and thank goodness for the little door chime letting me know someone came in.

The book has a lot of spec in it. Well worth the $25.00.
Will do Manley. I document all my projects HERE (http://50caliberforum.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=specialprojects)

02-25-2010, 11:09 AM

I will get signed up over there also. I will be watching intently. And I will try to get some pictures and measurements for the panniers.

03-04-2010, 01:17 PM

I have the hardside wood panniers and will get some pictures and measurements for you. PM coming your way.

Just Duke
03-04-2010, 01:22 PM
Thanks Manley. 8-)

03-15-2010, 11:50 AM

I finally got around to some pictures and measurements on the panniers. I need to download them and post. I will try to do that at noon today. For once a terrible weather day was a good thing, it gave me a bit of time to drag the stuff out and take some pictures.

03-15-2010, 02:54 PM

Book of Buckskinning 2 or 3 had some great plans, I made on years ago and gave it away. I'll see if I still have the book.

03-16-2010, 11:56 AM
Here is a picture of the hard side wood panniers.

Round side toward pack animal

measurements are length 21"
Height 20"
depth at bottom 9"
Depth at top 12 "

hole for rope loops ( you can use these with a single rope and can incorporate into your hitch if you know how, I have to look it up everytime). 5 1/4" from back edge, 6" from top

curve for pit around animal starts at 10" from bottom. Radius of curve whould be similar as to what one might see on the quarter blanket of the pack saddle or similar curve as the animal.

The ends are 3/4 solid wood, but plywood would work also. top bracing is 3.4x1 1/2 hardwood. exterior is 1/8 hard wood plywood. Bottom is 3/4 solid hardwood and is set and screwed in a rabbited groove for strenght. They are not all that heavy and you can pack alot in them without overloadign the pack animal.

Remember you want this to be a gentle squeeze or hug of the animal, not a pinch, poke, prod. It is very bad to get to pick up your stuff for a couple miles.

Also attached is a picture of a fully rigged pack saddle 9 the one in the picture has a ralide tree. An uncle has two of these he would like to sell. They have not seen a lot of use, only packed dead critters. Always used with soft side canvas paniers. If interested in pricing or more details let me know.

and finally there is a picture of a used tree that could easily find a new home should one need it.

Just Duke
03-17-2010, 06:33 AM
Great pic and thanks Manley. I sent you a PM. [smilie=2:
All my leather working tools will be here next week.
I am also enrolled in a one on one Vintage Saddle Making School that targets the mid to late 1800's saddle genre.

Like Kat!



03-17-2010, 10:31 AM

Where is the school located? I know a guy out here that does one on one saddle schools also.

Based on beign around saddle makers for a number of years, pay particular attention to the groundseat and the placement of the stirrup leathers on the tree. Those two items, especially the ground seat, will make or break a saddle.

I will respond to the pm when I get a chance later to day. Just making my morning run through the new posts.

Just Duke
06-01-2010, 09:21 PM
Close by that's all I can say.

06-02-2010, 08:01 AM
Close by that's all I can say.

It's a secret?

Just Duke
06-02-2010, 09:07 AM
It's a secret?

That's the condidtions. [smilie=2:

Just Duke
06-02-2010, 09:15 AM
Here's some picks of the harness leather .hides that have been arriving.




Vintage strap cutters.


06-02-2010, 10:21 AM
And now the work begins. Sides are fun to look at until you think that they need to be turned into alot of pieces.