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View Full Version : New Model Ruger Vaquero - Opinions?

01-05-2010, 02:35 PM
Man I was bummin today. Wife took me out the day after new years and bought me a brand new Ruger New Model Vaquero in .357. Being I used to be a rifle builder but know nothing about revolvers (built a lot of semi's but no revolvers...) I read the manual, took it apart to clean it -- the ejector rod was "sticky", and down in the hammer/transfer bar area with hammer cocked, when I looked there were massiverust pits all over the transfer bar, behind it, on the firing pin, etc. Thank goodness we bought it from a large reputable shop because they are immediately finding me another one but the only time I've seen anything rust like that was when corrosive primers and/or tracer rounds had been shot through the gun and not cleaned -- and this one was NEW.

Opinions on what could have caused that? Lack of care in the shops showcase? Too much humidity? Maybe someone decided to try it out, shoot it and then put it back in the case? Never seen a brand new Ruger rust like this and just wondering if any of you have, it's a blued model. It's a really nice gun -- my FIRST single action only and feels REALLY nice in my hand. I'm pretty sure it had to do with not cleaning/oiling the showcase guns regularly, look at the pics to appreciate what I'm talking about.

Man and I had just read some of the articles here on revolvers and accuracy and found out I know NUH-THING about them. I'd cast some new soft boolits to check throat area, barrel, etc. Kinda like your wife getting a boob job and you can't play with them now.

Here's links to pics if you want to look, they are full size so I didn't want to suck up too much bandwidth from the forum:

Photo 1 (http://i525.photobucket.com/albums/cc336/Tazman1602/Vaquero.jpg)

Photo 2 (http://i525.photobucket.com/albums/cc336/Tazman1602/Rusty1.jpg)

Hey I had to whine to someone.........:violin:


PS -- Ya' gotta love a store that has good customer service. The general manager just called me and said he's got another identical gun coming from their downstate store that has been inspected by the gun manager there and he has pulled two other Vaquero's off their stores shelves, a stainless and one more blue in all calibers they have and all I have to do is bring back the old one and take my pick. He just assured himself when I do buy another gun locally I'll go there............

Bucks Owin
01-05-2010, 02:44 PM
Is that actually rust?!? "Looks" almost like some kind of assembly goop but....Good Lord! Ruger should get that one back! :groner: Dennis

01-05-2010, 02:57 PM
Is that actually rust?!? "Looks" almost like some kind of assembly goop but....Good Lord! Ruger should get that one back! :groner: Dennis

No man that is rust I'm just about sure............I guess it *could* be some kind of assembly goop but I've looked at it with an opti visor under light and I swear it's rust. I was afraid to try to clean it because no way should a new gun look like that............


01-05-2010, 03:06 PM
Whatever it is, it don't look right, I would have pulled the hammer and see if it wipes off . . . but another new one is easier, record the serial number, might be interesting to see if it pops up somewhere . . .

01-05-2010, 03:08 PM
I absolutely love my Ruger NM Vaquero. It is a SS 45colt with 4 5/8” barrel.

01-05-2010, 03:38 PM
It's rust. I've seen several "new" Rugers that looked similar, but not that bad. It does usually wipe off, but the hammers are basically "in the white", and will normally show a little staining. If it looked like it was built right, I would have dealt with it, rather than roll the dice on the repalcement being worse.

01-05-2010, 03:49 PM
When I bought my Ruger Blackhawk in .41 magnum, there was a small rust spot on the left side of the frame. I was kinda of upset, but this particular gun has the best trigger pull I have ever felt on a Ruger single action and I love the gun, so I kept it. I wondered if it could have happened due to the plastic that they wrap the gun in when it leaves the factory. Could that trap moisture that would otherwise simply evaporate? I don't know. I wish the weather would warm up just a little so I could shoot my new gun.


01-05-2010, 04:29 PM
I absolutely love my Ruger NM Vaquero. It is a SS 45colt with 4 5/8” barrel.

........that's one I have an option on Nut. Just don't know about the cost of ammo and components aren't available. I'm also not setup for 45 Colt.

As far as taking care of it myself goes? No way, not on a new gun. That's like buying a new car and having to fix it right off the bat.

Lloyd Smale
01-05-2010, 04:50 PM
I would guess that the guy bluing the hammers didnt rinse them well that day.

01-05-2010, 04:58 PM
I would guess that the guy bluing the hammers didnt rinse them well that day.

That's the best answer I've heard yet Lloyd.

I've blued a lot of guns but never run into that because I always dunk them in a post blueing solution from Brownells. Haven't blued in a few years and trying to get set back up down here under the bridge.



01-05-2010, 05:11 PM
That is weird for sure. I have owned a few blued Rugers but by far most have been stainless and I haven't seen anything like this yet. I'd venture to say this one was assembled on a Monday morning or Friday afternoon though.