View Full Version : Range Box Plans

12-03-2009, 03:05 PM
Looking to put together a Range Box for shooting my Sharps ....
Anyone know of some plans for home construction, wouln't have to be anything fancy at this point. Just a utility grade pine would do ok for now. Chris

12-03-2009, 03:20 PM
To me that would be going to a lot of work when I could go to Wallyworld or K Mart, and buy some sort of a tool box that would work quite well. But then again, thats just me!

Lead pot
12-03-2009, 07:59 PM
If your like me, you will most likely spend more money on fittings and lumber by cutting the boards short two or three times.
I know the Wyoming outlaw that builds this fine boxes.
There well worth the money and they look very good.


12-03-2009, 09:05 PM
I'd guess that Dale53 or Greenfrog can be of some assitance here.


12-04-2009, 03:08 AM
Nothing like building it yourself no matter the cost to what you can buy it for. I've built many things that cost as much as what you could buy it for and more!
But I look at it this way, I have a lot time into it , it's built better, (Maybe) just like looking at my handy work.

12-04-2009, 10:33 AM
I'd sure like to see those plans also! Plastic tool boxes for a Sharps! SACRILEGE!!!

12-05-2009, 04:29 PM
in the back of his books croft barker has shooting box plans for sale for $10.00 and it is a very good looking box. for what you paid for it, bubba.

12-05-2009, 08:31 PM
in the back of his books croft barker has shooting box plans for sale for $10.00 and it is a very good looking box. for what you paid for it, bubba.

Thanks Bubba! I will look into it for sure!!! Chris

12-15-2009, 10:38 PM
I have an unused but perfectly servicable hand truck. It has nice 10" baloon tires.

I expect I could haunt Loews or Home Depot and with a few scraps of wood and plywood come up with a decent range box on wheels that would fit nicely into the back of my trusty F150.

It would only carry 3 rifles and a brace of handguns, ammo, cleaning rods, cleaning materials, nice cooler for adult beverages and some food. I of course always leave the cell phone and blackberry in the cab of the truck TURNED OFF.

When I am out recreating I do not make nor receive messages or calls.

I have found some inspiration and a new project always cheers me up. Photos to follow.