View Full Version : Bottom pour pot questions

Muddy Creek Sam
02-08-2010, 09:23 PM
Howdy all,

I am getting ready to use a bottom pour pot for the first time. All I have ever cast is Round Balls with a dipper pot. I melted, fluxed and poured in one melt. Do you flux and stir with a bottom pour? I will be using a 6 banger Big Lube 38 snakebite mold.

Would rather ask first and then find new ways to screw up instead of [smilie=b: at the start.


Sam :D

02-08-2010, 09:47 PM
Just lay the saw dust on heavily and open 'er up.

02-08-2010, 10:26 PM
I think fluxing prior to casting is worthwhile.

02-08-2010, 10:30 PM
Flux thoroughly, then leave the dross on top as an oxygen barrier. Reflux when adding to the pot. When you're done, if there is some alloy left, skim off the dross.

I never leave alloy in the pot, so I remove the dross and make ingots from whatever is left.

02-08-2010, 11:23 PM
I flux in the pot. I only drain the pot when I start to get spout plugging problems, until then I figure why bother? I use sawdust, beeswax to flux, stir with a wooden dowel. The cleaner you keep your alloy the better off you are. Sam, if you have a problem with fillout I have found openingup the sprue holes a bit helps. I can ge you the exact size later if you want. Snakebites cast pretty well if the mould is kept up to temp. Not as finicky as some others, like the J/P 45 or the 45Slim.

Muddy Creek Sam
02-08-2010, 11:27 PM

Would appreciate the size, Going to try my hand at it in the next few days, if the rain will hold off. Do you cast the SnakeBites with a air gap or pressure fill?

Sam :D