View Full Version : How do you

01-28-2010, 02:11 PM
stand this much snow? Woke up this morning to rain it quickly started freezing and now we have a foot of snow and it is still snowing heavily. they predict another 6 to 12 inches. By the way nothing is moving as we do not have the snow moving equipment, a few maintainers and some trucks with plows on the front.
Have re-cleaned all my guns and now the computer and TV are all I have to do, I have all my brass loaded so no re-loading until I can get to the range.

01-28-2010, 02:14 PM
you get used to it after a month or so. won't be gone here untill at least mid march. steve k

01-28-2010, 02:19 PM
It is now thundering and really getting heavy. 19 degrees and thunder what is spring going to be like, I have seen hail the size of dinner plats, we shall see.

01-28-2010, 02:29 PM
Just got through e-mailing the folks, had my shower, breakfast, coffee and gathered the mag-lite flashlights, just in case the electricity goes off from ice on the lines. Doing laundry and listening to the radio. Yeah, Amarillo isn't going to be fun in ice. I have some reloading to do in 32 Mag, then I get to start 41 mag for the new Blackhawk. Since I live 5 miles from the outdoor range, I'm not deprived.
I'm going to go putter around more now, Good Luck to you, Freightman.


01-28-2010, 02:32 PM
Ahhhh but you're making me homesick for West Texas.

Not really. :)

I remember back in the early 80's and I was at Texas Tech University, right after lunch we had a sandstorm--this was in late February, I think. Sandstorm turned to rain, and then thundersnow complete with lightning. Everything got dark when the sandstorm rolled in, but to see (and hear) it thundering and lightning during snowfall was unusual.

While it was kind of neat, walking across that monstrosity of a campus was zero fun in that kind of weather. Snow blows SIDEWAYS out there!

I remember chasing tornadoes one spring as part of a photojournalism class. It wasn't like these fools do now who try to freakin' get INSIDE a tornado. :shock::veryconfu We just tried to get close enough to the wall cloud so we could snap a few frames of the twister hitting the ground--then we hauled donkeys. We saw some pretty big hailstones on some of those excursions.

Snow? Rest of the country can have all of it. Only place I ever want to see snow again is on the Weather Channel.


01-28-2010, 02:42 PM
Just now starting to rain in Tulsa. Expecting a MAJOR winter event with heavy accumulation of ice. Oh boy, yet another ice storm...

01-28-2010, 03:27 PM
We had freezing rain and now sleet. Took the wife to town in my truck to get the office mail and got my banking done so we can hunker down for a few days. Son attends Amarillo College and they canceled classes last night, as did most public schools. Just hope we don't lose electricity as my generator is in town and I looked at how deep it was buried at the shop and decided to chance it. It is also a two man job to load and I have laid off all my help.

257 Shooter
01-28-2010, 04:36 PM
Sorry to hear about the bad weather. I lived in Pampa in '88 and when the blizzard was done we had 88 inches on the ground. I do miss the snow but am not in a hurry to move back to the Panhandle.

01-28-2010, 06:02 PM
At least here in Maine we get every year so you have all sorts of hobbies to get you through the winter, like ice fishing, beaver trapping, snowmobiling, snowshoeing and of course making your own home-brew. Even then by about February I have had enough!

01-28-2010, 08:22 PM
Someone once asked a friend of mine, "What do yo do with all your time up there in Montana?"
Frenchy repied, "In the summer, we fish, and we make love."
The other person asked then, "What do you do in the winter?"
Frenchy says, " We don't fish".

01-28-2010, 08:25 PM
Not a big problem so far. If it warms up a little this weekend I might do some more squirrel hunting. You got to wait for their heads to pop up out of the tunnels.....
Ask Redneckdan about how much snow they've got up at Mich Tech-No-Logical University......

01-28-2010, 08:32 PM
thats why we invented the internet.

01-28-2010, 08:47 PM
I grew up in northern Indiana. I've put up with many wet, gray, muddy, messy, cold, slippery, depressing, stay-in-the-house-and-wish-for-summer winters.

That's one of the biggest reasons I live here now. I never have to shovel the weather or duck the tornadoes in the spring time. I didn't mind the tornadoes too much. They were about the only thing exciting that ever happened around that little town.

Wind chill is down to about 58*F right now. I'll have to grab another beer, put my sweats and slippers on, hunker down in front of the tube and wait for the temp to get back up into the 80s where it's comfortable. Probably in about a month and a half.

Winter's Hell here.



01-28-2010, 09:29 PM
Snow blows SIDEWAYS out there!

side ways? I didn't know it snowed any other way. I gave up shoveling my sidwalk for the mail man, I just started going to town every couple days to pick up my mail. I got tired of shoveling twice a day and still not getting my mail....:violin:

01-28-2010, 09:47 PM
Cold snap for us right now on the frozen tundra. Was up to a balmy 17 degrees this afternoon. thermometer says -2 right now. Not sure how far it is suppose to fall tonight. at least its making ice for sturgeon spearing. There should be plenty for everyone.....ice that is.

freightman, you welcome to borrow my brand new John Deere blower. 30" path 11 horse motor. heated hand grips if you can believe it. just have it back before i need it again.

01-28-2010, 09:48 PM
+1 AZ Stew!

We don't need no stinkin' snow to live down here!

House accross the street is for sale . . .

01-28-2010, 10:14 PM
I used to sneer when I heard about snow created driving problems in Texas. But then I was there for snow in Houston and later in Edinburg. I was amazed at how fast the black ice formed. The roads really became slick.

No more looking down my nose at Texas drivers and snow by me.

Marvin S
01-28-2010, 10:14 PM
Just got to wait for the global warming.

MT Gianni
01-28-2010, 10:15 PM
Get out and play in it, it won't last long. There are snowmachines to ride, cross country sking, sledding, snowball fights, ice fishing, snow angels, and lots more. Get the grandkids out and take pics. Varmits really show up well in the snow. Call some fox and coyotes, shoot jackrabbits. It won't last long for most of you so you might as well enjoy it.

01-28-2010, 10:35 PM
stand this much snow? Woke up this morning to rain it quickly started freezing and now we have a foot of snow and it is still snowing heavily. they predict another 6 to 12 inches. By the way nothing is moving as we do not have the snow moving equipment, a few maintainers and some trucks with plows on the front.
Have re-cleaned all my guns and now the computer and TV are all I have to do, I have all my brass loaded so no re-loading until I can get to the range.

Were you there the spring of 1957? Lots of drifts in Dalhart that year. Big drifts.

01-28-2010, 10:56 PM
Lotsa mobile homes here for sale starting at 2 grand. Ya gotta be an old fart of 55 to live here but ya can bring your 17 old wife/sister/cousin if ya like.

Rode the motorcycle about 40 miles this afternoon at 55 degrees. Winter is hell here. We have a domino tournament every Monday night, Poker on Friday. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I go burn powder at the range down the block. It is tough here.

All the latest movies are available here on Tuesday afternoons at $3 a head if you are 55 or more. Of course you have to walk through all those tempting slot machines to get to the movies. I am tough. I can do it.

Saturday afternoons are devoted to racing my R/C sailboat and drinking beer. Somebody has to do it. Life is great.

If I want to see snow I can look at a mountain about 20 miles away. I can even go skiing if I want but I would rather hang out in the indoor pool and steam room.
Getting old is not for sissies.

01-28-2010, 11:22 PM
Lest you guys think we never see snow here, this photo was taken in March, 2006, about 10 miles east of my home. No, it's not a Photoshop job. Those are the Superstition Mountains (think Lost Dutchman's Gold), and the snow is at about the 3,000 foot elevation level. The photo was taken at about the 1,500 foot level.

http://www.inficad.com/~gstewart/misc_photos/superstitions 3-12-06 10x75.jpg



Bullshop Junior
01-29-2010, 02:35 AM
What snow? ain't no snow here where I am (About 2 feet from the wood stove)

Lloyd Smale
01-29-2010, 05:22 AM
Like was said theres lots you can do out in the snow when you live in it and are used to it. Id take the snow and cold in the winter anyday before the steady 100 degree heat you have in the summer in tx. You can dress for the cold but you cant undress enough to stay cool.

Richard B
01-29-2010, 07:14 AM
Here in Canada snow is pretty much a fact of life but by this time of the year most folks have had enough which explains why Eastern Canadians invade Florida and Western Canadians invade Arizona this time of year.

We are usually prepared for our anual dump of white dirt but I imagine it is very much different for places that are not used to snow and it's slippery consequences.

At least in Calgary and southern Alberta we can look forward to the occasional warm Chinook winds that melt much of the snow.


Wayne Smith
01-29-2010, 08:35 AM
They are talking 6"-12" here at the Beach. I don't mind driving in the snow, did a lot of it when we lived in NH. It's all the other idiots that haven't figured out how to drive safely in a rainstorm that keep me in the house.

Son will do the shopping today. We will hunker down. Wires are underground here and snow and ice doesn't usually take out a substation like a hurricane will. I've got reloading to do. Might even get out on the back porch and cast a mite, may not.

01-29-2010, 09:04 AM
Hey Wayne,
I'm on the boarder line of this coming winter storm. They say maybe snow but definately sleet and ice! I'm just outside of Greenville, NC.

01-29-2010, 11:22 AM
We got enough last night here in Vermont for the State road plows to come out--and at 5AM I heard my plow guy plowing my driveway and that of my neighbor. About 4 or 5 inches. If there's less than that I shovel it. Today is sunny and a little below zero. We haven't had much sunshine lately. There's plenty of snow in the woods. I may get my snowshoes out and take a trudge around. Out in the back yard a small herd of wild turkeys are out there pecking for food. They make their circuit through my neighbor's Christmas tree farm every day, and loop around through my back yard. My indoor cats like to watch them.

01-29-2010, 11:42 AM
You are suffering from what is known as cabin fever. There are many diversions the snow bunnies come up with but most require warm clothes and special equipment. So how about a productive suggestion. Why don't you sit down and write letters to all your elected representives, federal and state, and tell them how you feel and how they can better represent you.


01-29-2010, 12:19 PM
We got through without losing our electricity, just one little temporary blip. Mostly some freezing rain, then sleet that was three or four inches deep, then 4 inches of snow. Sun is supposed to shine this afternoon with a high of 23. The mail will not get to us from Amarillo today, so we'll just stay home today.

01-29-2010, 07:38 PM
I saw snow about every ten years growing up in Houston. Now that I live in Tucson, I see it every year. Mt Lemmon is about ten miles north of me, is 9400 ft high, and is covered (down to about 7000) w/termination dust, as the Alaskans call it.
And we occasionally get it down here, too - usually evaporates (well, sublimes) before noon, though...

01-29-2010, 08:27 PM
Well. the sunny forecast was a myth. We had snow flurries all day and is overcast now. I wanted to shoot the Tarus in 480 Ruger today, but maybe tomorrow. Guess I'm getting wimpy in my older years. Our computer is linked to satellite and has been slow to stopped today due to snow on the dish and heavy cloud and snowfall.

Doble Troble
01-29-2010, 09:16 PM

You can go without eating for weeks. You can melt snow to drink. After those two needs are addressed, everything else is gravy!

Free time is a blessing, not a curse.

01-29-2010, 10:00 PM
Wife was freak'n flipping out over this snow/ice storm. She was asking OMG what will we do if we lose power. I suggested sit back and enjoy it. She is not as ammused at the thought of losing power as I am.

01-30-2010, 10:23 AM
Better hunker down real good cause there is another bunch of storms heading your way.
Scheduled to hit here in Kalifornication next Wednsday and last about 5 days.
Should get to you about a week from monday.
Ain't global warming great.


01-30-2010, 11:39 AM
Why don't you sit down and write letters to all your elected representives, federal and state, and tell them how you feel and how they can better represent you.

If I told them how I feel and signed it it might let me spend a extended vacation in beautiful Levensworth, Kansas. Yes I do remember 1957 I was a junior in highschool that year, hope to never see that again. We had as much snow this time but the wind was only 10/20 MPH that year the wind was 80MPH for three days. The ranchers lost 100,000 head of cattle that year, and that was before bail outs by the government!

01-30-2010, 08:30 PM
I understand your lack of interest in your so called "representatives", I just got the form letter reply from mine that did not address the views in my letter. In addition she explained she voted for the health care bill because it met HER criteria for health care reform. Of course I wrote back and reminded her that she was elected to represent us not her so we will wait for the next form letter.

Since you don't want to waste your time I would suggest it's not to early to start finding and working for the people we want to replace the current batch of #$%*&*@. If nothing else make sure all the shooters you know are registered to vote and won't miss this years chance to make a change. Are you registered to vote?


01-31-2010, 08:46 PM
Well, the weather was not as promised. Did not get warm enough to thaw the roads much nor near as warm as forecast. Son went to Elk city this afternoon and called back to say it was snowing there. Checked the radar summary and it wasn't there. Didn't get to shoot any. My new neighbor's wife gets upset when she hears me shoot, so I try to get away to keep her calm. The snow plows ran late today finally, but the pavement ends a mile up the road and the dirt road is really a mess. I'm getting cabin fever bad! If I can't get out tomorrow I'm going to cut loose with the 480 anyway.:Fire:

02-01-2010, 01:06 AM
>>My new neighbor's wife gets upset when she hears me shoot,

New neighbor's wife will get used to it if sufficiently exposed.

02-01-2010, 04:51 AM
How do you stand this much snow?

By knowing that the more snow we have in the mountains now, the less they'll burn in the summer.

This is from the 2000 fires out here. (1999 was a dry winter.)