View Full Version : 475 Linebaugh Boolit Recommendations

11-29-2009, 11:42 PM
I have a SS Ruger Bisley converted to a 5 shot 475 Linebaugh with a 5 1/2 in. barrel.

I've shot Speer 400 gr Gold Dot SP under 25 gr of Lil Gun producing one jagged hole at 25 yards and reliable hits on quart milk jugs at 50 yards. Accuracy seems consistent with what 44man and dubber123 have shown is possible with their FA guns.

I'm looking for recommendations on a 400 to 420 gr boolit that is accurate (reliably hit within a 6 in. diam circle) out to 100 yds. I've mostly shot paper with the gun, but if I get comfortable with it (as in keeping my eyes open while I squeeze the trigger), I might try it on hogs and black bear. No plans for larger game with it. Yet.

Other than the Lee and RCBS moulds, it looks like I might have to either go custom or with an LBT. Any thoughts on gas checks? Time for a group buy?



11-30-2009, 12:47 AM
The Lee 400 gr shows good accuracy and it is PB, saves money for GC's. It likes 26.5 gr of 296 or 15 gr of HS-6 with a Fed 155 primer. I use Felix lube on it.

11-30-2009, 02:16 AM
The Lee 400 gr shows good accuracy and it is PB, saves money for GC's. It likes 26.5 gr of 296 or 15 gr of HS-6 with a Fed 155 primer. I use Felix lube on it.
What type of alloy do you cast this in?

11-30-2009, 04:30 AM
If the conversion is a quality job, about anything you stick in it will meet your accuracy requirements. The .475 is very easy to work with. I prefer 400+ gr. boolits. If you get a good copy of the Lee boolit 44man mentioned, it will shoot inside an inch at 50 yds, and works well even at very low speeds. I don't consider it the best choice, but bang for the buck, it can't be beat. All I have ever shot is straight WW with a little tin added.

Lloyd Smale
11-30-2009, 07:41 AM
for standard over the counter molds ive had good luck with both the lee 400 rf and the rcbs 400 swc

11-30-2009, 07:57 AM
If the conversion is a quality job, about anything you stick in it will meet your accuracy requirements. The .475 is very easy to work with. I prefer 400+ gr. boolits. If you get a good copy of the Lee boolit 44man mentioned, it will shoot inside an inch at 50 yds, and works well even at very low speeds. I don't consider it the best choice, but bang for the buck, it can't be beat. All I have ever shot is straight WW with a little tin added.

What do you consider to be the best choice?

I've been looking at Mountain moulds, but I don't have enough experience to design a bullet from scratch. Some of the posts on .475 accuracy show impressive results for LBT boolits. Some mould makers claim a LFN is more accurate at distances of 100 yds. than WFN. Likewise with gas checks. I think a number of posts on Cast Boolits might dispute this advice.


11-30-2009, 10:40 AM
What do you consider to be the best choice?

I've been looking at Mountain moulds, but I don't have enough experience to design a bullet from scratch. Some of the posts on .475 accuracy show impressive results for LBT boolits. Some mould makers claim a LFN is more accurate at distances of 100 yds. than WFN. Likewise with gas checks. I think a number of posts on Cast Boolits might dispute this advice.

Don't believe it, I shoot to 500 meters with my WFN and a WLN. I make my boolits a minimum of water dropped WW's and for even better accuracy I add antimony and tin to WW metal.
By the way fellas, I don't have a Freedom, my friends do but I use a BFR and Whitworth has a converted SRH. Now with my BFR and my 420 gr WFN, 26 gr of 296 is perfect but Marko's twist is slower so he uses 1/2 gr more powder.
We size .476" and use Felix lube. This boolit also shoots fantastic from the Freedom, breaking 1" at 50 yards.
These are the boolits I use. The left one is my design, 420 gr, 80% meplat. The target is 5 shots at 50 yards and the can was shot twice at 100 yards with this boolit. Anyone is free to copy it.
I shoot it at 1329 fps. It is a HAMMER.
I forgot, two of the other boolits are my design too and I made the molds. One is the Lee. That gas check boolit only shoots super tight at the sticky case point and I reduce the powder 1/2 gr. Groups open just a little.

11-30-2009, 08:06 PM
What do you consider to be the best choice?

I've been looking at Mountain moulds, but I don't have enough experience to design a bullet from scratch. Some of the posts on .475 accuracy show impressive results for LBT boolits. Some mould makers claim a LFN is more accurate at distances of 100 yds. than WFN. Likewise with gas checks. I think a number of posts on Cast Boolits might dispute this advice.


I would consider a boolit with around 80% Meplat about ideal as far as nose width. Weight would probably be in the 400-425 grain range. I have had much better luck shooting at full power with gas check designs. 44man gets by fine without them, I don't know how. :roll: The Lfn Vs. Wfn debate is left to better shots than me if you can see a real difference. I haven't shot my Wfn's past 200 meters, but they shoot very well.

I admit to likeing the looks of the Lfn better. My "nice" moulds are LBT's, and I cannot imagine a better casting mould, but you will pay for it. That said, within it's useable velocity range, (to me), the Lee shoots just as good. My only real gripes with the Lee are a tiny crimp groove, and small lube grooves. As far as Mountain Moulds, it's not hard, pick your diameter, nose length, Meplat, (around 80%), and weight. GC or PB, and theres your boolit. Good luck.

12-01-2009, 12:04 AM
I too hate the Lee crimp grooves but I have to admit that they have caused no problems.
I also see no difference in my dead deer when I use a WFN or WLN.
My WFN PB shoots so well that I just stay with it for all my shooting and hunting.
What is surprising is the narrow base band that goes against all that is said. I have no idea why it works so well. The boolit was guess work from the start. I have no drawings, never plotted anything, just cut on the lathe what looked good.
Dumb luck if you ask me how I figured it. :bigsmyl2:
We sent some to Jack Huntington and he said it is the perfect boolit.

12-01-2009, 08:11 PM
You need to market that boolit! You could get rich and we could all own the perfect boolit.

Thanks for all the information. I consider the .475 kind of overpowered for deer. I'm pretty happy with .45 colt and 44 mag performance on that size game. I'm hoping to get proficient enough with my new gun to try hunting larger / more dangerous game (with rifle backup). Like I said, if I can't hit a 6 in. circle at 100 yds with it, I'd probably prefer a rifle. I'll just keep practicing, and honing my casting skills.

I did notice that Montana Bullet Works has a good variety of 475 boolits using LBT, Lee and RCBS molds. Might be a way for me to try be fore settling on a mold.

12-01-2009, 09:12 PM
You need to market that boolit! You could get rich and we could all own the perfect boolit.

Thanks for all the information. I consider the .475 kind of overpowered for deer. I'm pretty happy with .45 colt and 44 mag performance on that size game. I'm hoping to get proficient enough with my new gun to try hunting larger / more dangerous game (with rifle backup). Like I said, if I can't hit a 6 in. circle at 100 yds with it, I'd probably prefer a rifle. I'll just keep practicing, and honing my casting skills.

I did notice that Montana Bullet Works has a good variety of 475 boolits using LBT, Lee and RCBS molds. Might be a way for me to try be fore settling on a mold.

I find the .475 just right for just about everything. Not overpowered as there are no degrees of dead! I can attest to the fat that 44man's 420 grainer is perfection......

12-01-2009, 10:02 PM
hell, i don't even own a 475...yet... but i'm throwing out the obvious here, as i've been reading everything i can on the 475, and this just seems so logical, it's inescapable.

44man...shoot me with one of your perfected slugs if i'm out of line here, but i'm sure i'm not the only one wondering-would 44man like to offer his design to a selected manufacturer and submit it for a group buy by the site members here? i'm sure i'm out of line, as i'm a noob here, but not a noob, by any means, to the sport-just had my attention diverted by other hobbies for the last 10 years. hell, i haven't fired up my pot yet, it's still in storage, but i've been shooting almost every weekend possible for the last six months to try to get my eyes and hands back in good tune. and i'd drag the pot out and get a bfr right now if i knew i had something to look forward to, such as a proposal like this.

so...whaddya think, guys, can we talk the 'man' into this or is this just a pipe dream gone awry?

12-02-2009, 11:06 AM
hell, i don't even own a 475...yet... but i'm throwing out the obvious here, as i've been reading everything i can on the 475, and this just seems so logical, it's inescapable.

44man...shoot me with one of your perfected slugs if i'm out of line here, but i'm sure i'm not the only one wondering-would 44man like to offer his design to a selected manufacturer and submit it for a group buy by the site members here? i'm sure i'm out of line, as i'm a noob here, but not a noob, by any means, to the sport-just had my attention diverted by other hobbies for the last 10 years. hell, i haven't fired up my pot yet, it's still in storage, but i've been shooting almost every weekend possible for the last six months to try to get my eyes and hands back in good tune. and i'd drag the pot out and get a bfr right now if i knew i had something to look forward to, such as a proposal like this.

so...whaddya think, guys, can we talk the 'man' into this or is this just a pipe dream gone awry?
I will send anyone a few boolits to do what you want, Just call it the .475 JM. Be aware the mold needs to cast at least .476". PM me and I will send you some.
If there is a mold maker here, he is also welcome to have some.

12-02-2009, 11:58 AM
you are generous to a fault, in both the volume and quality of real world data and information you provide on a day/day basis. i'll take you up on your offer. pm to follow. any suggestions on a mold maker who'll deliver the quality we'd all expect?

12-02-2009, 11:57 PM
I'd be in for a mold from NOE or BRP in 44man's design. I have a BFR in 475 as well.

44man - What is the nose length on your 420 WLN bullet? I'm just curious if you made it longer to use up some of the real estate in the BFRs cylinder?

12-03-2009, 12:54 AM
I'd be in for a mold from NOE or BRP in 44man's design. I have a BFR in 475 as well.

44man - What is the nose length on your 420 WLN bullet? I'm just curious if you made it longer to use up some of the real estate in the BFRs cylinder?
I am upstairs now but will measure it tomorrow. It fits a Freedom with some room to spare.
No need to extend a boolit in the cylinder until it gets heavier. Velocity is good and accuracy as good as it gets.

12-03-2009, 10:26 AM
OK, the nose length is .355", length of boolit is .925" and a loaded round is 1.760".
I get 1329 fps where it is accurate.

12-03-2009, 01:31 PM
I'm getting ready to cut another 475 cherry here tomorrow in fact. It's got a "640" nose style with a 0.320" meplat. Crimp grooves are set for 0.360, 0.430, and 0.500 nose lengths. Diameter is to be 0.478 on the driving bands and 0.476 on the nose. Weight is 400 grains and OAL is 0.920.

12-03-2009, 07:17 PM
I'm getting ready to cut another 475 cherry here tomorrow in fact. It's got a "640" nose style with a 0.320" meplat. Crimp grooves are set for 0.360, 0.430, and 0.500 nose lengths. Diameter is to be 0.478 on the driving bands and 0.476 on the nose. Weight is 400 grains and OAL is 0.920.
That should be a good one.