View Full Version : Texan turret value

01-16-2010, 06:09 PM
What does a Texan turret press go for used? I found one in pretty good condition and want to know if it's priced right.

01-16-2010, 07:08 PM
The last one I seen sell went for $125. And I was 2 min too late.

01-16-2010, 07:30 PM
The last one I seen sell went for $125. And I was 2 min too late.

So I assume that they're worth much more?

01-16-2010, 08:31 PM
125-150 range, depends on auction fever. They are very well built presses.

01-17-2010, 07:29 AM
Way back in 1963 I had been seriously eyeballing a Texan Turret but at $85 it was seriously out of the budget of a young, newly wed GI. Several months later the store went bankrupt and my new bride purchased the press for $35 and presented it to me for my birthday. I have cranked out well over a hundred thousand rounds with that press, predominately 38 Special and 45 acp and it looks almost new today. For the last several years most of my pistol reloading has been performed with the Lee Turret, not because it is superior because it certainly isn't but because of Lee's quick change turret. The Texan is now a special use press. It has several carbon steel sizing dies to resize nickel plated pistol brass and a couple Lee bullet sizing dies. It has certainly been money well spent and definetly the best birthday present the wife has given me in 45 years. Do you wonder why we are still married? Neil