View Full Version : surplus powder modification?

01-28-2010, 03:51 AM
I read that all IMR stick powders are made from the same compound, just different size kernels and coatings. If that's true, then 5010 is the same as 4831, 4895, etc., except for the size and coating, right? I know this is out there, maybe a bad idea, but could 5010 be made into a faster powder by some method, like maybe the wife's blender? Call me nuts, but I had to ask.

01-28-2010, 05:16 AM
There's no way you can control the resultant burn speed of the powder. I wouldn't do that.

01-28-2010, 05:32 AM
An interesting idea, perhaps. It would require some graduated sieves to sort what comes out of the blender, and some very cautious working up of loads. I think however it would fall under the classification of nothing better to do. (Those things always get me into trouble.) Lot of keeping track of different sizes of grains and some powdered stuff that would be usable only as fertilizer or fireworks. You could try taking a scalpel and tweezers and cutting one grain at a time until you got enough for one case and see how it goes! LOL! OK, nevermind, I'm in with Jim.

01-28-2010, 09:26 AM
this sounds like a great way to blow yourself up.

01-28-2010, 10:18 AM
Juggling running chainsaws not providing enough excitement anymore :smile:...Ray

Rocky Raab
01-28-2010, 10:34 AM
You betcha. Great plan. Just do one thing first. Take out a million-dollar life policy and name me as sole beneficiary.

Then Osterize away.

01-28-2010, 11:14 AM
Years ago a 4350 granule was cut in half lengthwise and became a 4320 granule. Leave modifications to the R&D guys in the development business with appropriate equipment. Most mods won't be nearly as linear as expected. ... felix

01-28-2010, 11:21 AM
Dualsport; this sounds like a really BAD idea! I think you have been given good advice above.

01-28-2010, 01:28 PM
I read that all IMR stick powders are made from the same compound, just different size kernels and coatings. If that's true, then 5010 is the same as 4831, 4895, etc., except for the size and coating, right? I know this is out there, maybe a bad idea, but could 5010 be made into a faster powder by some method, like maybe the wife's blender? Call me nuts, but I had to ask.

There is a little more to it than that. It must be remembered that powder burns on it's exposed surface area. Most sticks have a hole through them. The size of this hole, in relationship to the size of the stick also affect burn rate. Ball powder is almost completely controlled by burn deterent coatings.

In this vein there is an interesting thing about the development of ball powder. At the end of WWI there was a huge surplus of powder for cannon. The question became what to do with it. A chemist ____Olin (I can't remember his first name) developed a process to convert the powder into a powder suitable for small arms. The process of course also changed the form of the powder into a sphere. C. E. Harris discusses this in the NRA publication "Handloading" in the chapter on powder.

So yes, you are correct in that the chemicals used to make powder are essentially the same. You are also correct inthat it is possible to change a powder from one form to another and even change it's burning speeds. But changing a speed requires more than simply "choppin' it up".

I keep wondering how long it is going to take for some Islamofacist's to figure out how to wash away the burn deterents then wash out the cellulose ending up with nitro glycerin. At 20% nitro, there is 2 pounds in 10 pounds of Unique, Green Dot, Red Dot.... Prolly easier to steal some TNT

01-28-2010, 02:02 PM
OK, it was just an idea. Hope springs eternal, eh? It would be nice to get 4350 at 5010 prices, but I will drop this idea as unworkable. "Nothing better to do" is pretty close to the truth, no work long time. Hey, somebody wanted to 'reload' primers! I do have a good supply of black powder, and just ordered a thousand caps, I guess I'll shoot the muzzies for a while, try to stay busy and not hurt myself. "An idle mind...."