View Full Version : RCBS Lube Sizer - .45 GC Problems

06-02-2006, 11:17 AM
Well I went to lube and install some GC on my 300 gr boolits destined for my .45LC. Inserted the gas check and placed the boolit over the check. Pulled the handle and got a major lock up. Had to remove the sizer and press out the boolit with a vise. I have no idea why the GC is catching. As it is I will have to lube the boolits, remove the lube around the base where the GC goes and just start the boolit into the sizer to press on the GC.

Any ideas why this is happenning or what I am doing wrong?

Take Care

06-02-2006, 11:37 AM
I've had this happen on occasion with 40+ caliber GC designs in my Lyman. I'm unsure of its cause--I'm guessing based on the resolution that the edge of the check is catching on one or more of the lube galleries--but running the boolit a little shallower or deeper into the die often resolves the problem.

06-02-2006, 01:24 PM
I don't know if it will help or solve your problem, but I always fit the gas check to the boolit base, then insert it in the die. This insures that the check is fully and squarely seated before sizing.