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View Full Version : Military Bolt Match...

01-06-2010, 07:49 PM
at Oil Capital in Coweta, Oklahoma, scheduled for this Saturday, January 11, 2010, has been canceled. Next match is second Saturday in February. Forecast is 0dF, windchill in the way minus. Just a little too uncomfortable for a 'nice' day at the range, eh?

So much for that idiot, AlGore(I invented the internet), spewing about global warming...

01-06-2010, 09:51 PM
He'll be back to spew come summer....

01-07-2010, 10:27 AM
Corky I believe Al Gore, brilliant man he is! It is only -18 this morning. Daughter called from Missouri yesterday had froze up drains, damned Global Warming!

01-07-2010, 12:11 PM
Heard tell on the radio this a.m. that they have an ice sculpture of Big Al Gore in Fairbanks, Ak. It will last longer there than Big Al's reputation after this winter! WHAT A LOOSER!

01-09-2010, 04:11 PM
Hello Sundog, I hear ya on the cold temps but it is a pretty day today. I live in Verdigris and we had a little snow this morning. Haven't been to the Red Castle club due to the icy roads since before Christmas so have a little cabin fever. Have been on the computer more and this morning I tried to order a S & K scope mount for my Persian 98/29. Couldn't get through their system so will order on their 800 number Monday morning. We have our "Sniper Class" up and running and the Persian will be rifle number 4 to fit in the new class. I talked briefly to you at the State Match about Oil Capital starting a scope class. Any progress on that? Regards, Bob

01-09-2010, 04:47 PM
Bob, yup, me too, not pulled a trigger in awhile. I mentioned a scope class to several, not much interest. What's the course of fire?

01-10-2010, 04:19 PM
Hello Corky, The Sniper Class is run at the same time as the regular match, it just isn't scored with the 'as issued' shooters. We have a 3X power limit and any mounts can be used. We only have 14 shooting benches, so there are two matches on the 4th Saturday of the month; so a shooter can shoot two matches for the price of a trip to the range. It is customary to shoot two different guns if this is done, but it is not a rule.
This year will be the second year for our match director so we are going through some changes, we have been losing some of the younger shooters due to the economy and older shooters with problems with the iron sights. I have been shooting the Springfield rifle with cast for over 50 years and am hoping to keep doing it for as long as I can. Regards, Bob

01-10-2010, 06:46 PM
Okay, Bob, so I'm kinda interested in how the scores compare between the iron sight and scope class.

01-11-2010, 01:09 PM
We have had only two matches to date (no December match due to the holidays) and I won the first match with a 291. The second match was won by a shooter with a Persian Mauser 98/29 with a score of 299 with 10X; my score for that match was 296 with 8X, shooting a Springfield 03A1. We have had 4 shooters for each match but there have been several shooters asking about mounts and such.

My feeling is with the scope some of the rifles that have suffered from the lack of windage adjustment during the course of fire will gain some advantage with the scope. Springfield shooters like you and I will loose that tactical advantage (I have always said if you have a Springfield why would you shoot anything else?) but the playing field will be flat beyond that. The scope makes all the difference in the world if you can no longer make the front sight crisp.