View Full Version : RCBS Pro-Melt

05-27-2006, 09:31 AM
After years of using a plumbing torch, then a Coleman stove and finally a Lee production pot, I just ordered a RCBS Pro-Melt furnace. I hope it’s as good as the price would indicate.

It’s getting harder and harder to convince my wife that I’m doing this to save money.

Bucks Owin
05-27-2006, 11:51 AM
After years of using a plumbing torch, then a Coleman stove and finally a Lee production pot, I just ordered a RCBS Pro-Melt furnace. I hope it’s as good as the price would indicate.

It’s getting harder and harder to convince my wife that I’m doing this to save money.

Best thing to do is to shoot a LOT, keep track of how many hundred rounds you fired, and then show her how much all that shootin' would've cost using "store bought" j-word boolits! :neutral:

Congrats on the Pro Melt. Nice rig!


05-27-2006, 02:05 PM
The RCBS is worth every penny. I have 3 Lee pots, had a Lyman and now I use the RCBS. Just tell your wife, you don't have hobbies to save money, you have them to relax and enjoy yourself and keep you out of trouble. The alternative is to get a red sports car and pick up sleazy blondes. I asked my wife about this and she said as long as the bills are getting paid and you will actually use what you buy then she sees no problem with it. For example some guys buy a metal lathe and try to justify the cost by saying they will save money making their own parts, which almost never happens. But being able to make your own parts just gives you a sense of freedom and accomplishment that you can't set a dollar amount to. Buying good tools instead of cheaper tools is almost always a good idea, even if only justified by pride of ownership.

Maj Tom
06-01-2006, 09:30 PM
I got mine and have never regretted it!

06-02-2006, 01:32 AM
I was fortunate enough to pick one up at a local shop ($30.00) from the estate of a gentleman who passed away. It's in like new condition. I had just purchased a Lee Pot and now won't ever need to use it.

Marshal Kane
06-02-2006, 11:15 AM
I was fortunate enough to pick one up at a local shop from the estate of a gentleman who passed away. Bought one on ebay for $207 plus shipping. The unit was unused as the seller had received two of them as a Christmas gift. I should be so lucky!

06-08-2006, 06:31 AM
After years of using a plumbing torch, then a Coleman stove and finally a Lee production pot, I just ordered a RCBS Pro-Melt furnace. I hope it’s as good as the price would indicate.

It’s getting harder and harder to convince my wife that I’m doing this to save money.

You will not be sorry. I have two of these pots in my shop, and they have served me very well indeed.


06-08-2006, 07:28 AM
i used the rcbs for years, but i like the lyman mould guide better! just drill 2 holes in the base and install... bob

06-08-2006, 01:55 PM
I have two RCBS Pro melts (bought one new when they could be had for $100 and the other from an estate for a really good price. They have done yeoman service (they work good:roll:). I have a friend that has two and they did not get hot enough for him so I showed him how to adjust the thermostat for higher heat (just to get the heat up to the knob's numbers). He is now extremely happy. I use a thermometer and both of my pots are pretty close to the numbers.

However, all of that said, if I had to replace either of mine, I would have to go with the Lee Pro 4-20 simply because of the VERY attractive price. You really cannot beat that price. You can buy four of them to one of the RCBS' units.


Four Fingers of Death
06-09-2006, 02:32 AM
I bought one back in 1986 or thereabouts. Best money I ever spent. Mick.

Lloyd Smale
06-09-2006, 05:23 AM
excellent pot!