View Full Version : Which mold for 7.62 x 39

12-27-2009, 10:47 AM
Just wondering if there is any advantage or disadvantage between the two Lee molds designed by Mr. Harris for the X39. I've shot some of the standard lube groove 155 gr. GC bullets cast from water dropped WW's a friend gave me and had excellent results.

Since I'm already doing my own 38/357 TL bullets I'm kinda leaning towards the TL design for the X39 also. I have a Yugo and Chinese SKS both have excellent bores,I need to slug them first of the week to find out exactly what the proper bullet fit will be before I order a sizing die if nothing else I will need one just to install the GC with or without resizing the bullet.

I also plan on using GC's,is the standard .308 GC appropriate for the shank on either of these bullets. I'm kinda new at casting rifle bullets and using GC so any info or insight is much appreciated. Thanks Ron

12-27-2009, 11:34 AM
res45, as far as GC's are concerned, standard .30 cal. GC's fit all 'standard' .30 cal. boolits, so, no problems there.
Yes, you do need to slug your bores to get the right fit. The two Lee molds/boolits, I am not sure of, I don't use either one, and don't know the advantage of using either one, because AFAIK, the SKS rifles were never designed(?) to use anything other than 123-125gr. projectiles; I use Lee's 120gr., because I tend to stay with "as issued" bullet/boolit weights.

12-27-2009, 12:06 PM
I just started running cast in my romainian AK. I used the lee TL 160gr boolit with a standard 30 cal gas check. I seated the checks in a .314 sizer that barely touches the top of the tumble lube grooves. I worked up from 11gr of 2400 and settled on 13gr, which worked safely and reliably in my gun. I had zero leading and accuracy was slightly beter than wolf.

12-28-2009, 04:06 PM
Ok I slugged the bore on my Chinese SKS today,as I mention in my first post I have shot some of the Lee conventional lubed .312 GC 155 gr. bullets before they were water dropped WW alloy and sized to .311 and they shot 2" groups at 50 yds.

The bore on the Chinese I slugged twice just to make sure I got the measurements right. Land to land was .300 groove to groove was .312. My question is should I go with the Lee sizer in .311 or just shoot the bullet as cast assuming it will drop out at .312 and just use the Lee .314 sizer to apply the gas check. I plan on using the TL 160 gr. Lee design since all my other Lee molds are TL also just make things easier.

I guess my question is also if the bullet drops at .312 will that be a problem with my bore dimensions since I know the .311 already shoots good. Thanks Ron.

Larry Gibson
12-28-2009, 04:27 PM
Use the .314 sizer. It will crimp the GC and leave the bullets as cast. They will fit the throat (most important) and the groove depth better and be more accurate. I use 25 -27 gr of 4895 with the 155 gr bullet in my SKS and bolt gun 7.62x39. It is a 100% density load and how much depends on the flavor of 4895 (more with H4895, less with milsurp 4895). Regardles of the flavor accuracy is about as good as it will get in an SKS with that bullet.

Larry Gibson

12-28-2009, 04:30 PM
I concur with Larry's powder and load choice and also the bullet sizing. He's dead on there. That's the powder of my choice and I size my bullets .314 for my AR15 and my Yugo SKS. The AR15 has a .3095 groove and the Yugo is .311.


12-30-2009, 04:50 PM
I use the 155 gr lee in my AK and it works fine. I size it to .312 and lube it with 50-50 alox and bees wax. I load 20 gr of AA 5744. This load shoots as well as my jacketed loads and cost a lot less to produce.

12-30-2009, 05:40 PM
Big Brown truck stopped by today,just have to get my molds cleaned up,lubed up and do some casting over the weekend and see how they turn out. I've had good success with the straight alox using two thin coats on my TL 38 bullets,I may cook up some of the alox & JPW TL and try that out also.


Big Dave
12-31-2009, 06:17 PM
I have used the old Lyman 150 gr. bullet that was designed tor the 300 sav. in my ex son in law's SKS and AK 47. It has a short barrel bearing and spitzer nose form so it seats without extending the gas check into the case and feeds well, shot as well as the China FMJ
and made 2 inch groups at 50 yds. Probably could do better with a little development but he and the guns are gone. Miss the guns.

01-07-2010, 08:56 PM
Just a little update on where I'm at,the rds. for the SKS all drop right in no feeding problem still need to do my ladder test on the loads though.