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View Full Version : Barnes Banded Bullet

04-28-2005, 01:48 PM
Just got off the phone with a Barnes Bullet Co. tech and that new bullet is actually machined and he said he hadn't noticed until I mentioned it that the picture of it has a parting line showing on it. He says he has one he was looking at as we spoke, actual bullet in his hand, and said he could assure me that it has on line on it and that it is machined. He said we were correct in that the grooves are to reduce friction, thus pressure and also being less bearing surface it puts less copper or bronze fouling on the bore. So there you have it.

This is Joe Starmetal, have a good day.

04-28-2005, 09:04 PM
Well I think it is cool he was so helpfull and willing to talk.


Harry Callahan
05-21-2005, 06:14 PM
I saw that picture too, it's not of the parting line but a reflection of the backdrop where the vertical meets the horizontal. Usually photographers drape the vertical backdrop to eliminate this kind of thing showing up in the subject but not in this case!!