View Full Version : Range of weights from 225415 molds

Cactus Farmer
02-12-2010, 10:26 AM
I had the use of a four cavity 225415 years ago and cast several pounds of the little jewels. My bucket is getting low (a few hundred left) and notice a wide variation of weights reported. The Lyman list says 55 grns. Mine are 47 grns and that is what I want for my Hornets. Do I just buy 'em all and hope there is a light weight in the bunch? Now,I cast 'em hard but not from pure iron or zinc. I don't think zinc weights even existed back in the early days of casting.....

02-12-2010, 11:02 AM
Lewis I think BaBore list one about the weight you are looking for. That is the one I am looking to get as my 1 in 16 twist does not like the heavy weights. Hope to catch up with you again next time we have a trip to MAF.

Cactus Farmer
02-12-2010, 11:08 AM
Yep, If I ever build a Farrow Hornet it WILL have a 1-14 twist for sure.....

Waiting for your visit.......bring your friend and we'll build you something you need,assuming I'm not out here in the field.

Fly safe, Lewis

02-12-2010, 01:56 PM
Lyman, in their infinite wisdom, decided some years back to extend the gas check shank on the 225415, which changed the nominal weight from the 48-49 grains that it had been for decades to about 55 grains. This made it very close to being a duplicate for the RCBS 22-055-FN. I see little reason why you couldn't set the current version up and mill the top down a tad to get it back down to ~50 grains or so. It would be much faster than trying to track down an older version. Or you could get BABore's 225-47 and try it first, it looks like it should be very good and is available with lots of cavities.