View Full Version : grade of lanolin for boolit lube

01-24-2010, 04:37 PM
I have never made any boolit lube but am thinking it would be fun to try.
I was wondering if regular lanolin would be alright instead of anyhydrous lanolin. I have lots of vetrinary ointment that is about half lanolin and half beeswax. But the lanolin is not listed as the anyhydrous grade. Would this mess anything up? Any information would be appreciated. jmsj

01-24-2010, 04:46 PM
Sorry the above post is in the wrong category. I cannot seem to delete or move it. jmsj

01-24-2010, 04:58 PM
First, JMSJ, there is no such thing as true anhydrous lanolin because it depends on how easily the water is taken out, which is almost never all of it. That's one measure of lanolin grade. Making BP lube with what you have would be fine, but for smokeless apps, no water is desirable. So, make your lube as prescribed, adding what you do have last like you would normally do with anhydrous (lanolin does not hot heat). Let the lube simmer containing the stuff you have stirring occasionaly until the steam has just about disappeared. Then you'd be fine for smokeless. Remember, cold weather shooting does not require much lanolin at all because the added viscosity via the lanolin is not desired. ... felix

01-24-2010, 06:58 PM
Thanks Felix, I was hoping you might answer this. I was going to try and make your lube. I was thinking of using the vet ointment for the lanolin content primarily, doing the math to get the correct amount. Many thanks.
This bullet casting, bullet lube making and making tools to help make them is sure addicting.
It is amazing how much you can learn at this site. jmsj

Lloyd Smale
01-30-2010, 07:48 AM
one other thing. I made my first batch of felix with lanolin that wasnt anhydrous. It worked great but i found after a couple months all the lube in my bulets dried up and fell off so if your going to use it make sure you dont use it on bullets your going to store.