View Full Version : Cheap die improvments

BT Sniper
12-18-2009, 05:02 AM
Been holding off posting these pics as it really made a difference in the performance of the dies I use and felt like the info could be worth somthing so I will leave the brand name blank as it wouldn't be much fun to see them come out with a new and improved version tommorow. OK now that I am threw patting myself on the back (hope I don't come across that way) here is some of my early work on improvment ideas and my first attempts at making anything with my vertical lathe. I must say that my work has improved since these where taken and I'm not sure I even use these examples any more as I had to much fun making them and just had to make better ones.

Here is some pics of booth the factory internial parts and mine next to them layed out in the postion that they would be in the die. The factory part held together with an allen set screw would come loose and fall out the bottom after time. the beveled top where the set screw is in would bell out the threaded stop bolt above it causing problems. So I just made a floating piston of such that would be supported by much stronger and more flat surface area of a standard bolt with the 1/4" hole drilled threw it and the 1/4" bolt used to eject/push down on the whole set up from above to eject the bullet. All the parts I made from bolts purchased from the local hardware store and are still just as good today as when I made them a year ago.

Enjoy the pics. It should help those of you that have never used a swage die before understand the process and for those of you that have maybe give you an idea how to improve it.

For those of you that recognise the dies and possibly have the same brand I have made these improvments with all the calibers and could be convinced to make set for you. I would be happly to pm you some pics of the quality I am able to achive now that I have had a lot more experience since these pics where taken. On a side note I have been able to use wheel weight cores for quite some time now with no detramental effects as long as some caution is used.

Good shooting,

BT Sniper

here is the stock parts

here is what I made to replace them

here is a side by side of the swage die with all the parts

and here is a side by side of the core seat die

12-18-2009, 11:47 AM

You would not believe how many times ai have looked at that small guide lip on the oem part and thought it would be great to have a longer bearing surface to keep things lined up. What you have shown would be a great thing to do.

12-18-2009, 11:56 AM
You rascal, you've just opened up a whole new can of worms for me, after quite a few years of reloading, ended up with bits and pieces and I don't throw away stuff, just goes into a box--maybe some day I can use the parts--well here are the days, diggin time. Got stuff to share when I feel it meets my OK. Now is the time to get my little Atlas lathe put back together.

01-04-2010, 08:38 PM
Any chance you could put those photos back up? looks like they were deleted. Would really like to see your upgrades:mrgreen:

01-05-2010, 12:19 AM
+1 on reposting the pics.

BT Sniper
01-08-2010, 08:13 PM
Well the pics I had where a bit old so I took some better ones.

Notice first the stock ch parts and the problem areas labeled by the small red arrow. I had problems with stripped threads caused by pounding the exector rod. The allen scew would not hold the piece in place and it would fall out bottom of die. The core seat die insert would gall against the opening in the top of die during attempts to eject the bullet. The beveled edge at the base of the ejecting rod would buldge the threaded stop blot causing a bunch of problems. To say the least I had my problems with their design.

Here is my design pictured below theirs.

And here is what I have to offer those that wish to make 40 or 44 cal bullets with one stroke of the press.

With a bit of handy work, a better design, and some stronger components all problems have been solved :). Enjoy the pics. Sorry for the large size as I am having computer dificulties and posting form a backup one with old programs.

Good shooting,


01-08-2010, 11:05 PM
Thank you! From Your pics I see how your parts would make a difference.

01-09-2010, 12:58 AM
Thanks for the pics.

04-11-2013, 09:04 PM
Is there some reason that you keep deleting the pics?Sure would be helpful to the rest of us reading the thread.

Thanks for the pics.

BT Sniper
04-12-2013, 04:22 AM
It was three years ago. Things get moved, things get deleted, stuff happens.....

Your welcome to look threw what is currently in my photo bucket account, there is more then 1,000 pics there of all sorts of good stuff.
