View Full Version : notched jackets pt.2

BT Sniper
01-01-2010, 05:29 AM

It seems I'm starting to get the hang of these notched jacket bullets. It has taken me the better part of a year with some thought and lots of experimenting. My previous success involved a 40 S&W seating die with a internial punch I made to notch the jackets. This took severial extra steps to complete the bullet, minimum 4 pulls of the press for me with this system.

Here is the link to the post I made earlier last year. Had to delete the pics but the info is still there for those of you interested how I was able to do it.


All those extra steps was a real killer with the time involved and I knew it had to be possible with on pull of the press using the core seating die. We should be able to seat the core and notch the jacket at the same time. On my fourth attempt I seem to have a desing that does just this. Here is some pics of what I was able to accomplish.

BT Sniper
01-01-2010, 06:05 AM
The pics. I really think nearly anything you can imagine can be done in the design of these bullets. B put it right in that I like to tinker with these things. I think that is what I enjoy most is the challenge. After it is perfected then it is just boring repetition. Many have asked how I make the notches on these jackets, all I can say is get some cheep bolts and a file and then experiment. After I had the proper diameter to fit my core seat die all I used was a file to make the teath necessary to make the notches with. Did take a few tries. What finaly got me on the right track was looking at one of those counter sink tools used to make the wood or metal screws flush with the surface. The large $10 one is HSS with 5 cutting teath. Same design almost as I came up with. That should give you a good idea of where to start on a design idea. Can't give away all my secerets yet :)

here is my first design to fit 40S&W seating die.

Here is one inside the core seat die. Fit needs to be perfect. A bit of a challenge with my lack of expensive machinery but I managed.

Here is my latest (maybe not final but pretty close) bullets I was able to achive with one pull from the core seat die and one to finish in the swage die.


Notice how you can bairly even see the cuts in the jacket after the bullet is formed. Guarantee they will ope allong these cuts and for 5 perfect petels though. hope to give them a try and post results real soon.

My next task will be to make a hollow point just the right size to insert a ski hole plug and then I can have a Horandy critical defense copy in 44 cal.

Good shooting


:Fire: - - - - - -:killingpc

01-01-2010, 09:26 AM
Brilliant. How long did it take to machine that bolt?

BT Sniper
01-01-2010, 01:17 PM
With my improvised tools, probably about an hour to get proper size and fit and a few hours to cut the teath. Might have actually been twice that long first time I tried.

The last one I made still probably took an hour for the interinal punch of the core seat die and an hour or two to cut the teath. Like anything else it is allways quicker the secound , fourth, tenth, etc., etc., time.

Still only have my drill press, vise, dremmil, files and sandpaper for the projects. It can be done. I checked Corbin's sight and recall he had some pics of this same tool and process.

Good shooting,


01-01-2010, 02:17 PM
wow, that is awesome!

01-02-2010, 06:15 PM
Inspirational. I'm beginning to get the swaging bug greater than the plinking bug. :D

BT, do you have a thread where you've detail out your tool kit?

BT Sniper
01-02-2010, 10:24 PM
Tool Kit? Which tools whould you like to see?

For me the swaging bug, paticulary the 40 cal from 9mm has lead me to the plinking bug:)

01-02-2010, 10:46 PM
^a defining of your a fore mentioned "improvised tools" i.e. what you use store bought, store bought modified, completely homemade.

The bummer for me is that I shoot 9mm. So at some point I'm going to have to look in to an equivalent for 9mm. Maybe neck cracked .223 brass or some such.

BT Sniper
01-03-2010, 12:50 AM
Not really a bummer as 9mm can be had for like $55 per 2 or 3 thousand.

01-03-2010, 03:03 AM
Not really a bummer as 9mm can be had for like $55 per 2 or 3 thousand.
I assume you're talking about 9mm brass for reloading? The best I've seen recently is 3cents/case, but perhaps I'm looking in the wrong places.

I referring to what to use for a jacket for 9mm bullet swaging. 32 and 25 auto, I assume the best candidates, aren't the types of cases I expect to find at the range.

BT Sniper
01-03-2010, 04:14 AM

I get it now. Just got to figure out the jacket for a .355ish bullet. Its been done but not as easy.