View Full Version : Short barreled 336

11-27-2009, 06:05 PM
I was picking up a few things in the gun shop today, and saw a 16" barreled 336 in 30-30. I don't think it is factory, but the work was well done for sure. Anyone had experience with barrels this short in 30-30, and how do you like them. It was a pretty handy rifle!

11-27-2009, 08:25 PM
I have a Winchester 94 Angle Eject Trapper in 30-30. This short limbed beauty is a kick to carry and a joy to shoot especially with Cast Boolits. Marlins are great rifles and the marauder (16") style is real popular. A fellow at the range last Tuesday had one that he had cut down from 24". (I think he said that the crown was cone shaped.) His targets made me want to hide mine. These Marlins can shoot.
If you listen real close, in the quiet of the evening, I'll bet you can actually hear that rifle calling you -- begging you to take it home. I doubt that you'd be sorry. Helice

11-27-2009, 11:12 PM
Have a friend in VT that carries a cut down .35 Rem in case of bears on his sugar runs in the spring. Says he loves the handiness of his./beagle

Southern Son
11-28-2009, 01:49 AM
There is one on the Australian Used Guns site. Got a foreward mounted scope and a 17.5 inch barrell. If it was a .44mag or 35Rem I would have bought it. I reckon the muzzle flash would be pretty spectacular with rifle calibres in a barrell that short. I know the 94 Winchester I had with a 20 inch barrell in 30/30 was great. You could see the flames through the scope when you shot it at night.

11-29-2009, 12:08 AM
I have a pre-AE 94 30-30 Trapper that I love. It is handy and shoots as well as the 20 inch barreled carbines I have. I must admit that I shoot the 20 inch 94 more as it is my truck gun and is always with me.

11-29-2009, 12:28 AM
don't see why it would not shoot good,the Contender's in that caliber shoot real good.
You really oughtta buy it and give us a range report. :)

Baron von Trollwhack
11-29-2009, 10:33 AM
I do believe that Marlin made some 16" 336 leverguns. See www.35cal.com


12-02-2009, 12:41 AM
Here's a couple of my short Marlins. Top is a 30-30 with a 17.5 in barrel. Bottom is a 35 Rem at 18 inches. I cut them just behind the groove in the barrel for the barrel band screw. Both are great shooters and very handy in the blinds with the shorter barrels. And yes, they do throw some flame from the short tubes.


Southern Son
12-02-2009, 05:10 AM
Sweet lookin shooters, Denver. I am trying to decide on a lever gun at the moment and a 336 in 35Rem is the current front runner (will probably change again later today).

12-02-2009, 10:54 AM
Sweet lookin shooters, Denver. I am trying to decide on a lever gun at the moment and a 336 in 35Rem is the current front runner (will probably change again later today).

If the 35 Rem is available to you, grab it. You won't regret it at all. Mine is a 50s vintage with 7 groove Ballard rifling and shoots cast boolits very well, but the micros will shoot just as well with the proper loads.


12-02-2009, 11:06 AM
I do have a Marlin .35 Rem. that shoots very well indeed. It shoots the RCBS 35-200, and the Hornady 200 RN to the same point of impact at 100 yds. and both loads shoot easily well under 2" groups.

C A Plater
12-04-2009, 08:13 AM
You can still get a stainless "Trapper" 336 with a 16½" barrel through Davidson's. I really like the one I have and would snap up another if they made it in .35 Remington.

12-04-2009, 10:41 AM
Marlin marauder, been out of production for many years. made in 30-30 and 35 remington.
had one of the 35's, the muzzleblast would take your ears off.


12-04-2009, 11:45 PM
Would you like to donate the address of that store? I gave my 30-30 to my brothers boy. I used the one my uncle gave me untill it came up missing (party 24 years old several things came up gone). I bought his 10 years ago and gave it to him last Christmas it is nearly new. They will be here at 5 am to hunt my land for his first deer. I dont care how long the barrel is get it, you may need to give it to a youth one day.