View Full Version : My Redneck Smokehouse

12-02-2009, 09:49 PM
The good Lord blessed me with a mule deer over the weekend and I decided to turn about half of it into jerky. Now I do not have a smokehouse in my backyard, so I took the homemade cargo trailer, cut a hole in the side and hooked up the BBQ pit with roof flashing tin rolled up like stove pipe. Wahoo, it worked! I strung the seasoned meat on cotton twine and hung it up on nails from the roof then cranked up the fire. I thought all of you would enjoy seeing a photo or two of this!

12-02-2009, 11:40 PM
And it is portable too! I am constantly amazed by the ingenuity of the people on this board. If they need it, they will find a way to make it. Good job 1874Sharps!

12-03-2009, 02:21 AM
Good job 1874Sharps!


How many pounds of meat and how long did it take to smoke??
What type typeof wood chips did ya use???

12-03-2009, 03:48 PM

Thanks for the encouraging words! I put almost half of the mule deer meat (around 40 pounds) into the "smokehouse". It just started the smoking process yesterday afternoon and will probably take a couple more days since the temperature is now taking a dive. Heavy smoke and lower temperatures ought to work out just fine. That is better than too high internal temperatures. I prepared the meat by marinading in terryaki and Montreal Steak Seasoning, then stringing it up with cotton twine so that the top of the lower piece was just lower that the bottom of the piece above it. That way there was much room for all the meat (as if there would not have been in a trailer with any other method!). South Texas mesquite wood is being used for the smoke, which is a great hardwood for BBQing.

12-03-2009, 08:35 PM
If you'd like, go to this site for tips on smoking meat


milsurp mike
01-15-2010, 10:37 PM
I have smoked lots of Venison over the years with an old gutted Fridge.I have found that you need a little smoke and 165 degrees.To much smoke will over power the flavor of your Meat.I also cure my meat with curing salts first to make sure it doesnt spoil during the smoking process.Good luck and Let us know how it turns out.Mike

03-05-2010, 01:43 PM
Like milsurp mike I've built a couple out of old fridges. You need to find the old metal lined ones so you retian the insulation in the walls. They work good for smaller batches. I do hot pepers every year in it.