View Full Version : Bullplate.

12-17-2009, 03:49 PM
How long does a stick of BullPlate mold lube last?

12-17-2009, 03:52 PM
It's not a stick, it's a liquid, and for a hobby caster - just about forever! I'm sure Bullshop will chime in on this one. I apply it with a toothpick.

12-17-2009, 04:10 PM
Changeling, a 4oz bottle should last years unless you get the round bottom bottle that tips over easy. I think Daniel had a special batch of bottles made up for us clutzy casters that just have to knock them over.

12-17-2009, 04:24 PM
Changeling, a 4oz bottle should last years unless you get the round bottom bottle that tips over easy. I think Daniel had a special batch of bottles made up for us clutzy casters that just have to knock them over.

I've never even seen it. You guys have talked about it and how great it is so I went to the bottom of this page for instance and clicked on the Bull Shop in there it refers to "Lube and BullPlate as sticks), Are we talking about the same thing? This is the stuff you put on the hinges and sprue plate of the mold to keep it working correctly. I'm sure you know what you're talking about but now I'm confused.
I emailed about getting 3 sticks of Bullplate but never received a reply, maybe this is the reason, they just think I'm nuts.

This is why people who sell things should have pictures, but they are under construction.

Go Here: http://bullshop.gunloads.com/bullshop_website_05_002.htm

12-17-2009, 04:32 PM
I just went to that link, and it say Bullshop Bullplate sprue lube, 4.00/2 0z bottle. Pics would be nice but it seemed clear enough. Once you get it you will like it. I bought 15 bottles a couple of years ago just so I would have a lifetime supply, it's that good. But I do use it in a different bottle with a very small pour spout in case I knock it over, again!

12-17-2009, 04:33 PM
He sells both.

The sticks are lube sticks made with bullplate mixed in it. I'm not sure the lube comes in stick form but is a slap of lube made with a reciepe of bullplate mixed in.

Hope this helps.


Bullplate is in liquid form and is for the molds. I think this is what you are wanting.

12-17-2009, 05:05 PM
Sir I did answer your email but perhaps you have a protective systam that spammed me out. I remember explaining the difference between the liquid bullplate and our boolit lubes.
I answer all email's and all PM's promptly, at least I do my very best to do so.

12-17-2009, 06:14 PM
This is how i use my bull shop sprue plate lube I shake it up & unscrew the lid , place open bottle in a tray i have so i won`t spill it .
I then take a fresh Q tip & clean out the lid & replace lid , then use this thru the castin session or 2

If I dip in the bottle I`ll put too much on !!!!!

12-17-2009, 06:20 PM
I just went to that link, and it say Bullshop Bullplate sprue lube, 4.00/2 0z bottle. Pics would be nice but it seemed clear enough. Once you get it you will like it. I bought 15 bottles a couple of years ago just so I would have a lifetime supply, it's that good. But I do use it in a different bottle with a very small pour spout in case I knock it over, again!

This is what I see: Bullets-up to 40 LB ---$13.50
Lube Sticks (also Bullplate and case lube)
1 ---$2.50

That's basically it, to the left of that is an entire section that is blanked out.
I sure didn't see what you are reporting.

12-17-2009, 06:22 PM
Sir I did answer your email but perhaps you have a protective systam that spammed me out. I remember explaining the difference between the liquid bullplate and our boolit lubes.
I answer all email's and all PM's promptly, at least I do my very best to do so.

Thats probably what happened, it was sent to Spam. Thanks for the reply.

12-17-2009, 07:33 PM
I just went back and now it is different again!

12-17-2009, 08:02 PM
Plus 2 for: "put the lid back on". I put a dab on a Q tip, rotate in on the inside of the neck to remove excess and put the lid on! I think one bottle could last a lifetime (at least mine) and I've cast 50-60,000 bullets. This is great stuff and it's used to lube alignment pins, as well as the bottom of the sprue cutter. A tiny bit goes a long way.

12-17-2009, 09:13 PM
I must have gotten one of those round bottomed bottles. I read all the inf. i could find an about spilling. So i thought if i enlarged the bottom of the bottle. But i needed it now. I know. Ill lightly tighten a small C clamp so its more stable. Don't you know while going about casting, i hit it somehow. Tipped the whole thing over. Fortunately only lost half the bottle.
Bullshop do i have to designate on my next order to get a flat bottom bottle. LOL

12-17-2009, 09:59 PM
Mine hasn't tipped over . . . only need to use it once . . . for each mold, unless your doing a lot . . . covers do work.

Dan can't be standing around you, teaching you how to fine tune your motor skills.;-)

12-17-2009, 10:04 PM
I'm glad I bought several bottles. Somehow I didn't fully tighten the cap on my first bottle and still had it in my hand when I reached out to do something that required raising and rotating my wrist. End result was more than half the bottle running down arm. Sopped up what I could. What's left is more than I'll need for a while plus have backup bottle.

It did relieve my carpal tunnel pains, got rid of a nasty rash, and removed two warts from the effected area while leaving my skin silky smooth... ;-)

12-18-2009, 12:43 AM
Add me to the one's with a round bottomed bottle. The first time I used it I left the cap off but set it on the back of the bench. On the next cast I dropped the boolits on a towel and one bounced off of the towel and knocked the bottle over. Lost half the bottle before I could set it upright.

NOE supplies a tiny bottle of Bullplate as a sample. I now use one of those bottles. It is a tiny squeeze bottle that I can't spill.

This is what I found on the website:

Bullshop Speed Green Lube
2oz Hollow Stick

1 Pound Cake
Bullshop NASA Lube
2oz Hollow Stick

1 Pound Cake
Bullshop Bullplate Sprue Lube
2oz Bottle
Bullshop Bullsize Case Lube
2oz bottle

Question for Dan - What is the case lube like? Is it like Imperial sizing wax to apply with your fingers or an oil to go on a lube pad?

12-18-2009, 01:13 AM
I've never even seen it. You guys have talked about it and how great it is so I went to the bottom of this page for instance and clicked on the Bull Shop in there it refers to "Lube and BullPlate as sticks), Are we talking about the same thing? This is the stuff you put on the hinges and sprue plate of the mold to keep it working correctly. I'm sure you know what you're talking about but now I'm confused.
I emailed about getting 3 sticks of Bullplate but never received a reply, maybe this is the reason, they just think I'm nuts.

This is why people who sell things should have pictures, but they are under construction.

Go Here: http://bullshop.gunloads.com/bullshop_website_05_002.htm

I knew right away when I saw your post that it wasn't because of your confusion between sticks and bottles that you didn't *receive* a reply from Dan, don't ask me how I know that.:oops:

As a note, I understand The Bullshop site exists partially (or mostly) due to some support from our own technical gurus, so not being a megabuck, super-slick hollywood production it maybe lacks a few features yet. But that's fine with me, I get promt and courteous response directly from the owner, and the products would be a bargain at twice the price (now don't get any ideas, Dan!) which is more than I can say for most of the selling sites out there with their huge web and ad overhead.


Bad Water Bill
12-18-2009, 06:32 PM
I just pick up the phone and it is in the mail.

I have used the lube on the molds as suggested but it also works sizing 223 cases down to 20 VT.

Last week my daughter called and said her elderly neighbor could not get her oven door open as the rollers were rusted in place. What kind of an oil can I use that will not smoke up the house but loosen the rollers? Bullplate Lube to the rescue. I dipped a Q tip in the magic round bottomed bottle and let it drip down each side of the rollers. Wow it opens better than when it was new. Dan do you need any more suggestions?

:-):-) IT WORKS:-):-)

12-18-2009, 07:05 PM
I cast on a steel bench. A trip to Wallyworld for some of the self adhesive magnet sheets solved the tipping problem for me. I just cut out a piece the right size and stuck it on the bottom of the bottle.


12-18-2009, 07:24 PM
The first thing I thought when I purchased the BullShop sprue plate lube was my potential misfortune of spilling it. I am what people like to refer me as “a tight wade” (I like to call it frugal at it's finest) so the first thing I did when I purchased this miracle for aluminum molds was open the bottle dip a q-tip in then immediately screw the cap back on. I then sat the q-tip with the sprue lube on a Tupperware lid and started to cast up until I had all cavities with full bases and then applied the sprue plate lube on the mold surface and the underneath side of the sprue plate as well as the alignment pins/sockets. I never had to reopened the bottle during the rest of the casting session as there was more than enough lube on the q-tip to relube at the end of the session. BTW……………this product could be the best dang thing I've ever used for casting; it makes for a casting experience delight.

12-18-2009, 08:37 PM
The bullsize case sizing lube is in a wax form. Use it just like Imperial. I think it has better lubricating quality than Imperial especially for re forming brass.
Round bottom bottles = repeat customers!
Actually the RB bottles are a fluke and hearing of all the grief they have caused we will look for better ones. We only have to use up the remaining inventory of 10,000 RB bottles before we can buy more.

12-19-2009, 12:57 AM
Round bottom bottles = repeat customers!
Actually the RB bottles are a fluke and hearing of all the grief they have caused we will look for better ones. We only have to use up the remaining inventory of 10,000 RB bottles before we can buy more.

Well, there you go, a good winter project. Heat the bottoms of the bottles with a hair dryer, press and squish the bases down on a hard surface and hold them until they cool. Bingo, less tippy bottles. And, before you know it, spring will be here!

12-19-2009, 01:18 AM
Oh, great. Now I gotta try the new product. Bullsize, huh? I need some of that in a big way for a pet brass-forming project. Now, Dan, if you could just get something to regrow hair :bigsmyl2:


Lloyd Smale
12-19-2009, 07:44 AM
his case forming lube is goiing to be a great product. I recently gave just the bullplate lube a try as a sizing lube and it did better then anything ive ever tried. Just a bit messy. In a paste form it would be great.

12-19-2009, 07:49 AM
I've bought so many NOE molds with their sample of Bullplate that I now have a good supply. Makes a GREAT BORE LUBE also. After cleaning run a patch damp with Bullplate thru bore followed with a dry patch. First shot usually on point of aim. This is great stuff.


MT Gianni
12-19-2009, 12:21 PM
I get the best use from a bottle by shaking it and using what stays in the lid when it's opened. Q tips are a casters friend.

12-19-2009, 12:34 PM
The bullsize case sizing lube is in a wax form. Use it just like Imperial. I think it has better lubricating quality than Imperial especially for re forming brass.



I just sent you some money for a bottle of Bullplate and a container of BullSize lube. I was figuring, based on Lloyd's post, that the case lube would be liquid and I'd use it on my RCBS pad.

But a solid? Hot DOG!

Can't wait to try it.
