View Full Version : Another blow up

01-17-2010, 07:42 PM
I got these pictures in today, from a deputy sheriff in the midwest. He didn't have any info on the load, they just know the guy over did it. He had brought the gun into the S.O. for disposal. It doesn't look like there is much to dispose of!
Check, and double check!

01-17-2010, 08:36 PM
May as well save the good parts and toss it in the garbage can.

01-17-2010, 10:07 PM
Wow, that used to be a nice gun...

01-17-2010, 10:13 PM
I wonder what caused the chainfire? Using split cases maybe? Or is it normal for the outside cylinders to detonate on a blowup?


01-17-2010, 10:21 PM
I know what caused it, wrong kind/color of bullets!

01-17-2010, 10:32 PM
serious overload there.
the cylinders chamber has been blown in half and shoved straight down. wow...

01-17-2010, 10:44 PM
22 grains of Bullseye?

01-17-2010, 10:45 PM
Seen a bunch of these over the years!

Cause is simple wrong load! Every S&W I've ever seen in this condition is missing the top three chambers of the cylinder. Heck I've seen two Colt 357's and a Ruger Blackhawk 41 mag suffer the same fate! There are no little explosions!

As to how it happened? Without an interview from the shooter no one will ever know if he grabbed the wrong powder, miss read his scale or was given or "Borrowed" ammo from a friend or better yet, aquirred some reloads at an estate sale and decided to shoot them rather than tear them down and start over!

Any possibility that an interview was taken? and could it be posted?

01-17-2010, 11:05 PM
O.K. next question: why are there only three rounds in this gun?

If you look closely at the "close up " photo ( enlarged) you can plainly see the remnants of both cases on the left and right of the center chamber.

However the chamber directly underneath the left hand chamber ( held as if fireing the gun) has no shell in it! I can plainly see the ejector star! This gun should have a case in this chamber and the other three as well! Yet nothing is there!

Is it possible this is a deliberate self destruct attempt? The shooter had to load three rounds only, cock the gun and fire for the cylinder chambers to be in this position with an empty chamber where it's at in the photo!

Not trying to push the panic button ( or sound like a conspirecy nut) but I think someone needs to ask the "Delivery Boy" that dropped off this gun a couple serious questions!

Dennis Eugene
01-18-2010, 12:24 AM
odds are the Deputy unloaded the unfired rounds and left the remnants for effect. Dennis

Slow Elk 45/70
01-18-2010, 12:35 AM
I've been doing this for 40 years, there is no substitute for stupid.....Igronance can be cured with information. Stupid is forever. I hope he did not get hurt....m

01-18-2010, 01:38 AM
I've asked Rob (the deputy) to try to get more info on this. I can tell you, in that area, the people in general, are not serious shooters, so I imagineit was some bright individual who either loaded the wrong powder, or beleiveed he knew more than the loading manuals/

01-18-2010, 02:27 AM
Hey Waksupi, those photos have been going around the net for awhile now - since last year at least. I've seen them on most of the gun boards at one time or another. Originally, it was a slam against S&W.

I believe the true story came about some time ago, but I'll try to have to track it down.

Here are some sites with the same pics............


And here we apparently have the person who it happened to (Mike82 - the author of the thread). This is my favorite one..........

01-18-2010, 02:57 AM
Sounds like the perp is blowing a bunch of smoke to cover his reloading adventure.

The stink of "made up story" seems strong in the air to me.

But, I could be wrong.


01-18-2010, 05:01 AM
go to post #79
in the gunandgame link. it'll point the direction it come from.

Bucks Owin
01-18-2010, 01:02 PM
I'd bet it's a casefull of fast powder. Just ONE of the reasons I avoid Bullseye etc like the plague. (Another being, a pinch of fast powder in a large capacity case seldom shoots very accurately for me either!)...Dennis