View Full Version : Update Magma MK5

12-10-2009, 03:46 PM

I recently purchased two used Magma MK5 bullet caster machines with air system. They are without speed control on the motors.
The manufacture gives 2400 round per hour at 110v/60Hz.
I am using 220V/50Hz power and I can cast about 1900 round per hour.

I developed my own microprocessor for lead dosing and changed the motors, added additional fans and heaters and the productivity reached 4500 per hour.

My question is if the new MK7 uses mechanical control (with mill-cog) and if I can see how MK7 works on video will be great.

Thank you

12-10-2009, 07:24 PM
Ivo I've got the same machine and was kicking around that updating idea , couple questions , for adjusting pour time do you have to go into the plc program to change it ? or did you come up with a manual adjustment and what motor set-up did you do to ?

12-10-2009, 08:22 PM
My MK5 has only mechanical adjustments, but I developed whole new microprocessor block which controls all the times and allows me to increase the speed. I also changed the motor with new one in order to get more RPM out of it. I believe that with this new microprocessor block I can reach 5000 rounds per hour.

I have no idea how this is set with MK7 - the times are mechanical or electronic controlled but will be nice to know