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View Full Version : Bullet schematics, are there any?

12-03-2009, 05:49 PM
I have been to RCBS, LBT, and others looking at bullets but what I find upsetting is that none of them provide a schematic so one can actually know what size things are. About the only thing you get is a one liner saying "Great Bullet", or "Accurate Bullet, good grief is that any way to show your product to potential buyers? Is there a legal reason, are they afraid of someone copying it, what gives.

I am a BIG fan of Veral Smith and his line of bullets, but have you ever looked at the pictures on his website? They look like 10th generation copies out of a copying machine that is being shaken.
Some of the others are not even actual pictures just a general computer generated image!

Does this bother anyone else besides me? What the heck is wrong with these manufactures?

Sorry to rant, but it's a real PITA.

12-03-2009, 06:11 PM
Go to http://www.mountainmolds.com/ and design what you want.

12-03-2009, 10:53 PM
I have been to RCBS, LBT, and others looking at bullets but what I find upsetting is that none of them provide a schematic so one can actually know what size things are...

That's because it varies... :mrgreen:

Moulds are like the guns we shoot-- they are mass produced on (worn out) high speed machinery operated by genetically defective trolls. And just like the guns themselves, we frequently have to go through a few to find "a good one," and even then we can expect to hone and/or polish 'em out a bit.

In other words, the next time you're at the range and you see some guy throwing lead into a 1/2" at 300 yards, I can guaran-damn-tee it's not with equipment that rolled straight off the line. To get the guilt-edged quality and the accuracy that comes as a result, we have to do a lot of the work ourselves.

12-03-2009, 11:49 PM
If they had drawings of the boolits they would have to make the cherries and molds
to the drawings and that would be inconvenient. SO ---- ANYTHING that Lyman says
is a 429421, is BY DEFINITION, a 429421 even though it may be way different than
1) what Elmer intended
2) what Lyman built for the previous two or three years
3) the last cherry made
4) the next cherry to be made.

If they actually HAVE drawings, they sure have used really wide tolerances at least
some of the time.

Sad to say all of this. I have seen 429421s with a .020 (estimated from photo) front
driving band ! The molds have drifted a lot over the last 90-100 years.

Now the good news. All of the 358429s and 429421s that I have seen that were produced
recently looked very close to the original Keith design. Not perfect, but square bottomed
lube groove, pretty close to three identical driving bands, pretty normal looking nose
profile. Not sure how they are holding diameters, but the classic Keith molds are at least
LOOKING pretty good these days.

12-04-2009, 04:10 PM
Thanks to all for there responses. I guess I'm just to naive. I figured a company advertising something could make it. However I forgot about the things I have bought that were made in China and other places except the US.

I think I will keep dealing with Veral Smith at LBT. He came through on everything he advised me on, never refused to answer a question and he is in the US and does his work in the US, and guarantees his work in the US.

I don't know where my mind must have been, after all the money/time/work in a revolver/pistol and to quibble over $50.00 bucks or so additionally is ridiculous on the heart of the gun, the projectile. He might charge more but look what you get for your money. I should have known better.

12-05-2009, 02:12 AM
Thanks to all for there responses. I guess I'm just to naive. I figured a company advertising something could make it....

Hey, you're not alone; hope springs eternal. Every now and then I find myself at the Burger King expecting to get a thick, juicy sandwich like the one I saw on TV... :?

12-05-2009, 05:59 PM
Hey, you're not alone; hope springs eternal. Every now and then I find myself at the Burger King expecting to get a thick, juicy sandwich like the one I saw on TV... :?

I know exactly what you mean, wait till you try one of there new "tiny" burgers they are touting for a Buck, or maybe you shouldn't! I wouldn't want to expose a woman to that nasty taste.

12-05-2009, 11:39 PM
Worth a try buying the latest Keith designs from Lyman. It appears as if they have
taken the criticism to heart and in the last 5 yrs or maybe more, moved back to
the original Keith configuration, at least much better than some that they have
put out. Now - diameter, I have no idea what is common, but I have what I believe
to be a fairly recent 429421 double cavity that has a good diameter (.430 or more, just
works fine) and has the flat bottomed lube groove and close to three equal length
driving bands.

They really have drifted all over the map at various times, tho. You have to shake your
head in amazement at some of the molds that are out there which are very different
than the original designs.
