View Full Version : Mfgr. of propellant now illegal

01-05-2010, 07:51 PM
As per the BATF, according to this article, the manufacture, without an explosives mfgr. permit, of ANY nitrate based propellant is now illegal. Which means if you make your own BP, you're in violation.


01-05-2010, 08:34 PM
I contacted that board, and urged them to get their members contacting representatives about this. I encourage all here to do so. It sounds like the BATF is making it up as they go.

01-05-2010, 08:41 PM
Thanks ATF????!!

01-05-2010, 08:41 PM
My older brother holds a special permit for a class of "motors" they have to be locked in a cabinet that is bolted to a cement suface.
He has shot some large 6-7 and longer rockets at meets out in the middle of nowhare.
Has to be since the range is so high that the FAA sets it as a safe zone that is off limits to fly in for planes.

01-05-2010, 09:23 PM
I smell either a mistake, or somebody trolling to get others upset. The reference web-site posting is 3+ years old.


Mark :coffeecom

01-06-2010, 08:13 PM
You can make explosives and propellants without a BATFE license as long as you don't sell or distribute them in any fashion. But if you store them even overnight, it has to be done in a compliant magazine- which means BATF approved. Which means you got licensed. BATFE controls explosives in commerce and sets requirements for explosives storage.

Of course, your state, county and city all have additional laws.

01-07-2010, 12:01 AM
I contacted that board, and urged them to get their members contacting representatives about this. I encourage all here to do so. It sounds like the BATF is making it up as they go.

That would not be a first for the ATF. When I flew High Powered Rockets, some of the guys made there own propellant from ammonium perchlorate. ATF got involved in tha as well.

Rocketry has become WAY to regulated for me. Sold most of my stuff and moved on.


01-07-2010, 12:10 AM
That would not be a first for the ATF. When I flew High Powered Rockets, some of the guys made there own propellant from ammonium perchlorate. ATF got involved in tha as well.

Rocketry has become WAY to regulated for me. Sold most of my stuff and moved on.


What are you going to do when shootery and reloadery is way too regulated?


01-07-2010, 12:24 AM
Nine years of legal wrangling and $700,000 in court costs later, BATFE acknowledges that APCP isn't an explosive.


I was at several PGII business meetings where we voted to help fund all that lawyering.

01-07-2010, 03:01 PM
What are you going to do when shootery and reloadery is way too regulated?


Get rid of the ATF :brokenima

gray wolf
01-07-2010, 04:36 PM
little by little --controle---controle--
cradle to grave.
and the dumbed down masses (sheep) are blind to it all with there heads in the sand and there brain in denile. What a said day for us that are awake.

Rocky Raab
01-07-2010, 06:58 PM
And this being "awake" will allow you to do what, gw? I'm not encouraging us to be sheeple or even "asleeple" but it seems to be that just being able to say "I told you so" doesn't accomplish much.

The supposed new regulation is three years old, and even if it true and took effect, here has been no change for reloaders that I can see. Nor can I see how there could be; how many of us manufacture our own gunpowder?

More likely, this is something that never actually took effect, or was rescinded. Resurrecting this sort of dreck is one of the more regrettable manifestations of the internet. Someone may "discover" that there's gold in California next ...

01-07-2010, 07:11 PM
I wouldn't think that the ATF could enact ANY laws, only enforce them. The legislative branch of the govt. would have to pass such a law first?

01-07-2010, 07:16 PM
I wouldn't think that the ATF could enact ANY laws, only enforce them. The legislative branch of the govt. would have to pass such a law first?

Ever heard of the EPA? The alphabet agencies make it up as they go.

01-07-2010, 09:19 PM
Agencies & bureaus make a LOT of interpretations based on what those whacky folks in DC enact. If you disagree strongly enough and can convince federal judges that you're right (and afford the legal help you will need to do that!) you can sometimes get them to see it your way- Which the high power rocketry folks have just done, if you would care to look at the last link I put up.

They work in a system, and you can work in that system too. You will need to be coherant, smart and focussed, as well as having deep pockets. Frothing at the mouth will get you nowheres, and definitely antagonizes bureaucrats who otherwise you MIGHT have come to an understanding with.

I deal with BATFE as a matter of course in my business. Knowing and understanding the laws and their various determinations related to my activities has made this if not exactly fun, at least to go smoothly and effectively.

Want to have a bad time with BATFE? Start with ignorance (yours or theirs!) then throw in some bad attitude...