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View Full Version : Dissappearing threads

12-30-2009, 04:10 PM
I've noticed that in the last year or so, more threads are being taken down. I see one dissappeared today. It's a sad commentary that the mods are backed into a corner and forced to do that.

12-30-2009, 04:13 PM
Are you sure they were taken down?

Maybe they moved to a page beyond your view limit, set in your User CP.

I couldn't find older threads until I set my account to view all.

Hope this helps!

12-30-2009, 04:17 PM
You'll have to clarify that for me. I find no settings on my CP that allows/bars me from certain threads/sections.

12-30-2009, 04:45 PM
or are you refering to threads in the swapping and selling forum? those threads are deleted after 30 day of no action. also some threads get moved to a differnt forum. steve k

12-30-2009, 04:46 PM

Nuking a whole thread is actually a very seldom occurrance here. When it is not feasible/possible to simply remove offending posts and still keep continuity, or the post is just wrong is about the only times a whole thread dissapears. This community is great and it just does not happen a whole lot. It does happen from time to time unfortunately. It is something that is unnavoidable with such a varied and geographically dispersed cast of characters.

When it does need doing Ken's Dude's will do what we must even if we agree or disagree with the subject matter at hand. The only time we have dissappeared a thread it was as a last resort for the good of the group.

Personally I have "dissappeared" only a very few threads here, and I may or may not have had a heavy heart in doing such. Just because I myself am not easily offended and am a bit crude in person does not mean the rest of the group shares my "crudeness". I assure you a thread does not go bye bye without some serious thought on any moderators part. It is not something any of us likes to do, but doing the right thing is seldom easy. Those offending threads only get gone when it is for the greater good of our HOME.

The biggest thing to remember when posting a thread is that all that read these pages are not crumply crude men hiding in their man caves. Women, children, non shooters, and libtards are also viewing our words. What offends some may not offend others. I have offended friends here without even knowing it due to differences in geography and differences in what one person considers friendly jabbing. WE ARE ALL A BIT DIFFERENT HERE, AND WE JUST NEED TO REMEBER THE SIMILAR LOVE OF GALENA THAT IS THE GLUE THAT KEEPS US A FAMILY HERE.

12-30-2009, 04:48 PM
Okay, in your User CP, look on the left for a 'Settings and Options' menu.

Under that click on the 'Edit Options' choice.

Click on it and scroll down to 'Thread Display Options' menu.

In there look for 'Default Thread Age Cut Off' and set it to 'Show all threads'

This should show you all threads since Day One.

12-30-2009, 04:58 PM
Uhhh, yup, I have that set as you described. The thread I'm refering to has dissappeared. I looked through several sections that it might be pertenant to and can't find it.

12-30-2009, 05:02 PM
well jim to my knowlage there was one thread moved today and one post in a thread was removed. so just what thread are you saying dissapeared? steve k

12-30-2009, 05:07 PM

here is the thread you were seeking, I typed 6.5 into the search and it showed up.

never moved: almost got ugly...but never moved.


12-30-2009, 05:15 PM
OK, forgive this computer illiterate old pipefitter, but why can't I find it under the cast boolits section? That's where it's been since day one, I come on today and it ain't there now.

mike in co
12-30-2009, 05:25 PM
well i agree....why is there not link from the orignal post to the new location..????

i'll go chase it down, but it was fine when i left it....

it has had some of the best data on swede shooting that i have ever seen....

it just aint right to hide a thread guys

mike in co

12-30-2009, 05:27 PM
its right where it was in castboolits. hasn't been moved and no one is hideing it right on the first page of threads........steve k

mike in co
12-30-2009, 05:33 PM
its right where it was in castboolits. hasn't been moved and no one is hideing it right on the first page of threads........steve k

i guess it just got pushed down further that (I) expected..and did nto see it..

mike in co

12-30-2009, 05:49 PM
.....hiding in plain sight.....thanks for the laugh fellas...I was needing one of them.

12-30-2009, 06:46 PM
From what I have seen, and done, the most common reason for deleting a thread is that people are selling stuff and don't meet the requirements for selling on this site.


12-30-2009, 07:28 PM
OK, guys, I owe an apology to all parties concerned. When I went to the section, I scrolled down looking for the thread. I didn't see that it was at the top and had been made a sticky. I'm truly sorry for the confusion I created.