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View Full Version : Leupold reticle shifted

01-12-2010, 09:31 AM
I had a 4X Leupold on my SBH and shot a lot of 315gr loads thruogh the gun. Velocity is 1400fps and ther is a lot of torque on the gun. Well, I've noticed the reticle is no longer iline with the windage and elevation turrets. In other words, if you put a level on the elevation turret, the reticle is leaning or has rotated to the right. Anyone else have a similar experience? I need to box it up and send it back to Leupold. I do have a 2X Leupold that has seen a lot more use than the 4X and it is in great shape.

01-12-2010, 09:35 AM
I've seen it happen on several "cheap" scopes, but not on a Leupold. Good thing it's got that warrenty, right? I saw one last year, a Tasco, that you could rap on the side of the scope, and make the reticle rotate 360°! Kinda neat really... A particularly vicious kicking bolt action .22 mag unglued that one.

01-12-2010, 09:42 AM
This sort of thing happened to me on my 30-30 Contender. No doubt it took alot of recoil punishment over the years. I sent it off to Leupold and got it back about six weeks later, no charge. Leupold stood behind its product!

peter nap
01-12-2010, 09:54 AM
This sort of thing happened to me on my 30-30 Contender. No doubt it took alot of recoil punishment over the years. I sent it off to Leupold and got it back about six weeks later, no charge. Leupold stood behind its product!

Leupold has always stood behind their warranty for me. It's hard to break their stuff, but every once in a while....

The only thing they didn't offer to fix was a pair of binoculars that Zeus used as a chew bone.:groner:

01-12-2010, 10:10 AM
Loopies usually hold up but it can happen.
I found a Swift scope on sale at E.A.B. and there was a page about how tough they are built. I put it on my .475 and never got it sighted before I gutted the whole insides. The replacement is now on my .22 pistol! [smilie=l:
I have pulled the front glass out of many cheap red dots on my .44 too.
Handguns are really bad on scopes.
I have a Tasco that has been on and off many guns for testing and it does not even have a mark on the outside of the tube from all the rings. I like it but it has a big dot in the center and is hard to shoot groups with.
My 2X Loopy is over 50 years old and is still going strong.

Bucks Owin
01-12-2010, 11:26 AM
Loopies usually hold up but it can happen.
My 2X Loopy is over 50 years old and is still going strong.
Leupold's are indeed a good old scope! I have a 50+ yr old 8X "Westerner" with 1 minute Lee dot on my old M70 .243 Featherweight. It's a little the worse for wear asthetically (sp?) but just as accurate mechanically and clear optically now, as it was when new. I wish I knew where to get it refinished though, the "bluing" on it's aluminum tube is faded and worn to purple in places. Seems to me there used to be an outfit that refinished vintage scopes?....Dennis :coffeecom

Wayne Smith
01-12-2010, 02:15 PM
Bucks, was "Westerner" a Leupold name? If so send it back to them. If not check out - I think it's Parsons Scope Service.

01-12-2010, 02:16 PM
I have 2 Leopold 2X7 scopes that needed work One had a tilt to one of the lenses inside so that half the view was fuzzy and half was in focus It was on my 30-06 Sako that I had fired about 5000 rounds through it. The other had a zoom ring that was so stiff as to almost not be adjustable. I sent them both back and they came back free and fixed. In fact Leopold sent me a letter saying that they had upgraded the insides to meet their latest improved specifications. This was 20 years ago and they are both still in service with no problems.

Bucks Owin
01-12-2010, 02:26 PM
Bucks, was "Westerner" a Leupold name? If so send it back to them. If not check out - I think it's Parsons Scope Service.

Yes, the "Westerner" was the Leupold with adjustable turrets. Can't remember what the non adjustable model was called "back in the day"....Parson's huh? Thanks for the lead....Dennis

01-13-2010, 01:18 AM
It depends on how much it is canted. 2-3 degrees cant is in spec for Leupold scopes. So check it. Otherwise, it'll just come back the same. I don't understand why Leupold can't get a retical straight. That's too much cant.

01-13-2010, 05:23 PM
I had a simmons (never again) that cost me about$150 from midway that bit the dust on a .22 semi auto beretta pistol. The more you shoot it the further it would rotate. If i shot enough I think I could make it do a 360. Be glad yours is a Leupold because mine had a one year warranty and it happened at 13 months of course!!

01-13-2010, 07:53 PM
I had a simmons (never again) that cost me about$150 from midway that bit the dust on a .22 semi auto beretta pistol. The more you shoot it the further it would rotate. If i shot enough I think I could make it do a 360. Be glad yours is a Leupold because mine had a one year warranty and it happened at 13 months of course!!

Lifetime warranties are not much better. I bought a Weaver 2X from Midway and it lasted about 440 rounds from my 500 S&W. Sent it back for repair at my cost for postage and received a new one about a month later (Weaver repair department works only 1 daya week). Put the new scope back one the same gun and went to shoot some mid-range loads for the 500. It lasted exactly 43 rounds. Called the warranty center for a RGM and they asked that I send it back to them again (at my expense) and that they would "fix" it.

Usually I shoot Leupolds and have one of them mounted on the 50AK. I will not buy Simmons, Burris scopes are iffy I have returned 2 of them twice a 2x7 IER w/AO and a 10X IER w/AO. Both of them would not hold parallax. Same story, they will fix for free but I pay shipping. I don't have a rpoblem with that if the scopes last an appreciable amount of time before going back in for repair but both Burris's crapped out in less than 40 months from their warranty repair and I had them mounted on low recouling guns. One was on a 308 Encore and the other was on a 223 Tender.