View Full Version : Source changes

Charlie Sometimes
12-29-2009, 09:39 PM
Found a new source of free WW's, and potentially pure lead! [smilie=p:

The scrape dealers aren't making it worth their while to take it in, so they are going to save everything for me to come and get just for hauling it away! :bigsmyl2:

God bless them! :cbpour:

My previous :takinWiz:source abandon me for the salesman's discount on new orders- he gets 10% back if he save his old ones to turn in. :groner:

2010 might be looking up.......... somewhat. [smilie=w:

Now, what person in their right mind gets excited about something like this? :lol:

12-29-2009, 10:39 PM
Now, what person in their right mind gets excited about something like this? :lol:

Me! Just shows that there is at least two sane people here huh?

I had a dentist appointment today so while in that part of town I start hitting the tire shops, there were four in that area. First one says "I don't want to be fined or go to jail, it's illegal to give lead away". I just left, no sense arguing with mentality like that. No doubt I'm still in kalifornia.

Second shop, "sure, take whatever I have, I can't use any of them after Friday anyway. (Jan 1st in CA it's illegal to use lead weights) Sadly he only had a 1/2 bucket but I got'em.

Third shop, "sure, whatever I have, take'em" Hhmmm . . . another 1/2 bucket, great. Then he says wait a minute, he starts dumping brand new full boxes of weights into the bucket on top of the used ones and he filled up the bucket, with brand new weights yet. Again, as of Friday he can't use any of them in this state but I would have thought his supplier would buy them back. I was about to mention this to him when I thought, naw, don't want to argue with this kindly gentleman. A half bucket of perfectly clean shiny, all lead, no zinc, no steel weights, now this was something to get excited over.

Fourth shop was the real nut job. He says, sure I'll sell all I have but not until next week, after the first. So I says, how many do you have and how much? He says, a steel drum full and I want $100.00 for it. Thinking about this I figured a 30 gal drum could/should have about 6 buckets so $100.00 isn't realy out of line, less than $17.00 a bucket. So I asked him if I could see this drum. What a sad moment, there wasn't but maybe a bit over a 1/2 bucket in this nearly empty drum. I asked him where's the rest, you said a full drum? Well that's how many I have and I want $100.00 for them. Sad how smelling rubber all day effects the brain, he can keep them, that would work out to roughly $200.00 for a bucket.


12-29-2009, 10:54 PM
Charlie, During good times one should remember their relatives.

Cuz? Larry

12-30-2009, 03:28 AM
The first place I checked today was a pull your own auto parts place. Got sent to an outbuilding where the guy showed me a 55 gallon drum that was 3/4 full of wheel weights. Back to the front to see what they wanted and the desk called the boss who said were keeping them for the recycler. [smilie=b:] The desk guy gave me the bosses phone # but said is was unlikely they would change their mind. Will call tomorrow and see how persuasive I can be.

Second place was supposed to be a radiator shop but was now instead an auto repair place. Of the last 5 radiator shops I have stopped at 4 were closed or converted into other businesses. The 5th one was open, but when I asked about lead they reacted as if I was asking them if they had any spare elephants. "Elephants? Why would we have elephants?"

However at this new auto place I did score 26 lbs of free clippies and they will start saving them for me.

Just for the heck of it I stopped at the Midas shop next door. I figured they welded the exhaust pipes but maybe they did some soldering. Couldn't hurt to ask. Low and behold they showed me a milk crate with a couple inches of clippies. Who knew! I thought they were all exhaust systems and brakes. Said they pretty much fill the milk crate up over a month or two. Talked to the boss and he said it was lunch time and he had a hankering for pizza. So pizza it was. Told me to come back in a couple months with pizza and any new wheel weights were mine.

A good day 72 lbs of wheel weights and 2 new sources. I have a bad feeling though that 55 gallon barrel is going to haunt me tonight.


Charlie Sometimes
12-30-2009, 03:22 PM
It's an awful addiction, ain't it? :lol:

I'm just trying to accumulate as much as possible before they quit making them all together.
I never thought that they would stop using lead for wheel weights.
The only way they could be dangerous is if they spin off going down a highway!
Crazy a$$ enviromentalists (who have probably NEVER been out of the city) have got everyone uptight- them and lawyers.
I figure they would look like you asked for elephants in some places.

Greed will kill the market for a lot of stuff like this- someone who can't tell what a full drum of WW's is (and over prices that), isn't operating a very good business. He probably over charges for everything he does, and will eventually close his business because of it.

Largom- I still haven't looked up that family connection, yet. :lol: :razz:
But, I do try to treat family a little better, no matter how distant. What do you have for tradin'?

12-30-2009, 09:11 PM
It's an awful addiction, ain't it? :lol:

I was a nice normal person just over a month ago. :coffee: I had cast for 357 in the mid 70's, but problems with lube everywhere and a move ended that. I am now reloading for 40sw and 9mm and realized the bullets were ~ 70% of the cost. So a google for casting pots lead to a link to Cast Boolits. Dang you guys! No slippery slope here, it's more like a friction free vertical cliff.

12-30-2009, 10:03 PM
I had allmost beat my addiction to dumpster diving for heavy cardboard tubes and scrap wood... And now I'm a heavy metal junky instead. Dang, the wood and tubes were a lot easier to carry.

12-30-2009, 10:11 PM
I am running into the problem where there is an old retired guy that goes around my entire area once a week and collects all the lead, I have to get there before a guy with no job.

12-31-2009, 01:12 AM
Find that old retired guy and offer him more than he gets from the scrapyards, if thats what he does. He might just be a lead hoarder too. I bet he sells it for extra cash.

12-31-2009, 09:33 AM
imrcy, starbits,:confused: Welcome to the forum!
Now that you have been infected by the
tinzile fairy.
There is no hope for you.
Next you will be dressed in black and
surching the Wally-World parking lot.:veryconfu

12-31-2009, 03:17 PM
I find it a lot easier (and maybe cheaper-since I'm not driving around, buying pizza or beers) to watch the classifieds at various forums and simply buy flat rate boxes containing 60 pounds of alloy for anywhere from $40-60 delivered to my house. No smelting, no propane, etc. Not spending hours driving around searching either.

But certaintly respect your right to be a first class scrounger:)

01-01-2010, 11:16 AM
I find it a lot easier (and maybe cheaper-since I'm not driving around, buying pizza or beers) to watch the classifieds at various forums and simply buy flat rate boxes containing 60 pounds of alloy for anywhere from $40-60 delivered to my house. No smelting, no propane, etc. Not spending hours driving around searching either.

But certaintly respect your right to be a first class scrounger:)

But, I find that scrounging for lead to be part of the fun.:bigsmyl2:
And sometimes you meet the nicest people, except in the wallyworld parking lot:shock:

Charlie Sometimes
01-01-2010, 11:57 AM
The search sometimes leads you into contacts taht prove to be beneficial in other ways- hunting sites, discounted service, new friends, jobs, etc. The potential is endless!

01-01-2010, 12:07 PM
I gave up on scroungeing the tire shops for WW. Was giving $20 a bucket when I found some but usually was told "I have to recycle them", "We use them over"[probably why they fall off], "Another guy buys them for X$". Instead of wasting $ on gas running around I just go to the recycle yard and get what I need for 20 cents/lb. I try to keep around 1000 lb. on hand. I look for lead more than WW. With a couple 100 lb. of lino and monotype on hand ,as well as 100 lb. of tin, I can easly make the alloy I need. I believe good lead will become the hardest thing to obtain in the future.


01-01-2010, 01:36 PM
I usually get lead from scrap yards, but around here they want 40 to 50 a lb.
They pay 5 to 15 a lb.
Put ads on Craigs list and by word of mouth stating I'd pay 20 a lb, and I would pick it up and weigh it, no response.

01-01-2010, 03:34 PM
I usually get lead from scrap yards, but around here they want 40 to 50 a lb.
They pay 5 to 15 a lb.

Earlier I had mentioned I found a 55 gallon drum 3/4 full of wheel weights which was being kept for the recyclers. I had planned on calling and offering to match the recyclers price. Before I called though I called the recycler and asked how much they were paying for used wheel weights. $0.45/lb !!! I asked twice if that was what they would pay me for them. I didn't even ask how much they would charge me for them. I am holding off the the 55 gallon drum for now.

starbits, :confused:Welcome to the forum!

I am a meteorite dealer, buy, sell, and hunt for, and therefor starbits

mold maker
01-01-2010, 04:21 PM
I am running into the problem where there is an old retired guy that goes around my entire area once a week and collects all the lead, I have to get there before a guy with no job.

See here now...
I didn't want to retire...
Finding free lead is the only way I can continue shooting, and I now have to supply my sons with boolits.
If ya just tell me where you are still getting WWs, I'll save ya the travel time.

01-02-2010, 01:23 AM
I am running into the problem where there is an old retired guy that goes around my entire area once a week and collects all the lead, I have to get there before a guy with no job.

It sounds like you live near my brother. LOL. He cranks his smelter up pretty regular and must have tons of ingots by now. He pays his half of our motel bill at the Quigley shoot in lead and we're both happy. 800 pounds of lead definitely changes the way an '06 Impala goes down the road!

I still am not retired, but I walked a couple places on the highway about "a beer away" from the quick shop collecting aluminum cans, etc. to trade for lead. It got me out of the house and away from "she who became my ex-wife." Back in the stone age when cans were $.60 and lead was $.15. We don't want to talk about the 55 gallon drums full of wheel weights at that price that I DIDN'T GET!
